Just when you thought this board was safe from /pol/s reach, they ruin something we like.
Just when you thought this board was safe from /pol/s reach, they ruin something we like
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Papa John's has the best toppings of chain delivery pizza though.
You actually like Papa John's?
Also I made this thread already and it got deleted in like 15 minutes. Let's see how long yours lasts.
Will H3h3 disavow?
Hitler would literally eat this pizza if he was alive
It's a ripoff just like a lot of pizza places. Don't know why these places have to be so stingy with the toppings. When i get something from a big chain it's domino's $7.99 deal. At least I get what I pay for.
When I lived near one, I used to order their Ha-waiian pizza every weekend. It was a cornerstone of every nutritious breakfast.
Papa John's sucks
Dominos is the only good pizza place.
papa johns spicy italian sausage is A1.
and they have a 50% off promo code that's been working for at least a year now
>not getting the papa john's favorite deep dish with spicy sausage instead of regular plus an order of chicken poppers with blue cheese
Papa Johns bacon cheeseburger pizza is god tier but I wish the made pan pizza like how dominos does.
Papa John's noticed the stupid NFL anthem protests were hurting their bottom line as they were wasting money buying commercial time for less viewers. So naturally, the same media that protected pedophiles for decades wants to smear the company for daring to state the obvious.
That should be a selling point.
Papa Murhpy's or your local joint. Papa John's is no better than Pizza Hut.
pizza hut's stuffed crust is good af, but their toppings always taste stale (at least at my local hut). my papa johns stuff always tastes fresh and when I ask for extra sauce I actually get it whereas pizza hut adds barely enough sauce to coat the dough. the sauce is the key to good leftover cold pizza that doesn't dry out
/pol/‘s cancer has infested literally every board with alt-right propaganda and political off-topic trolling. Besides, most Veeky Forums users are either rightwing or centrists, with only a few lefties here and there. I put up with it despite being very much leftist and socialist because people are entitled to their own opinions and sometimes it actually is pretty funny. Regardless, someone declaring a particular chain of delivery pizza to be the “official” pizza of such a disorganized and nebulous group as people who hold alt-right opinions is INCREDIBLY silly and hardly newsworthy. Now if Papa John’s had issued this declaration themselves, that would be something else. However, most companies like that remain apolitical at all costs.
The Daily Stormer declared Papa John's they're official pizza. Don't really need to run a smear campaign after that.
It's funny to watch the companies go into damage control after the endorsement. The same thing happened to Wendy's and New Balance.
Why are redditors so obsessed with /pol/?
This didn't work when they tried it against Chick Fil A five years ago, and it ain't gonna work now.
>one website runs one story about it
>ZOMG smear campaign!!
literally fake news
the left, as always, is targeting someone for being conservative. Papa john said obamacare had a negative impact on his business and they have been against him ever since.
This is just them pulling the nazi card
how's that november 4th revolution going, guys?
>Nov. 4th revolution
You mean the bullshit social media meme that conservatives fell for hook, line and sinker?
fake news
so you pretended you were going to have a revolution, got called a bunch of faggots, and then didn't do anything?
oh wow, sure showed me!
>we were only pretending to be stupid
What the fuck is the alt right? It seems to be a catch all term of people I don't agree with politically made to be a scapegoat
I remember that like it was yesterday. My local Chick-Fil-A had a line 100 yards long and they ended up closing early because they ran out of food.
Link to actual article including link to Daily Stormer endorsement.
Fuck you, it's funny. If you can't laugh at the absolute circus that is politics in this country then I legitimately pity you.
I wonder how hard the PJ's marketing team sighs every time Schnatter opens his mouth.
Its actually nice to see a leftist that thinks people are entitled to their own opinions. The liberals/self declared marxists i have met in real life (including my sister) have all said that in a perfect world my opinion would be illegal. Im not even alt right i'm a fucking libertarian.
(ps i know this is not food related but neither is the rest of this thread.)
Sweetie, you and your ilk were shouting about how it was gonna be super important.
Had PJ's one time, didn't like it much.
ding ding ding
although some retards decided to embrace the name
You must be so mad right now.
Well I didn't because I'm not Antifa, but it was literally a bullshit meme traced back to a fake Twitter account called KrangTNelson that conservative social media took so seriously that it made it all the way to Fox News
There never was a planned revolution for today, somebody just wanted to troll soccer moms and Trumpists
Pretty much. They're the modern equivalent of Jews in Hitler's Germany. Only difference being the "alt-right" hasn't actually done anything wrong.
Social media posts and click bait belongs in either /b/ or /trash/ newfriend.
Why? This shit is hilarious.
>pizzahut or dominoes trying to use weaponized autism psychology to ruin a competitor
when you go to great lengths to promote the fact that there is a revolution coming, up to and including purchasing ad space to tell people it is going to happen. Whether or not you plan to do anything yourself you are inciting conflict.
Probably Pizza Hut.
Anyone remember Snappy Tomato Pizza?
>chain pizza
Figures /pol/ is a bunch of tasteless flyovers.
>CEO says something stupidly political
>Political Extremists latch onto it and declare their loyalty
>Company must fly into damage control mode to distance themselves from Extremists
Seriously, how can any person not find this funny?
>bob avakian, of all people, represents the entire left and people actually listen to him
also this isn't cooking
The world is full of stupid people, and we're ALL on 4chin. LULZ for everyone
>Better ingredients
>Better pizza
>Better future for the white race
>Papa John's
Maybe he shouldn't have kept the third line in his commercials
literally who?
