Why is it only around the holidays that people buy and bake these print sugar cookies? I mean I get that they usually have a festive design on them but they're delicious and pillsbury should make a year round one
just put a doughboy design on it or something
Why is it only around the holidays that people buy and bake these print sugar cookies...
My grandpa sends out letters to food companies with suggestions like yours all the time. They write back with a thank you and give him free stuff like stickers and coupons. Crunch sent him pajama pants. You should send in your idea.
Its a basic sugar cookie you dolt.
dont rain on my parade cunt
It even says it right on the package
They do make non-holiday cookies, with stuff like Ninja Turtles.
What more do you want?
Does anybody remember when they'd make those Halloween sugar cookies with an edible sticker you'd glue on top with frosting? No idea if they still make those but they were the fucking bomb.
These are literally sold year round. I buy the Scooby doo ones monthly and eat that shit raw.
I can never fucking find these in the grocery store anymore even during the holiday season and it makes me so fucking mad
anyone else eat these sumbitches strictly raw?
Me, and I've never gotten sick.
yes, they were my go-to snack for a few years when I lived near a grocery store. I bought so much candy from that store I was always a little ashamed to go there
How much do you weigh now?
I've been a little depressed lately, not sure why
but the other day I ate an entire tube of chocolate chip cookie dough. It was one of the big ones too..
pealed that sucker like a banana and went at it
i can't get over the raw flour taste in raw cookie dough. i have an exquisite palette and i can identify the individual ingredients and raw flour just does not. taste. good.
You've obviously never had a pillsbury shapes cookie, theres some sort of chemical in the godforsaken makeup of these cookies that makes them so good.
What I don't get is why they don't sell these bad boys in the tube anymore, I love cutting them into different thickensses.
What is the best shapes cookie and why is it reindeer?
I email planters everyday asking for PB CRISPS to come back
I prefer the hearts outer Christmas tree cookies, but reindeer is right behind them.
hearts or Christmas trees
Is that what it is? I bought a tube of sugar cookie dough and threw it out after a few bites, it had the weirdest flavor that was nothing like I remembered cookie dough to be as a kid
Then the shape gets fucked up by your knife unless it's frozen. My mom always used it refrigerated and had the most retarded looking wonky oval shape cookies
they have changed the recipe a few times unfortunately
you sir are mistaken. These cookies fill my body with a nostalgic warmth the likes of which I have never felt before. I've never tasted another sugar cookie that comes even remotely close to these.
not strictly raw, but I'll always pop one in when making them.
>Pumpkin Shape® sugar cookies
They trademarked the word "shape"?
>my aunt made these for every holiday for years
>young me didn't know they came frozen from the grocery store and thought that she actually spent all that time making custom patterns on the cookies
I think in this sense shape refers to the variety of cookie so yeah essentially they trademarked shape