>"Oh I could never eat dog! That just sounds so awful!"
>eats pigs and cows
You know,I can kinda see where vegans are coming from. I hate hypocritical meat eaters.
>"Oh I could never eat dog! That just sounds so awful!"
>eats pigs and cows
You know,I can kinda see where vegans are coming from. I hate hypocritical meat eaters.
To be fair dog does seem awful, I bet is super fucking chewy, has no meat and I have to scrape it from the bone and tastes like shit
wow, it's almost as if dogs are not a traditional meat source in the western world and have had the staple of "man's best friend" for many centuries
really shocking, isn't it?
Cows and pigs can be "le man's best meme" if you gave them a chance as well.
>man's best friend
Dog owners are scatfags.
cows and arguably pigs make poor household pets
>if you gave them a chance
they are where they are because they're good food sources compared to dogs
as i said, it all comes down to culture and customs, "dog" is synonymous with "pet" in the west, pretty much
i only eat cows because cows seem to not be able to ahve fun.
We had a pig
Every day
Every GODDAMN day
He'd destroy the garden
We had a dog
Every day
Every GODDAMN day
He'd bark all day
your fault for being too stupid to contain a pig
your fault for being too stupid to train a dog
Well, made for healthier bacon then.
I love to eat dog. Grew up in regional burma and ate them regularily. Even tho i come from a muslim background we would eat them often, dilicious in kebab.
And I hate faggots yet here you are.
>niggas think pigs and cows can be cool like dogs
There's a reason people use those words as insults.
Dogs are fucking disgusting animals.
Cows are dumb so as such they make dumb companions. Pigs are a bit better but lack the breed diversity of dogs and the ease of training.
>t. Muslem
We also eat fish carp like photo.
Better than cows or pigs.
I will move to your country soon. See you then neighbour. You like kebbab.
>t. chav
Great, we can have a beer while my dog watches.
It's not bad, just super fucking lean. The meat yield is very low though. I think it's 20% for most dogs.
ethics aside, theres little or no yield from butchering a dog compared to a pig or cow so there's no reason to even consider eating one unless its in extreme circumstances
even in places where they do still eat them, they're not anywhere near a staple of the local diet
Vegans are logically correct about most things, and anytime someone tries to argue in favor of eating meat they sound ridiculous. But animals just taste awesome so I don't care.
ive heard dog is ok but honestly ive never looked at a dog and thought "what a chunky dude, i bet theres lots of good meat on that"
>you have to eat all the meat or else you're a hypocrite
that's not how it works lmao
"dog" is literally also an insult you dog cunt.
Lol this. Vegans are mostly autistic so they can’t comprehend that not every decision should be made based purely in logic. Same goes for atheists
>and anytime someone tries to argue in favor of eating meat they sound ridiculous.
meat is tasty and is a good source of many things you need to be healthy, like protein and iron. alternatives exist, but meat is tasty and plentiful so why not eat it?
what a slag
When it comes to nutrition there's a solid case for eating meat (especially fish). But ecologically, economically, and ethically it's a pretty bad practice.
Although I understand why vegans try to argue that their diet is healthier, because otherwise they'd be telling people "yea this is really unpleasant and not good for you personally but you should do it anyways because in theory the world will be better off, or at least it might get better someday if everyone adopted this practice." Not a good pitch.
>But ecologically, economically,
farming produce is also very destructive to the environment. producing anything in the modern age is destructive. why single out meat?
>and ethically
fuck off you retard there is nothing wrong with eating meat
I'm not a vegan so I obviously don't care that much, but it's not an either/or between meat and produce. Raising livestock requires growing plenty of plants to feed the animals. This is inefficient because animals don't convert all the energy contained in the plants into meat. There is plenty of waste involved in the metabolic process. Think of how many calories an animal absorbs over its lifetime, and compare that to how many calories are in its cooked body. It's a huge loss of energy. So you end up using more land and more resources to end up with a product whose main advantage over plants is its taste. Obviously that taste advantage is very valuable, but you understand how prioritizing taste over environmental preservation and efficient use of resources is not exactly rational.
