Time for a true debate.
Cook them alive
or cook them after killing them.
Time for a true debate.
Cook them alive
or cook them after killing them.
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Kill them. It also reduces shock to the tendons. All you have to do is stab them behind the eyes with your knife.
Kill them at the nexus of life and death. You want to taste their soul as it attempts to flee.
No, eat them alive.
Depends on which one gives better meat
I am an old fashioned maine boy, we all grew up boiling them alive to avoid bacteria.
I dont wanna be a china man who thinks cooking something alive helps it, but is it REALLY better to kill lobsters? Why and why not?
They die insanely fast in boiling water, and me and my family always did them headfirst to hel speed it up. Its just common worrying here in maine that killing beforehand can quickly speed up any bacteria/disease/parasites, and cooking them alive ends up being the freshest.
Lobster is overrated in general
Its basically a sea cockroach
If you're killing it
You kill them right before you cook them, so your reasoning is an old wives tale.
as the OP and a mainer, yeah I agree, good crab >>>>> lobster
But maine Lobster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other lobster. Our clams also btfo anywhere else. But Lobster is a legit meme food, good crab is so much better.
Honestly no when thinking about it, just kinda a weird culture thing I guess. Id rather kill them imo, I dont like elongating any living things suffering for food.
>stop liking what I don't like
I wish land cockroach was as tasty.
Thanks for this boring opinion. I actually thought we could go one thread without it.
how many people torture the lobsters before boiling?
I like lobster but its unquestionably overrated.
If its a Maine lobster (in season), fine. But that's really it - Canadian lobster (what's available year-round) is not nearly as good and I'm not going to get lobster over steak or crab at a restaurant.
It's not overrated if you know how to cook it. I agree that crab is delicious, but lobster can be just as delicious. Just boiling it is probably the worst way to serve it.
>Canadian lobster s not nearly as good
>lobster that lives a few miles north is somehow not as good as lobsters living in the water off the arbitrarily designated borders of the state of Maine.
That's actually correct
person that lives in New Brunswick Fredericton here, Nova Scotia lobster = Maine lobster.
with the added benefit of extra food safety regulations.
So the instant a lobster goes over the man made borders separating Canadian and American waters their meat gets icky? Can I get some rationale behind this line of thinking, or is it just Maine retards desperately clinging on to their only point of relevance?
These people get it, im OP, but also had a lot of growing up in nova Scotia if you can believe it.
That whole small area of the sea has 10/10 lobster. Maine just gets name dropped more since its way easier to just go to.
No. In Maine most port towns all have 10/10 lobster restaurants where the lobster you order straight up comes out of the ocean minutes before.
Waters are the right temperature for the meat to be at the perfect softness & sweetness right around Maine.
Its the same species but the meat quality varies by geography
>arguing over Maine vs Maritimes lobster
>not Hardshell vs Softshell lobster
Fucking landlubbers.
Stop shifting the goalpost. Whpat make Maine lobster better than lobster of the same species living less than 10 miles north of it. In fact parts of Nova Scotia are south of Maine's northern pount.
>Americans need everything simplified with American place names
Is this why you guys call the Netherlands Holland?
I told you, the temperature
The meat texture and taste varies by water temperatures.
When you go to the store and see lobsters in the tank, those are Canadian lobsters that come from the North Atlantic.
Americans dont even think of you.
Did you read my shit? I agree Nova Scotia lobster isnt different, but Maine gets named more because its a bigger tourist area. There is no difference, and I ate a lot from both from family lobstermen.
That said, that whole small ocean area from maine/east canada, has by far the best lobster in the USA, and id probably argue the world, but I wont go to lesser countries.
The water off the coast of Maine is the same temperature as water off the coast of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
They're the same lobster dummy, just different parts of their molting cycle.
>maine is a bigger tourist area
stopped reading there bud.
Try taking a look at a map. Nova Scotia is the same latitude as Maine.
Actually, Holland is a region of the Netherlands.
t. American
Their muscles get tired from swimming all the way to Maine.
Dude, dont even fucking try, Maine is WAY more touristy than fucking Nova Scotia
>only ways to Nova Scotia
>2 shitty boats, one that makes everyone throw up, another one is 20 hours long
>only plane flight is to Halifax, 4 hours away
>Nova Scotia is a literal island connected by shitty canada bridges
>absolutely NOTHING in Nova Scotia vs Maine.
