Go Vegan Veeky Forums
Go Vegan Veeky Forums
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Three are company advertisements, one is an instruction of lifestyle choice. There is actually a difference.
ok, i will do it after i finish this one last cheeseburger.
I can't get behind veganism so long as they keep advocating for anti-violence angle. It's a super pathetic appeal to emotion that only works on women and soy-fueled numales. Humans have killed for 99.99999% of our existence, please fuck off
You're a fucking moron if you can't tell the difference
These things are so fucking lame jesus whatever shithouse facebook page you dug them up from, burn it to the ground
>omg why is the apex predator so mean to other animals, like wtf
>stop being at the top of the foodchain, like srs guys
Facebook was a mistake.
weak b8
1. We couldn't produce enough food to feed the world on a Vegan diet'
2. Billions of people are employed farming, slaughtering, processing, and preparing animals
3. Most wildlife it is actually legal to hunt in the United States is legal to hunt - under regulations - due to the fact these species come into conflict with humans settlements and destroy property
4. Humans always have, and always will wage war over resources. Also, war over all has dramatically decreased compared to any other era in human history, we're still waiting to see if it's an outlier or the start of a new legitimate trend. This is the most peaceful era on earth in it's history
5. The planet sustains itself quite fine, it's humans that fuck shit up. As for us, see #1
6. Textiles are the number one cause of fresh water pollution in the Unites States, though Farming IS climbing way way up there.
7. Corporate empowerment is a complicated subject and there is no one effort that will resolve
The stuff about deforestation is true though. Good job?
It's more effective than saying 'veganism is better for you healthwise and better for society/the planet' because they've been saying that for years. Reactionary shit like this gets attention much better
Animals would eat the shit out of you if they could
They've been doing the cruelty appeal to emotion angle since the 60s, user, before they could even go "but science says".
>be fair
but we are fair with the, we consume them, not just kill them for the lulz
Okay if we both know nothing why bother making this argumentative/confrontational thread
Went vegan for 6 months in my early 20s. Went from 155 to 130 (I'm a 5'9 manlet) and was constantly starving and exhausted. 3/10, never again.
Just eat healthy. Having principles in life is bad enough; eating out of principle is unhealthy autism.
just another thread where some insecure meat eater tries to debate the merits of needing to slaughter innocent animals every morning so they can have bacon bits on their pizza
you're going to die in your next sleep
I don't even know if these threads are made by trolls baiting vegans because nigga, everything here ins retarded
This. I see more meat eaters triggered by vegetarianism (actually, usually by their own misconceptions of vegetarianism) online and reeeeing about it than I see vegetarians being annoying.
I suspect that many of these meat eaters, deep down, actually themselves believe that vegetarianism is morally superior to meat eating, so they react against it with over-the-top bluster.
it's not like they have subleddits dedicated to being triggered by people going on with their lives and eating meat
also it's not like while we are just circlejerking some mormon-like faggot comes swinging about how meat is murder and then overreact when confronted with facts
>I suspect that many of these meat eaters, deep down, actually themselves believe that vegetarianism is morally superior to meat eating
personal bias alert
Vegans don't understand the food chain.
I have a question about #1
I'm not vegan or vegetarian myself but isn't it true that a lot of crops are grown just to feed cattle to turn into meat? So if all that land was used to grow crops for direct human consumption it would be theoretically possible to produce enough food to feed the world on a vegan diet?
It is you who does not understand
I like the left one to be honest
The land we give to animals is not fertile land, if it was it's more profitable to grow other things in it. Only city kids don't know this basic fact.
give me a complete vegan meal plan
We already produce enough food to feed the entire world, but we generally don't just give it away, and we waste a lot of it.
But other than that, yes, most crops are consumed to produce meat, and a more (not necessarily entirely) vegan based agricutlure would allow to produce more total calories and/or use less natural ressources.
Insects are another plausible ecological alternative to cattle.
Like I'm going to let a starfish think it's on my level
because people here unironically have nothing better to do.
Bruh, most cattle is fed grain that's perfectly usable for human consumption these days, and tons of it.
The issue isn't that they take up space in what would otherwise be fertile land, it's that they eat tons of what we produce on actual fertile land.
Forgot pic
i want to see you being ecological with a hungry lion or a viper.
