>I just love coffee!
I just love coffee!
Other urls found in this thread:
i should buy some cream for my coffe ! :3
>I love sugar milk with a hint of coffee flavour
what is it about coffee that makes people so mad
they have a case of the mondays
They haven't had their coffee yet. ;)
Ah ah ah...
this. Why the fuck would you be offended by not spelling out every ingredient in a non-black coffee?
There's such a stupid coffee culture in North America that's not even about drinking coffee, it's about looking like you drink coffee
It's the same reason why light beer exists, it's beer for people who want to down 6 beers without getting fat or getting too drunk, they gotta drive over to their job at 6am because they get basically 0 mandated vacation days a year.
Americans have an obsession with working hard regardless if they're efficient or not, and they want to be seen drinking beer even if it doesn't do any good.
Same with coffee drinks (known as specialty coffee beverages), most coffee sold in the US is in the form of a specialty beverage with a coffee syrup base and no real coffee, it's coffee for people who need to be seen drinking it.
>Or getting too drunk
Light beer is usually the exact same ABV 4-5% as the normal beer
>this assblasted that he's a social retard
>nobody can ever willingly enjoy something that isn't sugar how dare you scream at MY obese society for eating too much sugar FUCK YOU tooth disease? what tooth disease
God you people are so fucking driven to associate everything people do to urge you in a healthy direction with some fucking clique that it's blinded all of your senses. Fuck you stop driving up my healthcare costs!
>ugh let's hit up a Starbucks, I need my caffeine
>buys a 'refresher'
Might just break up with my girlfriend over this.
Huh? What are you trying to say, that he's an American and self-hating Americans overcompensate for poor eating habits by policing others?
Sounds like a stupid and petty thing to get worked up over.
No talkie I'm not ready for this thread yet
>people who want to drink but don't want to get fat or too drunk
Whats the problem, again?
light beer tastes like watered down selzer water with a hint of beer, i used to hate beer until I found out beer wasn't supposed to taste like bud light
It's a comical exaggeration, son.
you got worked up enough to google a pic of the drink and complain about it
You're right, light beer is shit. Some people love holding their cans though.
Eh, it didn't stress me out. Is it important to you to blame me for that?
It's also cheap and you can drink a lot of it. Not my favorite but I drink it.
Are there any places that actually serve macchiatos like this?
Every time i order one, they mix the milk and the espresso so I just get an iced coffee and I think it beats the whole point.
>There's such a stupid coffee culture in North America that's not even about drinking coffee, it's about looking like you drink coffee
i have never encountered this, but probably because I live in Canada and not the US where that sort of trendwhoring and "keep up with the jonses" behaviour runs rampant
Drinking Coffee is Like committing Suicide but Without even Actually getting to Die afterwards.
Wow! Informative and sensible!
*steps on lego*
>tfw not enslaved by the caffeinated jew
I like coffee and milk, and when I want coffee I usually make it with equal parts of each. But, I make the coffee really strong so it's not diluted, and I don't add any sugar. The only way for me to get "real" coffee that's strong enough is to just boil or cold brew it so I can use a high ratio of coffee to water, or use pic related. I had this leftover after using it in a couple recipes and it actually makes a decent cup. It's a lot easier to make stronger coffee with instant.
Also if someone wants to drink sweet coffee milk, who cares? That tastes good too if you want a sweet dessert-type drink, especially if the weather is hot.
I've been flushing my pourover filters filled with wet grounds down the toilet twice a day, every day.
Should I just stuff them in a planter pot and mix it with potting soil to form compost?
Does filter paper decompose into compost properly?
What does Veeky Forums think about coffee icecream?
There is literally nothing wrong with drinking caffeine. In fact i find myself more productive on days i drink caffeine in the morning.
Might be the same thing with medium-rare steak, hot dogs not having ketchup, chili not having beans, coffee without milk or sugar, etc. It's part of someone's culture and/or identity that they take pride in, so doing it differently and doing what they consider abhorrent might make them feel insecure. They want to think that their way of doing things is good and right and if someone does it differently then they have to think that they might not be perfect and have all the answers for outsiders to look at them for, and they begin questioning everything from who they are to why we're here and they descend into a downward spiral of madness and nihilism ultimately culminating in an agoraphobic depression that lasts for months until they come to some kind of realization of what's truly important and then they let people enjoy things differently from how they enjoy them, but not many people can handle that and come out okay on the other side so they just get mad
I like it in a milkshake but store-bought ice cream is too sweet for me and it makes my throat get irritated if I eat it plain.
Forget about coffee, have a taste of this
dont talk to me before ive had my coffee
dont talk to me after ive had my coffee
dont talk to me
Coffee with heavy cream is amazing
i always get tempted to buy ice cream to put a scoop of it in my coffee but it just never works out like i expect it will and i just end up with cold milky sweet coffee with disgusting separated milk product in it
now, a shot or two of coffee over a dish of ice cream, thats gud
coffee-flavored ice cream is bad though it always tastes not quite right
composting takes longer than that
paper will take too long but you can throw the grounds into a plant pot just fine, i do it and nothing bad has happened to my onions yet
>i always get tempted to buy ice cream to put a scoop of it in my coffee
Most ice cream has cooked egg in it so you might have little pieces of egg white floating in there. Probably not a good idea, but you could make a milkshake with coffee ice cream and use coffee instead of milk to dilute it. The flavor of coffee in ice cream is different because sugar has a flavor to it and there's a lot of it in there.
heavy cream is that 30% whipping cream?
