>"serves four"
>barely serves one
Why are they allowed to do this?
>"serves four"
>barely serves one
Why are they allowed to do this?
eat some potatoes and vegetables with your mac and cheese you fucking frogposting faggot
Pretty rude desu
why are fatties allowed to exist lmao
>being so fat you need 4 servings per meal to keep you obese existence sustained
>serves 4
>i serve it to myself 4 times
everything went beter than expected
I made this thread because my mashed potato servings lied to me.
how fat are you
Because you didn't read the part where it says 30% daily intake value of saturated fat. You eat all that shit and you get 120% on top of the rest of the stuff you have eaten and will eat throughout the day.
Sometimes it's meant to be served with other stuff?
They aren't anymore, FDA just agreed on something, all nutritional fact things need to be changed in the next year or two, and now companies have to use "realistic" serving sizes.
so no more "serving size: 2 cookies"
nobody eats 2 cookies.
Oh shit, really? If that's true, it's about god damn time. I am sick of having to do the math for food.
Saturated fat is healthy though?
best 1500% of RDA of sodium ever.
OP here. I'm not fat, I can almost see my penis
Eat a bullet, one portion serves one
I ate two, and I'm still hungry.
Stop eating 9mm.
>nobody eats 2 cookies
Lots of lethargic sickly fucks on here if they think more than one serving is too much to eat and will make you fat. Crawl out off of your couches and get a job, workout, or up the intensity of you wank sessions. Do something to burn an extra calorie and you won't live in fear of getting fat.
>package says "serves 5"
>end up serving one 5 times
I'd eat only two cookies if I did at all. I regularly eat one date.
causes type 2 diabetes
this is the kind of thing that you should only eat after a 10 hour shift of backbreaking physical labor and you missed your lunch break
but people will eat this after an 8 hour shift of a desk job where they had a Starbucks frappapplemaplecuinno with a pastry for lunch
>Why are they allowed to do this?
I'm pretty sure fat people would violently rebel if the law tried to restrict them to reasonable portions.
What are they gonna do? March on the streets? LMAO
Worse. Block fast-food restaurant doorways by sitting in them. Then you won't be able to get your precious tendies.
Good strategy, fatass, except I go to the Starbucks next door where your kind are too embarrassed to be seen.
Don't think your starfucks are exempt either. Fat people love those "coffee drinks" that are closer to milkshakes than they are to a cuppa joe.
>Making mashed potatoes from a box
Holy shit how pathetic
Wrong, Insulin resistance causes type 2 diabetes and saturated fat has absolutely nothing to do with developing that.
Sugar, fructose and constant eating cause type 2 diabetes
>be me cooking for myself
>suscribe to blue apron package for 2 people
>open box and start cooking
>2 hours later Im only halfway done recipe
>put on low and go to mcdonalds
>eat on way home
>finish making dinner
>eat blue apron dinner
>still hungry
>upgrade subscription to 4 people
>dont even get box when mail man delivers it now.
>literally have 3 boxes of food outside my door
>mfw there are poor people on this board
you're not supposed to eat JUST mashed potatoes for a meal
if you had some protein and vegetables with it you would've had 3 servings left over, maybe 2 because you sound fat
Instant mashed potatoes are one of the best kinds of preserved foods you can get. Very little chemistry and other shit involved. Homemade mashed potatoes only taste better because people put a shit ton of cream and buter in them, no reason you cant do that with tthe instant mashed potatoes too.
that's the kind of thing you should pretty much never stuff down your throat
Found the DYELs
I get that you guys are struggling right now but please keep the shilling to a minimum
>he spends all of his time on the cooking section of a chinese cartoon website
>its the only socializing he ever does
>he will never have friends or a gf
>he doesnt have a job
>he doesnt know how the world works
>he unironically thinks a company would pay people to influence his decisions on a site comprised of other poor, single neets.
UK cereal packets are no longer giving 30g as a serving size. How long did it take for common sense to kick in?
>ZERO calories*
>ZERO fat*
>ZERO sugar*
>*all of these are less than 0.5 per serving so we can legally say it's zero
>serving size: 0.1 oz
it's assumed you cook more than one thing for a meal
unsaturated fat is healthy for you retard
>serves 8-12
>serves just me