Why does Hershey's Cookies n Creme make my teeth hurt so fucking much?
Why does Hershey's Cookies n Creme make my teeth hurt so fucking much?
How does it hurt your teeth? Are you freezing it?
Try brushing your teeth for once, nigga
When was the last time you went to the dentist OP? Do you brush your teeth every day?
You have bad teeth; when you bite down the pressure makes the contents between your teeth interact with each other more closely and produce an electrical charge, this charge in turns stimulates your dental nerves and your brain interprets this as pain or discomfort.
hydrochloric acid
Or he could just have sensitive teeth
Why does Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme give me heartburn?
>You have bad teeth
>sensitive teeth
>your teeth have emotions
Fucking grow up. The other user was right.
If it's a sharp, localized pain, you might be getting a cavity. I would start using a fluoride rinse and brushing my teeth more often. Maybe see a dentist if it's been a while.
too much sugar, probably
Yeah, his teeth could be on their period.
Why do oreos make my shit turn black?
youre supposed to eat them with your mouth
You must have cavities caused by tooth decay. See a dentist asap, before you end up losing your teeth.
I do but my shit turns black even after eating only a small handful
>hurr an emotion is a sense
>hurr teeth don't have nerves
>hurr what is a root canal designed to correct
You're so retarded it hurts.
why did this make me laugh so much?
But it's only sugary foods that hurt my teeth. I chew ice regularly, and that doesn't hurt at all.