GIFs tolerated as well.
WEBM Thread
>inb4 >inb4
Off to a good start.
I came here to post this
Inb4 jack
Yeesh, that looks like a disaster. Why not just buy a whole chicken for cheap at the supermarket?
Though I guess if you really wanted to use a canned chicken, you'd rinse that motherfucker good of all that goop it's in.
Because it's pre-cooked. You're ready to eat the second it's out of the can.
Dude, that shit don't look cooked at all.
>Fully cooked
Canned food is cooked twice. Once before going into the can and then again after the can is sealed to kill off bacteria.
If anything it's over cooked. Nobody cans raw meat.
Also that goop is fat and congealed cooking stock.
Canning involves a heating process. All canned goods are cooked.
As someone with access to a grocery store, it doesn't seem very good though. Camping, hiking, or some situation like a bomb shelter or a civil uprising that knocks out infrastructure, then I could see it having its uses.
Why do people get upset about a chicken in a can, nobody gives a tin of sardines a second thought.
Cause it looks weird and gross.
I've had it, it's meh. Just tastes like overcooked chicken. Canned ham is worse.
It's really only sold at bulk markets and survivalist websites these days anyway.
Whole-boiled chicken isn't really a good preparation of the dish.
Ah, fair enough.
Dunno, I guess 'cause you don't see it often. Or rather you're more used to seeing whole chicken raw or something. Not to mention sardines aren't as popular/are seen as one of the stereotypical gross foods (which is a shame 'cause they're tasty as fuck), I think. Or something. So maybe that contributes to it?
>you'd rinse that motherfucker good of all that goop it's in.
If you've ever made your own stock you'd know that goop is actually tasty. The chicken is pale and overcooked but the liquid it comes in would actually make it palatable.
Only the best OC of Veeky Forums.
I love win and cheese but that is absolute shit.
>those pancakes
Hggg i know what is exactly it'll taste like
Only fresh webms allowed.
Can someone link me to the video where surly king of the egg fort comes from?
Jesus that made me feel so uneasy.
Has he hospitalized?
His stomach ruptured, he died later of eternal bleeding.
The guy secretly wanted to see some fingers removed.
She has come so far, she is truly precious.
what in the name of holy fuck
Some nice activation going on there.
What's funny is that a couple of them look like they're actually "activated".
They are chicken wings, what is it you are confused about?
>homestyle goodness.
I get that canned food in necessary and needed, but that statement went too far.
I dont get it. Is the goose jewish?
What in gods name
Well that's just rude.
A real day wrecker, for sure.
getting handjobs from her must be amazing
i gagged
>Stillbirth in a can
No, Thanks
I've eaten that shit before. The only problem is that it's too sweet.
so even japan has shitty clickbait now, huh? fuck.
>alternating between fast and slow motion
i really hate this video style. it makes me unreasonably angry
I'm not some whiny vegan but why can't people kill the animals before they start dismembering them, or is it just some automatic reflex and this fish is already dead?
theres shit pouring out the back of it so it could just be reflex/physics but honestly
>have cut the fucker in half and it's still wheezing
>"lol y they cant just execute it first ?? "
>or is it just some automatic reflex and this fish is already dead?
Somebody has said this is the case. But someone else has said that they don't kill it because of how long it takes to butcher it, that the meat will start rotting before they're finished if they kill it. I hope it was dead. I'm not a vegan either but I'll gladly switch to cultured/lab-grown meat so we don't have to kill things for food anymore.
Failed wrap.
honestly with the water pouring out the back of it it could be opening and closing its mouth because of the pressure/draft from it emptying out. kinda like how putting a bottle upside down makes it "burp" water and it doesnt just pour out because the exiting water has to compete with entering air. venturi effects n shit i guess
maybe it feels good to the fish. maybe the japanese are the only ppl to understand this. maybe your perception of pain is based on 'mammilian' life forms.
god bless /pol/
This explains a lot
Why is inb4 guy the most annoying poster on this board?
These threads were shit before inb4 guy and his relentless autism forced us to adapt instead of just reposting
>Shots of wine
How much of a shit cunt do you need to be?
>you'll never be browing /pol/ with your grandma and stumble across a BLACKED thread and get a handjob from her while looking at white girls taking JUGE black cock like they should
>eternal bleeding.
Really nigga?
It's a meme response to this webm, don't worry 'bout it.
underrated post kek.
i am pretty sure it is a meme response to that Veeky Forums meme.
din't knew it was a cringe thread.
I'd only eat this if i were high and desperate. american cuisine at its best
an uncultured cunt
will stay disgusting until the end of time
full of normies, no surprise
sauce good sir?
>they can't figure out a coconut
>they try to stab cans open
Please tell me these are dumb Brits. How the fuck do you even survive if you can't open a tin can.
i can do this too
What the fuck material is that cup thing made of and why does it not melt?
What shop can I buy one from beside
No :(
I just made this webm.
I remember that guy.
His recipe for 3-cheese changed my life.
I love that jelly. I love that jelly cold. For real, this gif always triggers the hunger in me - I'm usually not for eating crap but this shit makes me salivate. I'm so fucking damaged.
Sorry, don't have a source, besides Veeky Forums, but would love to have a proper source myself.
Well that was hard, took one whole google search