The nectar of the gods

The nectar of the gods

I love you user

I like mandarin the best

Tome tropical is also god tier

too sweet

>too sweet
>procedes to drink coke

>unless he doesn't

All sodas are too sweet. I'm tired of the idea that sugar syrups need to be behind every single soda.

The one true nectar of the gods.

god is my weekend dad and i can verify this

Vary good choice user. But, I'm afraid you're wrong.

get out if you like lime over pic related.

sangria > mandarin > pinapple

Lol! But that's what a soda is.

Solution, buy or make club soda and dilute your soda tosuit your taste --- or go without.

Now I'm craving this. It's been almost a decade since my last bottle.

all jarritos have a weird dust flavor to me also "real cane sugar" is a stupid meme

that dusty flavor is the best part

Crappy beverage made under unsanitary conditions. Like in their processing plant being infested with roachea, having slime in the ceiling and faking results during third party audits


That's easily the worst soda I've ever tasted

im always scared when i buy these that i'll get one from some factory in brazil that gives me gamma poisoning and then i die like in the incredible hulk

I work there mate as an consultant

Gamma radiation doesn't make food poisonous in any way. You'd have to be directly irradiated to have a negative effect.

im pretty sure its the same user that works there

Is used to sanitize food also


>made in Mexico
Juanito, you have to go back.

You have to go back.

my uncle works for nintendo m8, prove it

I visit the facilities where they make their citrus drink bases. Its not clean at all. Even the surronded area of the place around the processin area its not paved and its just dirt

what gives the soda it's strange aftertaste? does a mexican lovingly fart in each glass before it's capped?

I used to love these but they changed how it tastes it does not taste like lime anymore but slightly fake sugar tasting water with a hint of lemon

Hey we can like shit from Mexico but they cant come and stay here

You are my nigga. All the other flavors are balls, lime is top tier and way better than mountain dew