in this ITT us girls discuss what tea we are drinking. I'm having some earl grey today!
Tea girl general
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not a girl.
I had earl grey last night after dinner though, it was good.
It's 2017, you know? "Girl" now means a submissive young crossdresser. Where have you been?
I'm enjoying a big cup of Rooibos per my usual daily proceedings
That's Girl (male), a different thing entirely
Recently I've been enjoying regular old Assam with lemon slices and honey
Girls can be boys!!! I'm drinking the comma tea, guricha.
You poor misguided degenerates
Girl (male) here.
I got some Grand Shou Pu-Erh from Lincang and am sipping it's sweet autumn taste.
Why not just a tea general?
Why do you have to be so obnoxious about it?
I like tea but I almost only drink it socially. Just kinda forget it exists in between.
I agree somewhat, but you're no better.
Honeybush tea, tastes like rooibos with honey
i'm drinking yerba mate, can i be a girl too
that sounds nice, i have had a hard time getting used to pu erh though
I don't give a fuck about yalls gender, perceived or real, I just like tea.
Yeah, it's different but I like it. The first time I drank some I oversteeped it so it tasted bad, but if I actually look it up, you're only supposed to steep it for like 2 minutes and it's really nice. In addition, it lasts a long time -- you can get a bunch of infusions from a small amount of tea.
Then post about tea instead of gender..?
i'll have to give it another try some day, i usually prefer easy drinking oolongs like tung ting and tie kuan yin desu
Drank some wild Ba Xian from YS today, quite bitter for a dancong which I'm starting to favour over the sour and more vibrant notes of Mi lan xiang
That sounds please pleasant actually. Have you tried rooibos with hibiscus?
breakfast: Yorkshire gold, with a splash of 2% milk
elevenses: off-brand gunpowder green with dried ginger
noon: Yorkshire gold, let it stew, no milk
after supper: chamomile and just the smallest bit of rose honey
I did I said I liked tea, I just don't get all the extra bullshit.
not even the original /jp/ threads were this bad. thanks for reminding me why I don't come here anymore.
/jp/ had tea threads?
What were they like?
Are there actually cute girly traps that enjoy cooking here? I want to believe.
Nah, just females and those weirdos who wear stockings but have obvious male legs.
I cooked dinner and did housework in a maid outfit I borrowed once, I felt pretty cute doing it.
Does that count?
>thanks for reminding me why I don't come here anymore
Hi, nice to see you back!
Yunnan Mao Feng
Dragon Well
Masala Chai
Zhengshan Xiaozhong
Bai Hao Yinzhen
Shou Mei
Bai Mudan
Shui Xian
Da Hong Pao
I am deciding between brewing some pu-erh or a special blend of herbs at the moment.
Purple clay is best teapot material.
>noon: Yorkshire gold, let it stew, no milk
Do you add sugar? That stuff is undrinkably astringent straight.
Girls don't browse Veeky Forums.
I wanna branch out into tea, but all the good teas are from china and I can't shake the feeling that it's all grown with polluted sewage water because they give literally zero fucks about health regulations or public safety
I've been drinking Chinese tea for 5 years and I haven't died yet.
thats why you need to get the high quality tea, and its not cheap girl.
Order Japanese tea from Yuuki-cha, it's all organic.
I don't want japanese tea though.
Wait is that real? I often confuse hobbit stuff and real Brit stuff
More like Earl GAY!
We can go gayer
i like to take my cypro/estrogen with a cup of this peach cream tea mix i have and some milk
makes tummy feel good
At least Tolkien never referenced "clotted cream" or I would have slammed it closed and missed a good story.
>good story
>not just something done 100x over
Slowly getting cuter and girlier, but yes, I love cooking.
Lavender Earl Grey though.
What the fuck Veeky Forums.
Having a dedicated thread at all time for the alcoholics are one thing but come the fuck on was that really necessary ?
We can't have tea threads now?
You alcoholic fucks have 2 nonstop generals 24 hours a day.
we had a tea general for years until the anti-weeb normalfags decided to camp here and shitpost them into the ground.
