How do you fully cook the white on both sides without overcooking the yolk?
Fried Eggs
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Reduce heat.
This. And use your butter to baste the white. You can also puncture the white and let it glue itself back together.
um, pretty easily, the white takes considerably less time to cook
Over easy
Add a tablespoon of water and put a lid on it.
Opposite approaches. Both work. Really op there is a thousand ways to do this right. How dumb are you
deep fry them
I always do over easy and my yolk always hardens while the white is still almost runny
How well does that actually cook the top side? I need it well done like the white in the pic. I will try it though, thanks for the tip
What temp is your pan on?
around medium
I tried frying eggs in ~1 inch of oil. It was not a good idea
Never heard of that before, but it sounds neat. How exactly are you supposed to do it?
Around medium? Dafuq. Never do above medium. You may have to go a little under medium depending on your pan. Eggs cook perfectly in butter so if your butter smokes or browns quickly it's too hot.
I use an iron skillet with some evoo and heat it to medium low then add the egg, cover and in about 2 minutes the white has set nicely and the yolk is perfectly runny and no brown spots. It slides out of the pan without sticking as well.
use a spoon to drip some hot oil over the white
cheapo nonstick skillet
1/2 teaspoon of oil per egg
medium heat, reduced to medium-low at the time of the flip
>get a chip pan full of fat
>remove the basket
>crack egg directly into pan
>give it a few minutes
Wigan fried egg
I'm sure there are other methods, but being from the north of england this is the one I am familiar with.
And yes, if you don't get it right, or forget to remove the basket it makes a hell of a mess.
Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, cholesterol on the everywhere.
This is how commercial kitchens do it. And to cook the tops they never get turned over, but the hot fat is spooned/splashed over them instead.
>sunny side up
>not enjoying poached egg instead
separate the yolk and white, fry the white until almost done. Place yolk on top of the white, splash of water in pan and cover for 30 seconds. salt the yolk. Serve. WA LA.
I cook the egg on max temp, with half cm of oil, wait for the oil to get hot, then put the egg on the pan, to cook the white on top y use the cooking instrument i have in my hand to put the egg a bit aside in the pan then start shoveling hot oil on top of it, it cooks the white very good but the yolk is still liquid.
Liquid yolks are fucking gross
Put in a tablespoon of water and cover
Don't flip
look at this man
look at this man and laugh
What's the appeal
tastes like shit when it's solid
I like to dip bread in it
The question is...why the fuck would you want your whites to be that overcooked? They take on a distinct plastic texture when they're like that.
You can watch the white congeal. You generally want to turn the heat off when you notice it because you're gonna want to plate it as soon as the yolkgoes whiteish.
The greasy plasticky feel is the worst
This is what i meant with my comment, good video.
cover it with oil when the bottom of the egg is already cooked
I fried an egg yesterday and there was this little grey blob in the yolk. It was very small but was a bean shape
...that was an embryo wasn't it??
Lower the temperature if you're getting crispy edges and very soft interiors. Cook the egg in oil or butter, and spoon the hot fat over the white. Cover the pan with a lid to help the white set via steam. You may not need to flip, but you can.
stovetop to broiler is the best method to accomplish that (not hard), but my lazy ass usually just puts some water or ice for steam and cover it with a lid
Aaaaaand you're fat.
there is no need to flip it
nah, you wanna do that, make every egg you eat a Scotch egg
the secret to a proper fried egg is you essentially end up poaching them in butter.
I'm stunned at how people seem to actually like eggs
I use them as a liquid protein to bind things together, and as some kind of a nutritional filler to round out my meals
people actually enjoy eating just an egg?
You're a broken human.
>use your butter to baste the white
this idea appealed to me at first but then I thought how much butter are you cooking your eggs in exactly
>at the time of the flip
please tell me you got pics
what, you don't fry them both sides?
First, butter isn't unhealthy if you're keeping track of the calories. Second, unless you're pouring all the cooking butter in the pan over the cooked egg, only so much sticks to a single egg. I'd have to guess less than one tablespoon. Third, this is the traditionally accepted classic cooking technique for fried eggs. It has always been done this way. Crack an old cookbook.
Yea no shit what the fuck is this? What retards cook eggs like this?
I fry eggs in butter on fairly low heat. When I turn it over, it's only about a minute before it is time to plate the eggs.
because you spooned hot oil over your egg? are you guys fucking retarded?
fanks tham
Because you essentially deep fry your eggs which says a lot about how you cook in a broader way. It's okay to be offended if I struck a nerve.
This is awful. Might as well have your toast served with a 1.5 mL shot of olive oil. Look at it sop all over the plate, disgusting.
Just blot it with paper towel :^)
It was Kenji. He's a good guy but I had to laugh my ass off at the stuck egg in a gallon of oil.
Veeky Forums can't into spanish fried eggs.
Colour me surprised.
crack it before your oil/butter & pan is fully heated.