Again, we produce more than enough food. If Africa didn't shit the bed completely from the 1960s onward, there would be even more than enough food. It's an issue with logistics and bad economies, not production.
yeah its called eating a plant based diet its that simple
Grain is used as a finisher to the cattle.
What do you mean "again", I'm the one who said that we produced enough food in the first place.
The question rises whether it's sustainable on the long run, with how some forms of intensive agriculture fuck up land on the long term, and humanity constantly growing in numbers.
I don't personally believe it's a real issue because we always find ways to get by, but I can understand why it would concern more pessimistic folk.
As for Africa while they did shit the bed, without going into too much detail, they aren't exactly helped by the circumstances.
That depends on who feeds it. US cattle is fed more grain than what's typically the norm.
>"Fucking vegans! Always telling me what to do!"
But she's completely right though. The vegan poster is the only one actually telling her to do something. Maybe if vegans ate meat they would get the nutrients needed to understand this.
Did you know people who castrate themselves are less aggressive, happier, and live longer lives?
Go eunuch.
Honestly, I feel like so many people believe that you have to be vegan 100% of the time, and if you can't, you should just quit and eat meat every day
If everyone ate a vegan or vegetarian meal once a week or something, that would make a huge difference
I personally would love to eat vegan more often, but I think one problem is that vegan food can be pretty easy to make, but then it's often pretty expensive, and if you try to make it cheaper it can be kinda difficult and time consuming, especially when you're just getting into it and everything is kinda new
But Beef tastes much better. The picture forgot to calculate that.
If we were only concerned with maximum efficiency, we would've invented human photosynthesis by now
>If we were only concerned with maximum efficiency, we would've invented human photosynthesis by now
Ironically photosynthesis isn't energy efficient enough to be used by large moving animals. Not that I disagree with you on the principle.
They've come up with a -arian for people who only eat meat occasionally and try to consume less of it without going full vegan, can't remember it now though.
nice deflection fuckwad
now tell me what foods that are vegan that satisfy all my daily intake of vitamins and minerals/fats, proteins, and carbs.
give me one of those an I will do the job of calculating the price out.
bonus: try to make it DASH diet acceptable,
Gluten Free, low-acid would help as well for those with GERD
Yeah it was just to make a point
>man is above woman
but women eat men's cum and abuse men for their wealth and are in general above men on the food chain, both figuratively and literally??
And if we did that all of those cattle that needed those crops to survive would die.
And that would be okay to you?
i had deep thoughts recently aboot faggot vegans
their whole argument in simplest terms is KILLING living things to survive(eat)
well guess what dumbfuck vegans, plants are living things aswell, the only argument you can even come up with to counter this is "animals" can feel pain, how do we know plants cant FEEL pain? what if they can and we don't know?
how is cutting up veggies any different then cutting up meat?
That's a thing veg-something always ignore: being useful to humans is a big evolutionnary advantage. There wouldn't be close to as many cows, pigs or chicken if we didn't eat them and their byproducts.
In fact it's been demostrated that plants can at least feel stress, like the accacia that renders itself toxic when one of his neighbours gets eaten.
Lots of plants don't want to be eaten any more than animals do, but things like fruits are legitimately made to be eaten, and the animals who eat those fruits are a key part of those plants' reproductive system. Of course this doesn't really work when you shit in a toilet rather than in the woods, but still.
you know, since they are retarded city kids they get cucked by animals putting cute faces
i mean, if they saw a fucking skinned cow when kids they wouldn't give a fuck. Hell, PETA founder is a guy that discovered where the meat came from very well into his 20's
and cats basically scam us, don't be fooled. Animal servitude is voluntary.
And I will accomplish all this by smoking weed and posting on Veeky Forums
This fucking loon wants us to eat fucking bugs so that cows everywhere can have the freedom to shit in a field and eat grass to their heart's content. And what about the feelings and freedom of the bugs?
Unironically kill your fucking stupid self as soon as possible. That will benefit the human race AND wildlife more than your brainlet ideas ever would.
Young women would be at the top of the foodchain while old women would be near the starfish.
The animal relationship with other animals is also based on power, even in the same species of animals, have you ever wondered why some monkeys live in absolute luxury around ripe fruit and the talles trees to hide in while others have to look for anything edible for hours?
