Try Vegan today Veeky Forums
Try Vegan today Veeky Forums
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Bit late, I just ate a bunch of chickens.
Yeah, do it! You'll learn to cook new ways, and you'll feel great! Plus your dad will hate you less because he'll know that you weren't too much of a pussy to try jus one day of being vegan.
please kys
seriously, seeing at least one "go vegan" thread every time i come here really pisses me off. stop pushing your objectively wrong way to eat on other people and just let them eat what they want
remember to sage, kiddies
They were organic outdoor chickens.
Honestly, they were living the dream until I got hungry.
Go back to your burger !
How do I identify and capture a vegan? What makes them better than other types of human meat?
>eat vegan meal
>full of veggies, nutrients, and fiber
>still don't feel the least bit sated
Fuck off, I had vegan dinner yesterday
you're doing it wrong then fatass
Yea I agree, eating vegan is a mistake.
no, it's unsatisfying and i like meat because i like the taste. i by organic food and i prefer going to a butcher instead of buying prepackaged meat.
i understand the argument from an environmental point of view, but honestly, it doesn't matter. there is so much worse shit going on that puts you and everything around you in danger. who gives a shit.
Go Vegan, my little kumquat.
>retarded vegan fuck doesn't even get the reference
Been vegan for almost two months now, feeling pretty good and have saved money.
Awesome we are many welcome :)
What food have you found good for energy ?
i did for like 4 months. it was tiresome and i didn't notice any appreciable difference in my health or energy from my previous diet (you: "but user, you gotta do it for longer!").
classic example of a victim complex
I love my murder food. Go back to naturalnews, also remind Freelee that her tits are fake.
>picture of food
>picture of food
>picture of food
Really activates the almonds.
Looked better with the shorter hair tbqhwyf
Been vegan for about four months, just found out the shoes I bought a week ago are real leather even though I tried to make sure they weren't and I'm really fucking upset about it
Sorry for blogging
had a lentil stew for dinner
Yoshi isn't a vegan. You can make him eat other animals.
and turn them into eggs haha
cool, nice to know. now let me cook this tasty cheese omelette.
Yeah, surely the equivalent would just be advertisement for vegan food.
Fuck off nigger
Go fuck yourself, salad nigger
No thanks, I am having an intense training table and I can't afford an iron deficiency
Nope, I don't live in Ameristan where companies buy the legislation. I live in a place where they don't preemptively vaccinate animals, have them in reduced spaces and don't feed them shit. Also I know they were treated humanely and sacrificed without pain or fear.
Instead of being fucking retarded and trying to demonize meat eaters, you should go for the motherfuckers that raise animals like they were meat producing machines.
Vegans Lied, Babies Died
wait, did the mother refuse to breast feed her baby because breast feeding isn't vegan?
they are truly mentally ill.
this can't be real
Veganism is not about saving the environment or the animals
Veganism is not about health and being fit
Veganism is not about philosophy, ethics or morals
Veganism is a substitute of religion for people that find religion and sects stupid, but they are alienated, weak willed or just plain scared of the world and they need an urgent sense of belonging and a way to escape reality.
Veganism is a decentralized, destructive sect. Proselitist, overzealous and in some instances (PETA, ecoterrorists) even physically violent
And this is a Scientology-Like apologism from them
I'm thinking about going vegan for a year once the next year starts. What are the necessary supplements I need to stay healthy/get gains?
>6-10 years longer
Wow, it's literally nothing!
Prunes or apricots in the morning have seemed to really work well....makes you shit like crazy though.
Apes are absolutely not vegan. They eat insects, birds, really any meat they can.
why the fuck would i do something that stupid?
>eating factory-farmed meats
You're either eating frozen chicken or eating fast food desu.
I get my chicken from the farm down the road.