Wait till the bottom of the egg is crispy then pop it in the toaster to finish
Since when is olive oil a bad thing? Also, there's bread right there to soak up the good healthy olive oil.
Did you know that olive oil, when consumed with carbs, will prevent a huge insulin spike?
Cold olive oil is good, but isn't heated up olive oil bad for you though?
The editing in this makes me angry.
Olive oil has been proven to be unhealthy. It is loaded with Omega 6 fatty acids. We need Omega 3s.
lower temperature and pop the whites around the yolk to thin it out after cracking in the pan . wa la
>burnt to shit whites
>raw yolks
absolutely fucking disgusting
It's horrendous. Crispy, overdone, rubbery whites are NOT pleasant. They over-fry eggs in Latin American countries as well, I hate it.
Egg white should be just set enough to be solid, without any slimy, underdone parts, and minimal browning. They should be very tender, not crispy and tough. Yolks should be to preference (I like them runny).
This would probably be the best method for OP. I just fried up a couple using this method.
I usually fry eggs on low heat.
This says to use medium high heat, but the whites started puffing up and burning almost immediately after they hit the pan.
On the plus side, they cooked fast. Like, 45 seconds.
The yolks were still okay though.
Medium whites are ok, but almost liquid white is just gross, I like my eggs to have some consistency.
OP, just turn the egg for a few seconds
>Put egg in not so hot, not so cool frying pan with a little bit of oil
>Let it sit for a little bit until the white is solid enough to handle, you can put a lid to speed things up
>If confident, turn the egg upside down for a few seconds
>Turn over in your plate to eat.
You'll get something like this where the outside is cooked but the yolk is pretty runny.
This is by far the easiest and quickest method.
>I always do over easy and my yolk always hardens while the white is still almost runny
Use a lower temp. I usually start the pan at around medium, then once I've got the eggs on the pan I lower the temp a little. Flip well before you think the white is almost ready. Those shits cook fast.
What the fucking fuck is with westerners and undercooking their eggs? Gordon ramsay and his fucking gloppy semen scrambles.
Yellow should be molten to just solid. Whites should be starting to take on a bit of golden brown. ya'll fuckers eat some raw nasty snot balls
Turn it faster.
Baste it with lots of vegetable oil
>try to flip my egg
>refuses to be properly leveraged
>finally get under it and give it a spin
>it lands on the yolk, fucking EXPLODES and the yolk immediately becomes harder than your mothers nipples on a cold christmas day, completely and utterly ruined all over the frying pan
>down some bourbon and cry
>finally get under it and give it a spin
Don't use a spatula. Flip it in the pan. Practice with a slice of bread.
can u be my dad
>ameritards here flip their eggs
The issue here can be avoided if you fuckers would just scramble your eggs. Holy shit the runny meme needs to stop. Runny yolks taste like shit. Just scramble the eggs so they can consistent and cook at the same pace. Only you god forsaken retards can fuck up eggs this badly
put the lid on and turn down the heat once the bottom of the white solidifies
stfu faggot, if you're unable to appreciate eggs in all of their forms then you shouldn't be on ck.
how do you do the pan flip without breaking the yolk
Use a little oil and crack the egg in the pan. Use pretty low heat. Cover it with a plate or cover. After a little, flip the egg carefully and repeat. A little splash of water can help it cook quicker without turning up the heat and drying it.
You dont. Your pic is way overcooked. You sound like a yank who freaks out if his eggs arent rubbery or burnt.
The whites are the shitty part, the runny yolk is the best part of the egg.
>Runny yolks taste like shit
non stick pan, fry it on one side then flip, and take it off after maybe 5-10 seconds.
Do not break the yolk
never season your eggs until you're just about to take it off the pan
it breaks down the structure of the egg and lessens the taste if you season it too early
i use a lighter to cook the top while its on my plate
fatass americans who can't go a meal without eating fat and cholestorol detected
egg yolk is disgusting and only fat people willingly eat it
sorry about your eating disorder
you stop being stubborn and make a french omelet
whites are literally tasteless though, whenever I have soldiers I literally throw the whites in the garbage when I'm done
>going from "I don't like them runny" to "eating them at all is disgusting"
oh shit nigga what are you doing
Tearing the white appart and spreading it over the orifices is the absolute best way
fat people detected
I tend to fold the white over the yolk as soon as I can, then flip the whole thing.
this works well, but really only a few seconds, like no more than about 5
It's a very greasy method, but use enough oil to spoon it hot over the eggs.
To be honest, poached and scrambled as options I'm never entirely sure what the attraction to fried eggs are. For me they're something I order where breakfast is gonna be shit anyway, when less intervention in my eggs seems like a plus.
Any user here ever tried an japanese style onsen egg? I'm into it. But I'm into a raw egg over rice too.
Hundreds of raw eggs eaten, never contracted anything.
Fuck off
To each his own
I prefer my eggs over hard and nearly burnt
What an absolute Philistine.
Eggs should be cooked with low-medium heat; why the fuck would you want it to get rubbery.