what kind of diet do i need to get skin as soft and supple as this?
What kind of diet do i need to get skin as soft and supple as this?
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So you want to be a soyboy do ya?
use some nice moisturing lotion like all the other traps
>what kind of diet
1kg of pure collagen powder per day
>ITT degenerate fags who have given up on women to become prison gay cause it's the only way they'll get some
btw the reason they use doujins is because they're literally unfuckable irl hence why they're in this thread
You don't even need a special diet
just avoid things that give you bad skin and bloat you up like red meats and dairy products
also moisturizer helps a lot, just buy a big bottle of it and keep applying it every day
also exfoliate every time you shave in order to get rid of dead skin and avoid ingrown hairs
Food won't do it. You need to do HRT. But don't. Embrace your masculinity, be an otter, and date another otter. That is the true ezmode.
Semen contains DHT so it would have the opposite effect.
Double-edged razor with some old fashioned shaving soap. Pumice stone. Salt-Scrub. Jojoba-based lotion followed by a super-thin layer of honey-scented oil to make it just a little shiny throughout the day.
I don't understand, who are you quoting?
Please reply.
how many soyboy threads do we need?
the fags from buzzfeed or vice or whatever that had low-t are califags who probably aren't vegetarians or vegans.
how about xenoestrogens in plastic or real estrogen in milk?
You'd be surprised how smooth your legs would be if you simply removed all the hair, unless you're a meathead, having manly legs is an optical illusion provided by leg hair
You want to be
too fem for gay guys
and not fem enough for straight guys who have their shit together enough to not be thirsty losers?
While this is true, the blocky musculature of a man's legs juxtaposed with the relatively narrow male hips make it pretty obvious to the naked eye.
I do however enjoy the smooth feeling of my freshly shaved thighs, if I use my imagination I can at first imagine I'm running my hands up and down a grill's thighs at least until I get used to the sensation.
how fast does it grow back?
wouldn't it get annoying to keep touching it up every day or so?
Faster than you might expect, you can feel it in a day or two and you'll have visible leg stubble in a week
I don't touch up because I'm a cyclist, not a trannie. Every 2 weeks is plenty during the season
cyclists on average have much larger calf muscles than non-cyclists because it's the only muscle group you focus on
most men do not have gigantic T-rex thighs like cycling enthusiasts
Yeah I suppose that could be true, somewhat, although my quads, glutes, and hamstrings are quite enlarged. While I am proud of my calves, I'd say my quads are more impressive
men's sexual liberation when?
it shouldn't be considered gay to shave your legs
cyclists and swimmers get a free pass, but most people already think of swimmers and cyclists as gay simply because of those skimpy cyclist lycra tights and skimpy shorts
20kg of cyanide a day should do it.
I can feel my stubble before I'm finished with the other leg.
>complains about sexual liberation
>thinks being gay is a bad thing
You're living out your life in a cage of your own construction, user
>weight training bad
>advocates deadlifts and dumbbell raises
Stop being homophobic and you can do what you want.
Forget all that and focus on eating clean and running fast as much as you can. Did you know everything that happens in Mirror's Edge 2 is humanly possible?
People who actually like men don't need you to look like a shota