I wanted some pancakes, so I came home and decided to try and make some, I didn't have any baking powder so I looked up a recipe that didn't use any. It said I needed rising flour, but I didn't have that so I just used regular flour.
I think this is sponge cake, but I am not certain. I had a bit and it tastes like dough and is really chewy. It was also hard to flip in the pan so that's why it didn't really look like a pancake, the other ones I made look more like pancakes, but they were also pretty thick because I put too much batter in the pan.
What the fuck did I just make Veeky Forums?
Congratulations, OP. You've made injera
What you made was a fucked up pancake that didn't have any leavener.
>"Hurr Durr, Tartar sauce, guize!"
Fuck you.
Self-rising flour is just flour that comes pre-mixed with baking powder. You fucked up son. Best you could really have done with your situation is baking soda and an acid of some kind like lemon juice or vinegar.
No it's far too eggy to be a bread.
I will keep that in mind for next time.
Do you have the exact recipe. I feel like I can profit off this to hipsters.
>2 eggs
>2 cups of flour
>2 cups of milk
>some salt and sugar
>mix milk and eggs
>mix dry shit
>put both together and mix
>lube the pan
>cook on medium heat, also flip at some point to get all the batter cooked.
I can do this.
Thanks guy. Be sure to profit while you can. Hipster fucks eat anything up if the presentation is good
Don't have lube for the pan is it okay to use my saliva instead?
Except the presentation will just be a limp and flat looking pancake.
Next time just make crêpes instead:
75g flour
150ml milk
1 whole egg
1 spoon sugar (or however much you prefer)
Mix all of that shit together and pour it very thin into a very hot, only lightly greased pan, flip once, repeat until no more mix is left. Should be 2-4 Crêpes depending on the size of your pan and how thin you can make it.
Crepes. You've made crepes.
You basically made shitty crepes, bro.
You made fat crepes, yeah. We call them Pfannkuchen. But you fucked that up, too.
Where is that plate from I have it too
Corelle gold butterfly plate.
Ok gonna help you out here if you don't have self rising flour mix 2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of all purpose flour.
Why would you think this would make pancakes if you skipped the most important shit?
I thought like they would be like unleavened bread type pan cakes, not egg doughy shit.
user, even if you're looking at terrible threads like this, you need to have some reading comprehension
New-age heirloom pancakes. People used to make this all the time but they forgot about it in the industrial age. It uses less processed ingredients and we even use real eggs, not like the kind you buy at the store. People have reported great health benefits, it makes you feel great throughout the day and it helps your metabolism too.