How many of your guys have had pierogi? Is it a disgusting Slavic dish or the best dish in Poland? I want to know 4chans opinion. Personally, I go for the latter, but perhaps user disagrees.
Only had it once. Tasted pretty good. Tried a bunch of versions of it. Have to say either the plain ones or cheese covered were the best.
>Is it a disgusting Slavic dish or the best dish in Poland?
Sister in law made some one time
Always assumed it was a North Eastern America thing. They were pretty good. Nothing wrong with potatoes
Well you can make it many different ways, and most cultures have a version of the pierogi, so if someone can explain how perogies are unique that would be enlightening.
Seriously, pierogi is a dumpling
I fucked this fat girl in canada for a while and she made these tasty little shits all the time.
Potato, Bacon, Cheese and she always put some cheapass montreal steak spice on top of em. I don't miss the ass but goddamn do I miss these saucy bastards.
I'm Polish and they are pretty good, can be delicious depending on how skilled the cook is (seasoning is super important). I ate bolognese and meat/veg/mushroom ones yesterday and will be eating some lung pierogi today.
Pierogi's are fucking delicious. I have no idea how anyone can dislike them. It's like hating pizza; they're super versatile.
pan-fried with onions, topped with bacon and sour cream
simply incredible
Sour cream with pierogi's is like my perfect food.
I hate pierogi but love chinese dumplings. Empanadas are somewhere in the middle. Dim sum are disgusting.
potato is poison but aside from that is okay
yum luv me some fair trade gluten free vegan perogies
Absolutely delicious. Throw some caramelized onions in there too for a sweet and savory combo.
For those who don't like pierogi, you've clearly never had good pierogi
I've only had the frozen kind, but they were dank.
PS: Sorry about 1876
I have Polish relatives, so I have them all of the time. They are pretty good.
I love ’em. Like dumplings but not asian.
Not worth making at home tho,
Pic related, its my homemade ones.
forgot to add a comment.
i made these last year. they are empanadas.
i put leftover pot roast and veggies in some and some caramelized onion and braised pork in some and jelly and stuffy in others.
is that bacon?
user is very right about the cook skill. had pierogis more than once and you can literally eat awesome pierogi or wet floppy mess depending on the cook.
They are huge in Pennsylvania. All kinds of ways to make em. Boiled is the worst, sauteed with onions or slow cooked in a crock pot are the best.
It's like pelmeni but better.