You know how the very out-there identity politics of anti CIS white male SJWs, feminists, obscure gender normists, and BLM has gone full retard. Well, it's full-retard in the other direction when little kids "learned politics". That's the alt-right.
Nazis and white supremacists with a little rebranding so they can be on the mainstream media again.
So what you are saying is, it's a collective term for people I don't agree with and saying racist, mysogist, transphobic, bernie sanders voter is exhausting after a while. Ok.
nobody cares, fuck off back to plebbit
Don’t get me wrong, I still think many opinions are straight up morally unacceptable, it’s just that I believe that the right to be ass-backwardsly, pants-on-head retardedly wrong is crucial to a truly free society. A lot of our modern political divisions would be nonissues if people would just let other people be wrong and do the “live and let live” thing instead of acting like poltics are the be-all-end-all. Every conversation isn’t a literal battle of ideology, every election isn’t a fate-determining contest where the victor dictates policy absolutely, and every blog post isn’t a history-altering speech. We live in a democracy that thrives on compromise, so let’s compromise instead of battling for ultimate control
>people keep taking the bait
No, I dislike them all, and I dislike the alt-right. I said full retard, like white supremacy and bitter MGTOW folk. Also people who take >DA JOOS seriously at face value.
When your "politics," is only identity politics, and not y'know, governance, nonadministrative duties, national defense, taxes etc, then you're pretty fucking retarded and probably shouldn't vote. Like most dumbfuck democrats and single-issue voters like evangelicals.
Alt right should claim something like whole foods as their official grocery store or starbucks so liberals will be conflicted on boycotting cause they love those places
This is a boomer tradcon. I can feel it.
I don't even know what that is. I'm 27. And that is literally what the alt-right is, just the opposite spectrum of retarded liberal identity politics.
that makes total sense obviously i am also against thought policing in any sense. But this is also ck so im going to post any thing food related now. take some food gore
how about you fuck off back to plebbit
I had some buddies mention they were going there on the protest day. Never heard of them before. Said they were going because of a proteat that the chain was anti-gay. Thought it was wierd they'd buy food from a place if they were protesting their anti-gay views. Didn't hit me until like 2 years later that "Oooh they were going as counter-protest!".
Baby Boomers are the generations before Gen X. TradCon means Traditional Conservative.
Was that the pizza joint that had someone calling around all day asking if locations would cater to a gay wedding, got to them, they said no, people shit themselves because the place was homophobic, then it turned out that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding because they don't actually cater at all?
But Trump never used identity politics. Only the Clinton did. Trump just says America. Clinton says this race, that race, etc. Stop acting like a superior centrist. You aren't fooling anybody.
Well obviously I know what baby boomers are, just never heard tradcon before. I honestly don't even know what a traditional conservative is, because it's morphed so much. There are the pandering moral conservatives who make abortion their forefront, there are fiscal conservatives who want the gov to be less wasteful (probably would sit in this camp), there are ones who want nothing more than a strong national defense and crackdown on crime, and there are neocons who are something else entirely (hopefully they died off by now). And now there's the "alt-right," which is the backlash of liberal identity politics.
I'm not a centerist, and a candidate doesn't have to say anything for a political movement to get behind them. Quit being a strawmanning faggot.
hello neogaffer
Possibly. I don't know. It was a chain that was popular in the Midwest years ago and then it just up and disappeared sometime around the millennium. Their 'za was good. Better than the Big Three.
>I'm not a centerist
>Screams in centerist lingo
You ain't fooling anyone faggot.
What the fuck is a centerist? What does a centerist vote? Because I've never voted D in my life at the ballot box.
It seems that you just like to misrepresent and insult people instead of having an actual discussion, y'know, because your a fucking faggot. I still appreciate your retarded ass voting Trump tho.
Stay mad faggot. You just love to take the moral high ground don't you? Trust me, you aren't fooling anybody.
Stop taking the bait, dumbass.
>KKK declares roses their favorite flower
>lefties and other retards disavow roses
I mean, it's so easy to be right when you're so wrong. Honestly, avin a giggle m8 more than being mad at this point.
The alt-right is a polite way of saying pants-shitting cowards who espouse retarded identity politics to feel better about their personal failures.
The sad part is that Poe's Law has taken such a hold of /pol/, that I honestly don't even think it's a troll. Could be wrong.
THIS is an Alt-righter
HE was on White Power Radio
why can't you leftist trash just crawl into a ditch somewhere and die?
Papa bless
Isn't the daily stormer just a satire website
Im going to order papa johns. What should i get?
A large pepperoni with mushroom and be sure to tell them you want it "well done, like the Jews at Dachau"
>media knows antifa isn't big or organized enough to do much more than smash shit
>antifa doesn't know this and thinks the 4th will be a big deal but nothing materializes because they're idiots
>media narrative: "the right thinks something minor will be the end of the world, watch them be wrong when some idiots fail to deliver on an impossible promise!"
I didn't know about the protests at all until a friend mentioned it and easily came to this conclusion by just "antifa nov 4th what happen" into google and looking at just the returned results for about 30 seconds as I read off the title of each lock-step article.
Muh nigerian obesitron! He so righteously handsome! Wtf, i'se luv's da' alt-right nows.