Why aren't you making mead, you fucknuckles?
Why aren't you making mead, you fucknuckles?
is that cocoa puffs in there?
Because I don't LARP as a Vikang and drink wine, beer, and cider like a regular, non-autistic person.
Sounds like typical fucknuckle sentiment.
Raisins, you nattering-nabob.
you can suck on these raisins if you know what im sayin
do americans really flavor their mead with cocoa puffs?
>le homebrew meme
numale detected
I bet you have an awful beard, too.
I can't drink mead because I'm avoiding sugar ;(
Mead kicks the shit out of wine or cider
>Why aren't you making mead, you fucknuckles?
Well, because I am not a fat autistic neckbeard trying to live in a fantasyland, that I will never achieve, living with mummy.
Takes to long to age properly and too many reracks. I'm making dry cider. Just got a $600 dollar check and I'm going to finish getting everything I need to do a 60 gallon wooden barrel.
>whacky insults
>so random xD
I bet you think having all these weird quirks somehow makes you attractive.
Never had mead, can't find it within a 3 hour drive from my town. Is it worth the effort?
I don't have the cash to shill out for 10+ pounds of honey, nor the cash to shill out for proper equipment, nor the space for said equipment. It's called being a wagecuck.
guy named "epicfantasy" has a pretty good recipe on youtube. Take sanitation seriously.
I do moisturize
Naw, it's good dude. I live in a beery neighborhood that has a street fair every thursday. I've gotten compliments from the guys at the ONE mead stand at that fair. It's a fun and easy recipe, and it's different.
I do one rack, then bottle. Two months to age, so three months. Nice and smooth. Aging is good for it though.
I just want to be cool, like you guys.
It is. Super easy recipe once you have the techniques down. Easier than beer.
I have one aging right now, but it's still hazy as fuck after 5 months and I'm kind of worried it might have gotten something from other fermentations in it as I unfortunately let the airlock get low on water. Thinking about putting in the fridge for a couple weeks before bottling to try to clear it.
I've made mead before, it was fun. Especially when there was no way to tell what the ABV was, and we all got shitfaced. Good times. I should do it again this winter and get it ready for a spring festival.
you must be pretty poor user
check out the use of bentonite. It's used for clearing
Yeah, my stuff is pretty high octane. I ought to use a hydrometer.
$40 will get you set up. You'll get 3 bottles minimum back from that. $20 for honey for subsequent batches.
If you have a homebrewer in your town, go talk to them. You'd be surprised. And having a hobby will give you a bit of joy to come home to.
Thanks! That was an interesting watch
I remember mixing a bottle of vodka with apple slices and letting it sit for what was supposed to be a week but ended up being the whole year. I opened it and it was bretty good :) i'd love to try actually brewing something rather than just adding flavor
No shame in that. It's called "infusing". Local bars do it pretty much just like you did.
Brewing is a little tricky, but once you see your airlock start to bubble and you realize your yeast is feasting on what you've given them and are giving you delicious booze in return, you feel awesome.
You can also make kvass in 3 days with 10 dollars worth of equipment, if you want to poorfag it.
As long as you sanitize everything it's good.
that looks really interesting. thanks.
Ok, so I’m a newb, but how does one make alcohol. I heard you need water, a medium of sugar (fruit/honey, etc) and yeast to ferment the combo of water and sugars. I am right, and if not can someone walk me through it. A thousand thanks.
I assumed the honey alone would be well over $40 because a fucking 160z jar of real(no HFCS) honey is like $12 dollars at the grocery store.
That's it at its most basic. You can dissolve some table sugar into some water, add yeast, and you will get alcohol. The process of making something tasty varies and is more than anyone is going to explain in the Veeky Forums post. There are hundreds of places on the internet for this.
Thanks anyway. Cheers, my friend.
made this last year.
champagne yeast
I just bottled one that I'd racked twice and had been sitting for 3 months. I used a 2 stage chiton clarifier, but it's still a bit hazy. Should clear in the bottles, though. I used 13lbs of honey for 5 gallons. It's raw unfiltered honey I buy from a local guy who has over 1000 hives and trucks them all over the country to pollinate crops. Only costs $135.00 for 60lbs. It's the real deal, he's an old guy who ridicules the fuckwads adulterating their honey. He considers them worse than hitler.
because i drink lager like an adult and don't masturbate while watching viking documentaries or playing skyrim
I already made mead this year, friend. Came out to about 15% abv.
Nah. Check out farmer's markets, roadside stands,or beekeepers. You'd be amazed how much grocery stores jack up the price.
Tasteh. I dig.
Love guys like that.
pic related
noyce. I need to use a hydrometer.
Too much hassle.
I have like 2-3lb of honey that has crystallized in my cupboard. I didn't even know they were there until recently. Is there anything I can do with that? What if I heated the bottles until the honey was liquid again? I know honey doesn't expire so, yeah.
Could I use this honey to maybe try and make a mead? Is there a way to make "quick" mead? Like say I used this honey, added fruits/etc, and then waited a month, would it be good by then?
I can't get specific yeasts (yet) and I don't want to risk it with ambiental yeast, I am not a barbarian
it wouldn't have a lot of alcohol, but it will still taste alright
I am curious about starting to brew my own mead. What does it taste like though? Is there a comparison to something else? Nowhere around here sells it.
It's enough honey for a 1 gallon batch.
Mead is objectively the superior alchohol in every fucking way.
Clover honey makes for an absolute gorgeus drink.
How would I go about making it? Do I need specific yeasts is there a good beginnings guide that Veeky Forums uses for mead threads that a mongoloid like me can use?
Also, would orange and black berries go good together in a mead? If I make it, I think I'd like to use black berries of some kind.
Yes. Honey doesn't go bad. There is honey they've found in egyptian tombs that was edible. Heat up a saucepan of water, and give the jars a hot bath. The crystals will melt and your honey will be fine.
3lbs makes 1ga. of mead. You're good to go.
Yeah, go on youtube and look for "epicfantasy making mead". Simple recipe.
I got started because mead was different, and it was expensive to buy -- like $15 bucks at bevmo and way more at the local beer joints.
I still like lagers and ciders, but mead is my favorite.