Fuck off fag, ive been going to Nova my whole life, its a shithole to get to and always has been since they stopped having an airport.
I love this argument so fucking much. It really is the best way to find the biggest retard in the thread
What makes a cow, lamb, or fish delicious? Call them whatever the fuck you want but it doesn't matter, it's just the meat and how you cook it. A cow is just a land retard, or a fish is a sea squirmy. These stupid names mean nothing. Fuck off
>A cow is just a land retard
>nova scotia doesn't have an airport
>halifax is not in nova scotia
ask me how I can tell you're lying.
>Nova Scotia is a literal island connected by shitty canada bridges
It's a peninsula connected solidly to New Brunswick.
You seem to be confusing Cape Breton, an island within Nova Scotia, for Nova Scotia itself.
>admits to going to a shitpile his whole life, even though he doesn't live there
>going to nova
t. someone who hasn't been before.
yes, because it's an unnecessary step. And if I'm cooking lobsters for a crowd of people that unnecessary step multiplied over a couple dozen lobsters becomes a significant inefficiency in the cooking process.
Or you kill them via cooking them, so YOUR reasoning is a bleeding heart faggot's tale
I went to Nova Scotia this summer
Cape Breton was cool, water was warm enough to swim in. The best part of Sydney area was going blueberry picking
Halifax gets old after a couple walks of the boardwalk. Donairs are worse versions of kebabs, tastes like roasted meatloaf covered in sugar.
I give it about a 7 because it was cheap.
Do you only cook for crowds? If not, then that doesn't hold up.
Also, putting them in the boiling water live causes their tendons to seize and their meat to be less tasty.
You're a fucking moron.
wouldn't poking a fork in their brains cause their tendons to seize a bit too?
no u!
No, because it's instantaneous in ONE location, not an all over shock. Dumbass.
>putting them in the boiling water live causes their tendons to seize and their meat to be less tasty
[citation needed]
that's an old wives' tale if I've ever heard one
Gaylord. Keep ruining your seafood.
I'd want to be killed before cooked or eaten, so I kill anything before cooking or eating it.
It's not. And, it's common sense.
If someone stabs you with an icepick straight into your brain, how much struggling are you going to do versus if you are dropped into a vat of boiling water? Use your fucking tiny brain.
the hot water is relaxing, like a bubble bath, it softens the muscles and lulls the lobster to a sleepy and pleasant death, resulting in better tasting meat
You mean, scalding hot?
Only if you put it in the water cold and slowly warm it up. Boiling water does not do that, but keep making excuses for poor technique, dumbass.
Why not give the lobster a tiny dose of valium before boiling them?
I love you user, keep up the good work!
>They die insanely fast in boiling water
It's still going to take longer than how long it takes for them to die after having their head cut in half. Some people will say "fish don't suffer or feel pain so do whatever you want" but obviously they experience some form of discomfort as they try to get away from things that are damaging them, so do whatever kills them quickest to minimize that.
As long as you aren't killing them and then letting them sit around for hours before cooking, bacteria growth isn't a concern. Same thing for freshness.
Killing them quicker by cutting the head in half instead of just tossing them into boiling water should also make the meat stay more tender and taste better. When an animal gets stressed during slaughter and struggles it gives the meat bad flavors and makes it tougher.
>boiling the lobster alive as-is and letting it do its nearest equivalent to panic
>stabbing the lobster to death
nigga just hypnotize the bastard.
put him to sleep and tuck in
the lobsters tough shell protects them from the heat. they typically die of exhaustion from trying to swim away rather than the boiling water
If I was a lobster, I'd want to be boiled alive, so I could feel something for once
Because I'm sure THAT doesn't affect the meat at all.
>watching old iron chef episodes
>lobster battle
>chef starts cutting up live lobsters
>cutting one in half
>starting at the tail
>lobster rears up
>cuts the rest of it in half
>it's still moving
i know it was probably dead after being completely cut in half but seeing the chef do it in a way that potentially let the lobster feel more discomfort made me not watch iron chef anymore
>people actually argue that killing something 5 seconds before you cook it is somehow more """humane""" than killing it nigh instantly at the same time as it starts cooking
but sure whatever puts your ""conscience"" at ease
you TOTALLY cared about how that lobster felt before it ended up on a plate
how is killing logster any different than bolting cows - which often only half-paralyzes them so they can still feel - and dismembering them alive? At least when you're having a clambake your killing the critters themselves instead of being a meatcuck.