The one exception is grass-fed cattle that's raised on land that would be unsuitable for cultivation, but that's a rare case. Sheep too, but hardly anyone eats them.
As for ethics, if you believe in utilitarianism there really isn't much of a justification for eating animals.
I would eat dog, yes. I would eat any animal served to me unless it was endangered or human meat.
Everyone bugs the fuck out when I say I would have no problems eating dog or horse meat. Fucking normies can't even eat according to a logical framework.
Try playing fetch with either of those animals.
There are dogs who can't fetch, but they have the redeeming quality of being able yo fot on your lap.
Dogs have also been bred for obedience and genial qualities that make them the best of pets.
Try playing fetch with a vegan. They just stare at you. I think it's all the marijuana they smoke, that stuff is terrible for you.
I bet you're a fucking beast in the sack
having sex isn't vegan
Nice bait burger
>horse meat
lmao horse is downright normal in a lot of countries. it's only not in the US because horses were more prized as work animals so a horse worth eating was usually a sickly or old horse you actually kinda don't want. but in canada and a lot of europe eating horses is normal, even if not as common as beef or pork
There's no hypocrisy in saying that some animals have more rights than others.
uh that's where peepee comes out. No thanks loser.
If carnivores taste bad then why is fish good? Most of the fish that we eat eat other fish.
ITT meatcucks who don't understand the is ought distinction
Fish isn't meat tho so eating fish is ok.
honestly some people have more rights than others
fish is good because they are naturally marinaded in the sediment-rich water. Other meats are marinaded in air, but since we are also in air we can't distinguish the subtle flavors.
and cat owners aren't?
Pigs are omnivores
Cows are herbivores
Dogs are carnivores
You don't eat carnivores because they taste bad
You eat farm animals because you have no attachment to them.
You don't eat dogs because they're high maintenance toys that some people substitute for children.
Why don't you eat your mom when she's dead since she's just meat you moron?
Dog meat is stringy as all hell. Pigs and cows on the other hand isn't.
irrelevant descriptive statement
try again
Not an argument try again
>irrelevant descriptive statement
but its not irrelevant
an animal's diet strongly impacts its own meat's taste
this is why you dont eat street deer, they eat trash so they taste like trash. same thing is what makes free range animals tastier, theyre not fed processed schlock and instead eat real food thats normal for them
the animals weve chosen to farm have been selected for their taste and ease of raising, which is mostly if not entirely influenced by their diet
see also dog meat is just bad
But is it morally ~wrong?~
I don't care if you don't like it or not. I want to know if it is morally wrong.
it is. You have to make normative statements to say nothing about what we should do
- people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim)
- people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)
try again
say anything*
>Dog meat is stringy as all hell. Pigs and cows on the other hand isn't.
Abosloutely not. Stringiness has nothing to do with the species, and instead has everything to do with the animal's activity level and age. The specific cut of meat matters too.
Old animals are stringy. Doesn't matter if it's a dog, pig, cow, or chicken.
fish were placed on this earth by allah to be eaten. they exist for no other purpose.
If i'm gonna eat an animal that rolls around in it's own shit i prefer it to have tasty bacon and ham.
Very true regarding diet affecting flavor. And it's not just diet that's the issue with carnivores, it's also how that animal lives:
Carnivorous animals tend to have strong musk and scent glands. They use these to mark their territory and in the case of "pack" animals like dogs, to communicate with others in the pack. The presence of this scent taints the meat. Most herbivores don't do this because they try to hide from predators, not announce their presence via scent. However, there are exceptions--male deer and pigs scent mark sometimes, and hunters know that a female will taste a lot better than a male in those cases.
Funn piggo dancing video :))
morals are a spook
that which is morally correct is that which either minimizes suffering and/or maximizes happiness, according to the values of all involved
eating a dog isnt very good, so it's probably a waste of a dog that would rather not be eaten. if eating dog were a good idea, dogs would be raised for their meat and not just hunted by the poor in east asia and afrika who can't poach anything better
so basically, i'd say it's "morally" wrong to eat a dog. it imposes suffering on something without very good reason. but if dogs were more palatable to eat, then it would become fine. the question lies in whether the delight in eating for a person would outweigh the value of the dog's life.