>Obvious sex-baiting
Vegans get triggered because other people don't care about animals and they absolutely need people to care about animals if they want to have any real impact
Let's just kill are the worthless animals we can't eat instead so they stop consuming out earth reaources
Yeah man. Good idea. Completely destroying the ecosystem sounds reasonable.
No, the argument is about ressource efficiency, not anything ethical. It's also not my idea, nor am I even advocating for it.
You need to chill and step away from the computer for a minute.
>1kg meat
>40% edible
Cats used to be useful to fight pest, but yeah we only keep them around for company these days.
Go fuck yourself OP
They don't consume anything that we would, except for pests, and we've tried pretty hard to exterminate those, with little to no success.
40% of a cow is edible, but I agree the chart presents it poorly.
Hope you like eating eating 33 pounds of mushrooms everyday to meet your rda for b12.
let's destroy all the forest and shit too, it consumes our water
that's because people aren't willing to poison the shit out of everything
So why even post it you fucking idiot?
Cows are awesome, and bugs are not. That is all the "resource efficiency" that matters.
Dumb piece of shit. Ya just try and act all cool now that your nonsense gets called out. Fuck off back to You-Know-Where.
>people aren't willing to poison the shit out of everything
I don't think we live in the same world. They're just Zergs, reproducing faster than we can kill them.
Even then that's only 40% meat most people will eat. I've eaten cow marrow, stomach, liver and used the intestine for sausage lining. Was about 70% of the cow. The bones got given to a local animal shelter for the dogs.
Because I was sharing information on a topic that another user asked about: ressource efficiency in animal husbandry. Not everything is about trying to convince others to think like you.
Are you brain damaged though?
Fair enough, I imagine it's how much of a cow is typically consumed not how much you can actually consume.
i doubt it
if pests became a serious world ending problem we would come up with a solution within a week
Why does that matter? Is it a goal to breed the maximum number of humans that will fit on Earth?
That's the dumbest statement in history, there are tons of things humans know.
Pretty much, I'm Mexican so I'll eat nearly everything from an animal (not brain though, never could eat that). The only people that eat more of the animal than I do are Asians. Of course this is strictly from a western perspective.
>you could live longer
steve jobs died of cancer at age 56, you can stop your lies now
I don't know what makes you think that there's any way we could rid the world of rats, birds, and especially insects that have survived multiple extiction events, all without killing ourselves in the process. They're way too well integrated in our world.
There are more termites alone than people on Earth, and I don't just mean more numerically, but total weight. It would be a collosal task to even get rid of one major invasive pest species.
Oh just fuck on outta here already, Encyclopedia Brown. Nobody gives a shit about your garbage "info" that recommends we eat grasshoppers because we are apparently "wasting" too much water and grain... ya, fuckwad, according to whom?
>Is it a goal to breed the maximum number of humans that will fit on Earth?
Pretty much, yeah. And then space colonies.
Nobody recommended anything to you or made value statements about what one should or shouldn't do. Jesus how insecure are you in your beliefs that you have to lash out at people who aren't trying to make you think different from what you think.
>we are apparently "wasting" too much water and grain
Nobody said that, just that insects are more efficient food sources regarding consumption those ressources. That's just a statement of fact, not a judgement on whether we consume "too much" ressources.
We should ban vegan threads since this is werving to Veeky Forums and /pol/.
do you have any idea how easy a new disease can spread and kill every single human on earth? there is no reason we can't modify some new disease to target only termites and not affect anything else and that's just one way of doing it, we could also genetically modify some termites to outbreed every other termite but also have some major disadvantage that made them die easy
So you made all these posts, shared all this info, for no reason. Just a really bored faggot, I guess.
To be fair, the burger ads aren't literally telling him to do anything, while the vegan image literally tells him to "Go Vegan".
>do you have any idea how easy a new disease can spread and kill every single human on earth?
It's so easy that it literally never happened, ever. Stop believing fearmongers.
Diseases mutate and jump animals all the time, and there is enough diversity of termite species that we probably couldn't find something that affects them all and no other animal.
Yeah, I only answered a question that an user asked, no reason.
Remember kids, if you're not using other people's genuine questions to aggressively push your own views on other people, might aswell just shut the fuck up!