Why is the combination of corn, peas, green beans, and carrots the standard vegetable mix...

Why is the combination of corn, peas, green beans, and carrots the standard vegetable mix? Who decided that this is what "mixed vegetables" means by default?

cheap, colors look good together, sweet. same thing as putting garlic and onion together. some things have become recognized as pairing well together

Clarence Birdseye


Because corn is subsidized, so they have to get us to eat more of it and therefore it gets added to mixed "vegetables."

peas = protein
corn = sugar
carrot = vitamins but also sugar
green beans = protein but also fiber.

It's balanced.

makes fried rice pretty easy

Nobody, and it's not.

The standard vegetable mix for French cooking is one part carrots, one part celery, two parts onion and is called mirepoix while in Cajun cooking it's bell pepper, celery and onion.

it is a complete meal and the cheapest vegetables available that also stand up to cooking without getting mushy after a couple of minutes blanch. Lima beans are also often added.

nah fuck lima beans

>tfw lima beans aren't in the mix anymore
hafta buy 'em separate due to whiny fags like you

Mirepoix isn't the same type of vegetable mix. It's an aromatic mix for flavoring stews, soups, and sauces. OP is talking about a side dish of mixed vegetables. Nobody is going to serve mirepoix as a side to their meat.

They don't pair as well as the rest of ingredients do with each other. Some brands still have it.

Rather be whiny than a nigger.

My standard combination of "mixed vegetables" is tater tots and ketchup.

Reminds me of this terrible

The peas and carrots are pretty English. The green beans and sweet corn are pretty American. I think the four are a terrible combination I try to avoid, but it is common in American cuisine.

They are all cheap, and I personally think corn barely counts as a vegetable, yeah it's a plant but it's basically just starch, might as well call bread a vegetable, same with potatoes.

The free market you dirty pinko.

Pink is delicious

Sounds like they fulfilled their slogan

>who decided this
the great depression lol