Pizza is American

Daily Reminder that "Pizza" in it's conventional and most common form is an American invention.

Invented in America, by Americans, for Americans and was not, contrary to popular belief, invented by Italians or in Italy.

Is this the /int/ overflow thread?

Reminder that pizza in any form is also gross as fuck and unfit for human consumption.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

only one of these statements is true

Pizza is awful in Italy.

I'll keep my Soho squares from Prince Street Pizza, thanks.

im so so happy to live close to italy, not ever having to put up with the greasy pieces of crap american "pizza" again. disgusting. fucking didgusting abominations.
last time I was in the usa I almost puked after trying it in multiple places.
if that's your definition of pizza sure, just please don't think we eat your crappy versions outside of your shithole.
sincerely a swissfag

this guy gets it

Even if italy fags wanna argue that (putting herbs on bread = inventing pizza) then they still have to admit Americans perfected the formula.

Pizza is a vegetable and vegetables are healthy

>swiss mad that his irrelevant country is imploding while america remains the number 1 world super power

Top kek, like clockwork boys.

>america only has one kind of pizza
america is like 100x the size of your shithole country and there is every kind of pizza you could ever imagine here cuck

No they don't.

Yes they do. They really really do.

i dont care about you being a superpower, you're an ordinary citizen just like me.
now guess who has a much higher quality of life?
get real faggot, I'm out.

I do not.

no i want a burger instead

Actually my quality of life is much higher than yours, so chew on that one fuck boy Eurocuck.

AND my people invented pizza.

Well Hitler didn't admit he lost the war but he still took that cyanide pill fuck nigga.

How can a country that doesn't produce real cheese possibly create the best pizza?

Imagine being such a passive agressive cunt

NY pizza = best pizza.


How is this passive agressive?

Literally said "Pizza is American and not made by Italians"

I don't think anyone but you is sititng around like "Gee, I wonder what he meant by that"

I went to Naples and the pizza was total ass

Northern Italians don't even eat pizza


>rubbery cheese
>plastic salame
>car oil
>electric oven

dont troll me in my own troll thread

>globs of pureed tomatoes on dough
>seasoned to taste
>wa la!

>eating Neapolitan """pizza"""
You should try the Barese and Roman ones, pizza from Naples is always some kind of bloated shit.

why are you so PIZZA aggressive

I saw this discussion veer into sheer autism yesterday on a different thread where a poster was implying that pizza was invented way before the 1500s so I'm going to Sage this thread.

I'm tempted to repost all the evidence and reasoning demonstrating that pizza was invented in Napoli in the 18th century, but it doesn't seem like anybody buys OP's framework anyway.

Roman style pizza isn't even recognizable to me as pizza. It's more like baked bruschetta.

Daily reminder that lou malnati's deep dish is better than any new york thin crust

We have this thread every day. Veeky Forums is basically just a dumping ground for shitposters to build their egos back up after they stop getting enough (You)s on their home boards.

Or, it's for people who enjoy food and cooking.


>muh higher quality of life
>a mediocre sit-down meal for two is more than 100 francs
Your country is beautiful but jesus christ it's too expensive. if you want mountains and beer just live in the west coast US for a fraction of the price. and Italian pizza is a joke btw. 25 euros for bread and a few ingredients because "keeping pizza simple is authentic italian" is bullshit. you eurofags are getting robbed.

Poorfags aren't allowed in Switzerland.

Why so many penniless "Syrians" then?

yeah ok, Langstrasse in Zurich would like a word with you. stop pretending you live in a utopia.

You go right to Hell, you filthy whore.