Hey guys thank you for all the feedback last thread! My fast food review channel is starting to gain attention! This is my newest review, again please help me out with any critiques or advice on this one!
Costco hot dog review
Other urls found in this thread:
>No suit
fck off, only reviewer worth watching is reviewbrah
what the fuck
please do something with your life kid it's not too late
you are balding
also why would you start at the center
He's just trying to be a meme. You can tell he's trying to act casual while doing something he knows is retarded. Another retard trying to get his 5 minutes of fame.
who the fuck eats like that
He's trying to meme himself to some money.
Lurk Moar, newfags.
Kill yourself, John.
>'Lurk Moar'
You are the newfag here.
Get fucked, retard.
You're doing great sweetie! :)
Just do like mommy says and keep taking your hormones, you're getting more and more feminine every day! :3
Is it true Americans lick their hot dogs?
First we suck them, then we lick them, then we put them in our assholes, then we eat them.
after i give who ever made it a patriotic clap and a big tip, then i get shot.
you should be beheaded for doing that to a hot dog
that was really hard to watch. not funny. If not intended to be funny, kys
are you related to this girl
oh boy another dead eyed talentless and humorless white kid. keep it up buddy
Stop saying ah
Hey OP.
I'm kind of a big thing youtube myself.
Where you are going wrong is you're making a boring ass, vanilla af food review vid in your car, dressed like a faggot.
What you need is a gimmick.
Maybe you could get out of the car and walk around a bit.
Wear a ski mask.
Some shit like that, hth.
Good luck user.
Is she related to this guy?
why the fuck is she whispering? Holy fuck im in an ultra bad mood already and this shit isn't helping
Did you even watch him eat? He’s got a gimmick all right.
Seems like more of a 'social eating' kind of video than a review, you spent more time eating than talking about the food. When you did talk about it, it was shallow and not in depth. No mentions of temperature, consistency, spice, or color. All you said was 'it's good, and it's cheap'. I got all time in the world and I feel like I still wasted my time watching your video.
>It's another random no personality cuck tries to become Youtube Famous even though the Youtube Gravy Train is quickly derailing episode
get the fuck out of Veeky Forums
t. jack whiteknight
/lgbt/ thought they were going to see a cute boi put a phallus in his mouth. BTFO
No, one is a fat nasty whore who should be gassed and the other is the god Emperor and savior of humanity who triggers libtards by feeding fish and and pointing out that trannies have no place in society