>he eats pizza with a fork
people don't actually do this right?
He eats pizza with a fork
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In sit-down restaurants I do. It prolongs the experience, doesn't require you to wash your hands, and possibly even makes the pizza taste better.
>ZAGAT survey
So dogshit-tier food and recommendations of said food?
Neat. Btw, that 'za looks gross. Best pizza on earth is at Prince Street Pizza.
Gayer than the time gay came to gaytown.
>pizza palsy guy
I usually do this with leftover pizza, whereas fresh pizza I usually use my hands.
Don't know why this is my standard.
that's the most obscure pepe I've ever seen
What the fuck is he doing? I'm usually indifferent to how people eat their pizzas, but at least you functioning forks so you don't have to scoop it in your face with the knife, and then he goes and puts on fucking plastic gloves and putting it into random ass pieces that he can't even eat with a fork anyway. He could just as well be using fucking sticks like a slant.
This shit is fucking surreal, it's like he has never even seen a pizza before in his life and is trying to take samples and shit.
I sometimes eat Detroit-style za with a fork and knife. Then I always eat Chicago-style za with a fork and knife.
Germans do
>no lobes
confirmed fgt pedo
It's a skit for comedic effect in a video about how people eat pizza
Pizza AND donuts with a fork here.
No reason to get your hands dirty.
the Italians do, but their pizza is generally different from what america sees as pizza anyway. My suggestion would be to stop wasting so much effort on caring about how other people live their lives, especially when their actions don't affect you in any way. But ironically, that's just my own opinion.
>stop wasting so much effort on caring about how other people live their lives, especially when their actions don't affect you in any way.
Heh, Veeky Forums would lose 90% of its posts immediately.
In Napoli, pizza is served with knife and fork in a sit down restaurant situation, and locals actually use them. On the other hand, a street vendor will sell slices on paper, meant to be eaten out of hand while on the run. Personally, I will watch the locals, and imitate their behavior. In private, I will stuff my face like a starving, half crazed, lunatic.
If I ever saw some faggot de-greasing his pizza and then eating it with a fork, I'd follow him back to his Prius and beat him half to death.
>be a retarded anime sperg
>pretend the site you're posting on is still about anime despite the need for losers to use it as a social crutch dying with the rise of social media
>post reaction images because he never outgrew it like the older, smarter boys
The only reason you hold your opinion is because you deserve to be bullied.
>the Italians do
No they don't.
t.living in Italy
Do everyone a favor, shut the fuck up and fuck off back to red.dit while you're at it
My DNS provider isn't resolving this.
yes everybody in italy does this
Just put a Trump sticker on his prius and have his diverse roommates do it for you.
I don't believe anybody bunblefucks their way around a pizza like this mincing faggot, but yes some chodes will use a knife and fork.
you seriously have to wonder if this fuck is some sort of alien, as unfamiliar with these human "utensils" as it is pizza.
The only time it's acceptable to eat pizza with utensils is if the structural integrity of the crust or the topping ratio makes it impossible to transfer to your mouth without it falling apart and ruining your suit.
is this a parody video?
what a fucking faggot like oh my god nigga god damn xD
>i care about how other people live their lives because mine is so boring
I do it if the slice is a floppy piece of shit or if I'm not in the mood to wolf it down in under a minute because once I'm holding a slice of pizza I basically inhale it.
Wow everyone in this video is insufferable. New Yorkers are scum.
No wax paper and no place to wash my hands = I eat with a fork.
is that from sweden
that looks very swedish
I was so happy when I found the word cringe, years ago, because I just couldn't describe the feeling I get then plastic cutlery rubs against cardboard plates. How the fuck can he do it without shivers all over his spine
They do.
I use a knife and fork so I don't get my hands greasy. The fact that it's holding the pizza in its hand at the beginning anyway fucking triggers me
are you a germophope?
now that's a soyboy
so is soyboy the new term that channers like to call other people?
is it the new "numale" and are they interchangeable
im new to this fresh "soyboy" craze
serious questions looking for serious answers
I do if it’s a particularly messy or cumbersome pizza.
Do Americans really eat with hands at restaurants? Truly a third world shithole.
Some foods are easier to eat with your hands like pizza, sandwiches, chicken or ribs if the bones are still in, etc. but at least we aren't forced to use our hands
I'm bad at biting things so when the cheese is still particularly melty trying to bite off some pizza will pull off the rest of the cheese and toppings and leave me with just bread and tomato to eat afterward. For this reason I will sometimes use a fork to compensate for my deficient jaw structure.
>I'm bad at biting things
the absolute state of soyboys
Seriously though, are a normal person's incisors supposed to touch or overlap when their jaw is fully closed? I have like a millimeter or two of clearance there and I find I have difficulty biting through thin things sometimes and I don't know what's normal.
I did not eat any soy during childhood, if that effects development somehow.
Mine almost fully overlap without much gap, the top teeth in front (otherwise i would look super retarded)
in school we would just hold it sideways so the grease ran off
I mean, if I had poop on my hands and didn't want to wash it off, I'd probably do this
>In Napoli, pizza is served with knife and fork
thats because in Napoli they dont cut pizza for you and the fork is standard on the table every fucking where. you eat with fork you are clearly a turist.
was about to say the same
there's a 0% chance that guy isn't swedish
disgusting country
it came from /pol/
it means low-t male from consuming soy
nevermind all the other shit like, actual milk, plastics, and environmental impacts that also contribute, no the issue is entirely to blame on EVIL SOY!