Man, you're right. Let's eat people too, we're only animals after all.
I wouldn't mind eating them if meat from exclusively carnivorous mammals wasn't notoriously bad.
nigga don't thats how you get fukken prions n shit
dogs aren't exclusively carnivorous
true. sometimes they eat literal shit, like rabbits
Clearly I won't eat a dirty 3rd worlder. Only the best of western civilization. Cooked properly and no eating the brains. I mean, we're not zombies.
>not eat his own shit
It's like you don't want that easy, lean b12.
the problem there is that to get such a fine example of humanity to eat will be hard since everyone will rather they put their good human qualities to work rather than to literally being roasted
Hey hey hey. You get them young. Not as much flavor but they'll be nice and tender.
Pigs are spoiled shits that are difficult to potty train and get ugly as they are.
Cows are not any better. They're actually worse.
>babby's first Hume reading
Would it be okay if everyone ate dog meat? Yes, society wouldn't struggle
So it's okay
>believe in utilitarianism
I don't eat pork unless it's from a local farm I know enough about to trust. Mainly because I had a piggo as a kid.
Oh, so that's where vegans "come from." Makes sense.
Shitskin off my board. Dogs and Horses are the white man's best friends.
Don't talk to me until I had my coffee
Care to elaborate? Not a dog owner, just curious.
Don’t mind him, he just has toxiplasmosis
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I figure he meant that responsible dog owners need to go around picking up their pet's poop. There's also the problem with dogs loving to roll in, as well as eat, any kind of shit they come across.
>I dont care about your morals, I want you to tell me if its against my morals
Nigga, what kind of bait is this?
I was so hungry one day, I made an arrow. I had a simple bow, strung it with thin rope and went to making an arrow. Found a good piece of bamboo, nice and straight. Cut a piece of flat tin for the arrow head. I tried to bang out a rock as native americans did but couldn't get the shard right. I made the flights with duct tape. I was all set. Unfortunately, the neighbor's dog that always came by never showed. Was gonna cut it down and grill it. Instead I had to take my weak, starving ass and ask for a sandwich from a neighbor, my dad. I hadn't eaten in two days. First time I was so weak and trying to make that used so much energy. I was so weak,
I should say that I'm almost a carnivore. It's not a meal without meat. Vegetables and bread/grains are to supplement meat.
Europigs ate dog as late as early 20th century. Dog was on the menu in Germany as late as WW2, probably post-WW2 as well when everyone was starving.
dumb vegan shill
dogs, provided they are cooked properly, are delicious and you should try having a well-seasoned dog steak before passing your "2-enlightened4you" judgement
>on Veeky Forums
No, it's not morally wrong. The bible says all things that creepeth and crawleth that are not scavengers. Basically, if it doesn't survive on rotting things, has fur, scales or feathers, it's fine. There's other rules that doesn't apply to this discussion. It's fine but people's tendency to personify the animate and inanimate has made more rules for socially acceptable food.
You know, if someone suddenly ran up to me with proof that the cure-all make-all food I was eating was gene-mod, braindead people that walked in a line to get food and then their brainstem severed I think that'd be just okay.
Yah they don't make convenient pets for your western values of harlot-like convenience worshiping. You westerner pig filth ought to be ashamed of your hypocritical choosiness of what you constitute as more valuable for living and slaughter.
>I could never dog
I don't eat dog, horse, or cat. They proved to be awesome companion animals that helped humans become the dominate life form on the planet. Cows and pigs also contributed by being food.
Cats role in advancing human society is highly debatable, but they did play some role that is pretty much universally agreed upon. So they barely escape the oven in my book.
A cat owner talking about dog owners having to pick up poop as a negative is pretty hilarious.
You realise people who have cats in the countryside just let their cats shit outside and bury their shit themselves, right?
Not that anyone mentionned cats before your post, you consolewar faggot.
I personally don't really care. I'd eat it if it was offered to me, but I wouldn't go out of my way to try it. If it were more widely available and I enjoyed the taste, I might add it to my weekly cycle of meals.
Right humans have some and then no others do. Glad we agree.
I'm gonna ought my distinction in your fucking ass faggot.