Who /cereal/ here?
Who /cereal/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>people like this actually exist
What the hell
I mean I guess you could do worse things on a Saturday morning
19 years old, the definitive image
>eat your diabetus and artificial flavouring loops goy, you earned your treat!
low test confirmed
Reactionaries. OP is having a fine weekend with low responsibility to recuperate from his hard week of working and shitposting.
>projecting this hard to validate your numale lifestyle
Jokes on you, I'm a grill and this was sarcasm.
Take that redpill and suck (cl)it B) XD
>A hipster is someone who eats mass market cereal, watches popular television and smokes marijuana
For all the talk about degeneracy that gets thrown around, a degeneration of perfectly useful language into meaningless memes and buzzwords is happening right before our very eyes
>hipster is a meaningful and useful term
LMAO. It's literally a meaningless term that attempts to pigeonhole individuals into a stereotyped category of behaviors when said individual may exhibit none of those traits at all. It's simply an attempt to create even more tribalistic separation into my team your team bullshit.
*grabs gun* Its time. Time to remove tese filthy sub humans and send them to Europe where they belong
TFW sit next to a FAT dude who wobbles LITERALLY WOBBLES his ass SO FAT! he fucking cant walkk straight. He lvoes Rick and EDgy and watchhes Game of Drones. Also says stupid shit like "SHAME! SHAME!"
Thats why he lives in a fucking bamboo house
why the fuck does that lighter have a holster??
also i eat cereal everyday since it actually gives me energy for the day
I'm 32
Who /nomilk/ here? I like my cereal dry as a bone.
Pic related, my usual go-to cereal.
>uses hempwick to avoid lighter fumes
>smokes camels
>criticism must follow a dichotomy
Because the holster has both a bowl cleaner and a hemp wick on it ya dingus
so i went into this guys post history and he posted pic related as well
>love of his life is stoner chick with herpes
I've been adulting pretty hard and clean these last few years. Not gonna lie, it looks like that dude could be on an island and a morning like that one is much needed. I hate those 420 blaze it everyday faggots, but every few years a location appropriate bender does wonders for reseting your perspective on life. Maybe next year I'll get mine again.
I await the inevitable "my gf cheated on me, I broke up with her but she gave me herpes. what should I do?" post
Sup bro.
Are you unique and interesting?
>eating solid sugar out of a bowl filled with liquid sugar
this is why americans are so fat
>adult me
every fucking time
She's cute. She's a smelly kind of cute, but she's still cute.
>Be manchilds
>Be neet
>Supermarket is having a sale on cereal on a Saturday
>Go and pick up two very colorful boxes of children cereal with cartoons characters and shit
>Cashier laughed when she sees me buy it
I had some of this today, way better than regular CTC in my opinion.
It's weird, as a kid I'd always eat cereal dry but now I always have it with milk.
good lol
Isn't it so fucking ironic that being a piece of lazy shit has become so mainstream some boards on Veeky Forums are now trying to be counter culture and promote healthy family life, eating well and working out
>hard week of working
I know people who "relax" like this, and let me tell you they do not work hard. More than likely this dude has to go into work his retail shift in 4 hours and will get high as shit right before leaving.
I can smell how musty your apartment from this picture.
It's weird, I can understand more mainstream boards like this and Veeky Forums thinking this way, but I've also seen fucking /v/ of all places encourage living a normal life.
She aint getting the herp cute. he's 24 she's 23 dude is a nu-male for sure desperate for her road rashed gash.
>keeps weed in an iPhone box
What is he, fucking 14?
I'm pretty sure for /v/ it's more going against the stereotypical """gamer""" title which is typically linked with eating like shit and being unhealthy.
jesus fucking christ
>literally dan olson
ahahaha holy shit
only bite sized shredded wheat. it's the only cereal without sugar.
Relate to the OP post so much. I hate manchildren more than anything in the world. They think they are cool or "normal" because they can't cook,pay taxes,do laundry,manage their time or save money. It honestly pains me because I get so disgusted with these idiots. I may have no friends because of this and people call me "autistic" but I'd gladly be like this an alone then become another brainless manchild living in 2017.
>le edgy lonely self deprecating misanthropist
You are just as bad as they are, buddy.
Why not just get normal friends?
i literally cannot think of a worse way to start your day
You're creatively stunted to an unbelievable degree if that's true
Jesus your place looks like a mixture of pure dissapointment and truckstop bathroom.
Veeky Forums is inherently counter-culture. If the normies are down to eat dino nuggies and be fat slobs, then Veeky Forums can't. Otherwise Veeky Forums is normie town.
>this is the wit of the aut-right channer memesters
laugh laugh laugh
>Laptop is an HP
I use an HP DV-7 for a while and it worked just fine.
In order to clean the fan in it you have to break down the laptop into individual molecules, however. I want to one day find the asshole who designed it and do that to him as well.
I had a pavilion G6 with an A6-3400M
>35 watt chip
>in chassis designed for a significantly lower TDP
I once bought a big bag of malt-o-meal fruity pebbles and the cashier at wal-mart kept implying i was going to get high as fuck and eat the whole thing because it was april 20th.
Get on my level:
>Turion X-2
Both heated up the same small cooler and regulary reached up to about 120 °C
It still works somehow...
>Is he fucking 14?
The Devil's trips for the Devil's lettuce. Appropriate.
>Rick and Morty
>Dude weed
>Tacticool lighter
>Worst sugar cereal
>Some off brand reddit tablet
>Camel motherfucking Crush
>A pipe
It gets worse the longer I look at it
>eating cereal while having a bong on standby and watching reddit and morty
Is he trying to assert himself as some cool kid?
cereal is feed for docile nigger-cattle
The world's changing. Depression is more prominent than ever and we live in a society which constantly fucks and makes fun of itself. At the end of the day there isn't one person left who isn't a manchild. At least he's being honest.