Go Vegan today Veeky Forums
Go Vegan today Veeky Forums
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No I'm vegan every other day
How about if I love animals I fuck them to show how much I love them?
Then I can eat them guilt free.
in the end it's cheaper, easier and more tasty to not be vegan
sorry user
Go away today, vegan fag
What if I love the way certain animals taste after they've been slaughtered, butchered, seasoned, and cooked?
>eating a thing you've fucked
thats gay nigga
You'd love Tokyo if you have enough money.
I tried eating vegan not so long ago and all i've gotten from that was stomach aches, painful shits, depression, puked several times and i've lost weight (i was already skinny). Now i eat meat again and all i can say is : "FUCK YOU AND YOUR VEGAN LIES!"
Let's eat vegans
Promoting eating disorders should be illegal
I will eat vegan today. Thanks for the inspiration Veeky Forums!
I think eating a vegan is poor taste, figuratively and literally. Little to no meat and has poor quality.
Canada pls go
>i like beef
>vegans have little to no meat and are of poor quality
>cows are vegan
Fucking REKT
It's not cheaper. But yes it's more tasty to be a non-vegan.
>cows are vegan
>cows were bred to be eaten by humans
>they're pretty much always eating
>human vegans spend more time letting out hot gas than eating
>their bodies weren't bred to be food for something else
Nice false equivalence
I love how animals taste.
This is why republicans play identity politics so hard, and why they are winning. It's not because of good policy. It's because fox news tells their viewers that their agenda is core to their identity and then list ways in which the "libruhls" are attacking that identity by challenging it with good policy. fucking propaganda... next time eric erikson does a segment on hippy women not shaving their arm pits - ask yourself why he is covering that again... is it news? is good policy discussion? does it matter? or... is it meant to disgust people and demonize the left? will he run that segment right next to an actual policy discussion with no substance?
>tfw being assimilated into the vegan collective gives me a sense of identity and belonging
Thanks, Veeky Forums
I originally got into it because of the collective nature... I am staying because of the chicks.
Have you ever licked an animal? They don't taste good. I think you mean that you like how the roasted meaty parts of carcasses taste. You can spin it however you want. Your body is a graveyard.
The absolute state.
I like how vegans say they love animals so they get pet cats and dogs and then feed them meat from a can.
>implying there isn't vegan pet food
But they aren't winning
>feeding a carnivore a vegan diet
I bet you think that checking their ph will keep them healthy to retard.
This is even better. The only good vegan is a dead vegan
That's a cruel fate for your pet carnivorous animal.
>both sides are equally bad
Reminder that the Obama DOJ was neutral/status quo on the drug war, and the Trump DOJ wants to revive the war on "killer reefers" because Jefferson Davis Sessions has his head stuck in the 1920s
>false equivalency means I don't have to pick which side is less evil
>false equivalency means I should just keep voting for the incumbent, or not vote at all
Good luck with that. The republicans have held control of house and/or senate with a majority or supermajority in 18 of the last 20 years. That's republicans in control of the budget 18 of the last 20 years. The reason democrat presidents look a lot like republicans at the end of their term is they had republican congress to deal with almost the entire time. But keep on shitting on the democrats as if they are the same thing.
>“For cats, it’s really inappropriate. It goes against their physiology and isn’t something I would recommend at all," says Cailin Heinze, VMD, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor of nutrition at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.
>"For dogs, certainly vegetarian and vegan diets can be done, but they need to be done very, very carefully. There is a lot of room for error, and these diets probably are not as appropriate as diets that contain at least some animal protein," Heinze says.
Cats are obligate carnivores.
>cats and dogs invented and profit from factory farming
Does meat consumption stop a human brain from working? Is it all the saturated fat that gets stuck in the tiny blood vessels, choking the brain out of the needed oxygen and vital nutrients? It's the only reason I can come up with for such shit tier arguments against veganism.
>to retard
*too, as in also
>1 vegan family in 500,000 was stupid enough to remove themselves from the gene pool
You should be thanking them. BTW, this is meat industry sponsored identity politics. "look at these evil vegans, they are the enemy" In what way does that news story actually affect you? It's dumb shits removing themselves from the gene pool - thats a good thing for you. Veganism is good for you.
>meat industry sponsored identity politics
But I love babies, user. How dare those vegans hurt a baby. vegans must all be evil baby killers.
Like usual vegtards have it backwards
The amount of samefagging in this pathetic shrill thread...