What does that even taste like?
I tried straight half and half and it was like sipping melted butter.
american light beer is so bad compared to real beer from europe
even spanish beer has more character
>american light beer is so bad compared to real beer from europe
Drinking a really cold light beer when it's 95F in the middle of summer is pretty good, but not at any other time.
would be better if it was a Franziskaner or a San Miguel
Wow nice armchair analysis. Sorry not everyone likes your choice in beverage.
what if you like seltzer water
>groupmate always talks about how much she loves coffee, how she is such a good coffee connoisseur and uses special roasting pots and hates machines
>go to starbucks with her and couple of other groupmates
>she orders "coffee" that is 50% cream 50% sugar
>"I am a coffee aficionado!"
>is american
I've only had Blue Bell's. It's really good but it could have a stronger coffee taste
The hallmark of the smug beta male.
will watching pic related teach me how to make coffee?
It's there in Canada too, haven't you seen what people order at Timmies, m8?
Grind beans to consistency required of machine
(Some brands such as Kickass coffee even have a small guideline on the side of the bag in different sized dots)
Use water boiled to a consistent temperature
>Lol stop liking what I dislike it literally makes me mad
No but watch it anyways.
Makes sense, if she really likes coffee why would she tolerate the swill Starbucks serves?
>people who walk and drink coffee
sit down and enjoy it instead, preferably with some pastries. It's relaxing.
am i faggot for heating milk, whisping it and then putting cinnamon on top
These people usually have jobs to go to
Most people treat coffee like some wake up juice and could't actually describe the taste to you, they just expect it to taste bitter.
So have it in the morning before you leave for work like a normal person
clean your fucking room
>calling someone who has a girlfriend a beta male
The telltale sign of an omega male
>make up stupid story
>it's not even interesting enough to be made up
>get called out
>i'm not the beta male, YOU ARE!!!
I ain't even the same guy friendo
Now say something cool about coffee or leave
You guys are cute, whens the wedding?
I've been drinking black coffee since I discovered the local sludge at the gas station down the block is so strong there was no possible way to get rid of that taste. 4 years later I'm still going strong, though I indulge in a creamed can coffee whenever I'm too fucked to make a pot.
Nah, you're a classic Huxley delta. Embrace your position.
>most coffee sold in the US is in the form of a specialty beverage with a coffee syrup base and no real coffee
Do you have a single fact to hack that up?
You realize light beer is just one type of beer in America right? Is popular because it's cheap. You're comparing McDonald's to fine dining. Microbrews are where the "real" beers reside.
>even spanish beer has more character
Dont talk shit about my Moritz you fucking nigger
the level of autism needed to get this angry at somebody adding milk and sugar to coffee is beyond the comprehension of most medical professionals
There's literally a guy in this thread complaining about people walking while drinking coffee. Coffee autists are unreal.
t. soyboy ipa drinker
>having a girlfriend is an accomplishment
It would be for you
When did it become cool to market coffee exactly like craft beer?
>a fine craft coffee
>draft ice cold brew coffee on tap
>nitro cold brew
"nitro" means they injected nitrogen into the coffee so it can form a thick foam head when poured from a tap, just like beer.
Who actually enjoys this shit?
Coffee tastes absolutely nothing like beer.
There's a lot of people with disposable income I guess.
It went from niche to basically everywhere about 3 years ago, but I live in NYC and we're like a decade behind when it comes to coffee trends, so I assume some time around 2005 anywhere with a coffee culture that actually matters
I had this for a while until I realised how gay I looked in my flover shithole. Now I just get americano with one ice cube in it to enable chugging before work. I think my original interest in it had to do with my minor stint wit guinness and dark ales since they all sort of taste like smooth creamy coffee to me.
Speak for yourself in basic land.
>not drinking a thing because you think it makes you look gay
I know it's scary to move all the way to the coast, but maybe Chicago? Baby steps? They have recruitment adds all the way up and down 8th avenue in Chelsea so I bet you won't get killed there.
There is no reason for your kind to live in fear anymore.
Not being fat is a kind of body shaming. Also, in Wisconsin "I'm not drunk I'm just buzzed" is like some kind of weird e-peen contest, to see who can drive home and kill the fewest people (a hit and run doesn't count because it doesn't go on your record if you don't get caught)
>the virgin wew
>the Chad smug dog
I don't think you understood. It's not about being afraid of cletus, you just need cletus not to make fun of you before you both go repair power lines.
Nitro coffee tastes disgusting
Cold brew coffee is ebin
Persona 5 has good coffee tips if you hang out with Sojiro.
Where can I find a cute misato gf? :(
>"have a taste of this"
>not "have a sip"
Literally one job.
DON'T say you like bread if you don't eat flour out of the bag with a spoon.
Seriously, I'm a huge coffee snob (always straight coffee, always single origin, always nordic roast, and my espresso setup costs more than my car) but ripping on people who like milkshake type drinks that feature coffee is silly.
>mom gets coffee with octillion creams
>gets angry that it tastes like coffee