Found the vegan vagina
I'll make sure to peel the crust off my sandwich to feed your parents on my way to work.
I care about the quality of the meat. From any meat source.
Killing our food is a fact of life, and while I would never torture an animal, fish, or sea creature unnecessarily, you still have to get the job done. For the sake of the meat, a quick kill is always preferable.
Found the fucking retard that's as bad at reading comprehension as he is making his parents proud
I'm saying you should look at it as food and nothing else if your plan is to fucking eat it.
To do otherwise is disingenuous and hypocritical.
It's a goddamn sea roach. The only reason we don't eat land roaches is because they're too small and don't taste as good
exactly. How come boiling/pre-killing lobster is such a big debate when the way most common meat sources are raised and slaughtered are far more inhumane?
>from maine
>doesn't know fucking shit
There is no bacteria that you need to kill you moron, the reason that lobsters aren't killed beforehand is that killing them releases a deadly toxin, and those toxins don't cook off like bacteria do. Also, lobsters don't actually die very fast in hot water, it's clearly Utter torture for the animal to be boiled alive for half a minute til it passes out from too much pain..
so that smug cunt who kills them first is eating toxic lobster meat?
No, don't be stupid.
It's a deadly toxin, lobster eaters BTFO
I like to set a wooden chopping board over the top of a large boiling pan and have them walk the plank at the point of my trusty Sabatier.
Genius. I know how i'm killing myself.
They are insects. They aren't even sentient. They're no different to a plant. The body detects harm and tries to avoid it, there is no mind to otherwise affect it. It simply reacts without thinking. Lobster just do and that is that.
I know that with some kinds of fish killing them beforehand actually makes the meat taste different cause of stress affecting the flesh. They however use a special technique to paralyze the fish, I believe by putting a wire down the spine to stop it from happening. That said a lobster wouldn't quickly die when thrown into boiling water, I don't think it would cause you have tales of people fighting to keep the lid up cause the fucker tries to get out. All that stress could add to the meat texture. Personally since I am not a psychopath I would simply kill it right before throwing it in.
>obviously they experience some form of discomfort as they try to get away from things that are damaging them
Ever try to gently massage a live fish? They run away from everything.
What if you put it in cold water and then you heat it to a boil?
You are projecting your own human sensations onto an animal that couldn't possibly be more different to you. Fish and crustaceans do not think, they just do. We understand them enough to know that their nervous system is incredibly rudimentary and they simply do not feel 'pain' because 'pain' is a sensation only sapient creatures can experience. Picture it as a doctor hitting your knee with that hammer, it doesnt hurt, but you know something happened, you dont do anything, but your leg moves anyway. It simply reacts to physical stimuli and nothing more
>Sea squirmy
>No one has mentioned freezing them to sedate them first
My family would always freeze until unresponsive and throw them in rapidly boiling water right from the freezer.
>not just cutting off the tail and throwing it back in the ocean
Do the same thing with crab claws
That's not true, lobsters definitely feel pain
Can't you just do what I do and cook it Low and slow with its head out of the water so it doesn't die but meat is perfect? Most humane way to do it.
Nova Scotia master-race lobster reporting in here.
Had Maine lobsters and they're good too.
In general I think lobster is very overrated. I really only enjoy it a couple times a year when its right off the boat and also cheap (sometimes I get it around 5$ a lobster). I've had non-right off the boat lobster before and its not nearly as good.
How do you keep your lobster from asphyxiating though?
Holland was what the Netherlands tourism department called it though
Is that really better for them though? Might look better to us and be easier but doesn't mean it feels better to them
Colgate-fag here. North-Holland and South-Holland are our premier provinces and we also call our own country Holland from time to time. The rest of the world does too. The only absurd Anglo thing is how we're called Dutch.
mini oxygen tank
My kindergarten teacher used to preach this philosophy. Still cook with it in mind to this day.
This is one of the dumbest posts I have ever read.
If you cook them, the bacteria that can grow in the 1 minute between them dying and cooking are dead anyway.
>only sapient creatures
Don't use words you don't understand.