Take your shitty politics to /pol/. Nobody here cares, nor do they consider vegans an assault on their identity. Most people just consider them preachy, dogmatic cunts who can't mind their own business.
Nah, fuck you. Farm animals are resources, not pets.
Just like you are a human resource slave
My hard work and integrity put me at the top of the food chain and I'm not giving up my spot.
Okay. So you're saying you live completely off the grid and don't pay taxes or work a job? What's it like in your mom's basement? Does she even know you're there? Are you forced vegan because you can only afford to eat grass and wild onions?
Go Raw Vegan
Stop using your smartphone. The materials used to make it release a ton of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and it's put together by near slave labour. Also kill yourself you carbon producing shitlord.
All those things are genetically modified through years of selective breeding techniques which is unethical and has destroyed many native flora and fauna species through industrial farming practices. If you want to help the planet then put your head under the wheel of an oncoming bus.
If a truck carrying a load of vegetables hits and kills an animal are the vegetables on the truck still vegan?
If you were riding a train and a man was struck, would you be culpable in murder?
This is also ignoring the fact that plants have not complex consciousness with which to intent or commit a murder.
It's about efficiency
A smartphone lasts 2 year or more
Your steak lasts about 10 seconds on the plate, you fat fuck
Not the vegan you're arguing with, I eat meat. I just don't lie to myself about why.
>Your steak lasts about 10 seconds on the plate, you fat fuck
How is this an argument, do vegans take 2 years to eat a plate of broccoli? I know I don't (yes I eat broccoli alongside my meat because I'm not some faggot cultists)
So, no? I bet you're still in your mom's basement.
Plants feel pain and can solve crimes. You are committing agricultural genocide you piece of shit vegan.
What about a Venus fly trap or any of the other carnivorous plants?
Why the fuck are you asking me? I'm not a vegan. I eat a steak about once every 2 to 3 months, and I eat it slowly like the luxury it is, because I'm not deluded into thinking it's medically necessary.
Is this the equivalent of console war shitposting?
t. Proud sonygger
If I want some protein with a nice texture it's not much cheaper. Seitan and large chunked TVP are at low-end meat level prices. Other meat replacements tend to be higher end steak price level.
Jackfruit is also at low end meat prices, but no protein of course ... and non whey protein powders all taste like shit, so adding a vegan concentrated protein source is not easy.
I'd rather kill you and then myself.
Can it be said to have discriminating intent? It operates on involuntary reaction, but without the recklessness that could warrant involuntary manslaughter, assuming a pitcher plant were somehow large enough to kill a human being.
Now vampire pumpkins are a whole different story, they are the assholes of the plant world.
Plants are also comprised of delicious vegetable matter. Are you a traitor to based animals user?
>wanting a stomach full of decaying plant matter
Truly despicable creatures. If you aren't a breatharian then you will be purged scum.
t. iToddler
Starting a veggiefag thread is guaranteed (you)s
nigga u were doing it wrong. I was vegan for 3 years in hs. I'd never go back, I love meat, but the shits were godly.
you were probably on some only-ramen nonsense.
>Go Vegan today Veeky Forums
Please stop spamming. I don't care what you eat. Just STFU about it.
lead by example, bitch
The difference is meat doesn't harm the environment, but creating a new factory for your ifag7 by paving over thousands of acres and emitting billions of pounds of toxic waste does. Have a heart you faggot
>meat doesn't harm the environment
Explain to me how massive factory farms, and the soil-eroding monocultures that prop up the meat industry, all protected by multinational corporations, don't harm the environment on a massive scale
I am us breatharians are going to wipe you food lovers out soon enough and save the planet, animals and plants included.
Probably the same way your industrial farming of soy, vegetables and fruit doesn't.
It doesn't, certainly not to the extent that the meat industry does. To compare the two shows your ignorance on the subject.
>it doesn't
>certainly not to the extent that the meat industry does
Way to contradict your self soyboy, go lobby on some other board.
It's english grammar, champ. You have no argument at this point.
Good night.
>If you love animals don't eat them
Not an argument. Only reason I don't eat my dog is because I chose the fate of my dog as a stress relieving pet, not as a food source. I'd' love her the same if I decide to eat her since she provided me a meal.
>I love apples
>tfw I eat them
Fucking metal.
I'm vegan but I hate animals, should I start eating meat?
>Not putting animals out of their misery
All vegans hate animals