I freaking love tea but I feel I've only have basic ass shit so far. I mean I've had some "fancy" tea from a specialty store but it's closed now. Whats a good starter tea?
Somehow the gayest post in the thread, congrats
Never forget the day moot posted in a thread saying he was drinking iced peach tea. Good times.
>I wanna make a thread about tea but I also want everyone to know that im a fucking degenerate at the same time
Begone degenerate American shits
Why can't you retards just make a normal fucking tea thread? God, it's like you can't go five minutes without switching off the button in your head that says "GIVE /pol/ A MILLION REASONS TO GAS ME KTHX". I can. I can make normal threads and be disgusting filth at the same time. Why can't you?
Holy shit people like you make me so fucking mad 10/10
remember that these people are getting worked up because op wrote the word "girl" in the subject line
OP is a tranny and made it obvious. Learn to hide your fucking power level for Christ's sake.
No you fucking cockloving degenerate, maybe read a little bit deeper into the thread.
Anime website
/pol/ is a /stormfront/ containment board to keep nutjobs away from the comfy weeb threads.
What kind of tea do you drink when you're mad about nothing?
Hi what kind of tea do you enjoy?
How about /pol/ fucking stays in /pol/ and stops shitting up every other fucking board then
t. /k/ommando
When /pol/ doesn't stay in their containment board everyone moans but when trap loving fags leak from /b/ it's fine?
Eat shit faglover.
Huangshan Maofeng
Traps are part of Veeky Forums's culture ten times more than poltards will ever be.
Any attempt to define Veeky Forums culture leads to pissants shitting up about moral theories. Just keep your MtF shit where it belongs please.
>us girls
more like huge flaming faggots
So are furfags but you see them shitting every board.
you don't*
I'm a shit phoneposter.
Lots of tea threads in the past. Why do the teenbros have a problem with this one?
Those were about people drinking tea not faggots crossdressing.
How many posts in this thread are about crossdressing? Wouldn't the mods delete posts if they were actually off-topic?
>Normal OPs with normal images taken from GIS not from your favored tranny anime with no implications of transgenderism whatsoever in either the OP or the following posts
Gee I wonder why people are commenting about your personal life.
If mods gave enough shit to follow their own rules they would've closed this shit from the OP alone.
A thread like was breaking rules and was deleted just today, but this one is breaking no rules. You're obviously mistaken.
You stay out of this deer fucker.
My rights on this board SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
I like to cook but I don't really have anyone to cook for and I don't care enough to cook for myself.
I'm genuinely curvy but also fat so..make of that what you will
But I do like to cook and can cook well
must me a newfag, everyone knows /pol/ and /k/ have a massive overlap in users
and dont post that faggy willis comic he was a newfag too that tried to push that angle
Peace white tea
>Drinking Chai while wearing stockings
max comfy desu
>all these triggered transphobes complaining instead of comfyposting about tea
Drinking a nice Darjeeling right now, tastes flowery af.
pic related
Elevenses is basically what yanks call a coffee break. It's a shortish break to have tea or maybe a small snack
oh. we do that but not at eleven
Earl grey + Thyme, or as I've recently took to calling it, Earl Grey/Thyme.
It's fantastic.
Irish Breakfast is underrated as fuck
whats a good alternative to coffee? something to keep me awake?
agreed, I don't like this dogwhistle for literal faggot board tourists
that girl isn't even holding the cup
Any black tea
Man (man)
i drink PG tips with milk
Right now, I am on chai white tea, with a splash of almond milk.
If you want a tea that has a caffeine content closer to coffee, black tea, or oolong is the preferred choice.
If choosing by bagged teas then twinning is a good choice to go with otherwise loose leaf teas are pretty amazing.
mate or green tea
or you could just a caffeine tablet
I like chamomile. come at me
Corn silk
mmmm, corn
i tried mate but really did not like the aftertaste.
is there any way to make it drinkable? Or how long does it take to get used to it?
(drinking my coffee black btw, not even a fan of sweet stuff)
pussies like you drink it with honey or sugar
put aromatic herbs on it too