>your cocktail will be $38
Your cocktail will be $38
If I tip a twenty. Can I get a G and smoke a bowl in the back?
>One of our chef de cuisine's signature creations, for you sir.
What the fuck am I supposed to so with that?
Swear to God if that was put in front of me my first instinct would be to down what's in the shot glass. But now I'm thinking it's oil or something
There's a Veeky Forums poster who works at a restaurant who puts these together as a joke. Few years back he made a whole thread of them. Many NEETs were triggered.
I'll put my cock in your tail faggot
you got a link for me? or what i would search to find it in the archives?
Is that one of them retarded deconstructed shit?
yes it is one uh them thar deconstructed dishes
I could shovel spam into a shot glass, drop a handful of kale next to it, sprinkle woodchips over it, and all of you would take it seriously and get triggered.
I can't believe the people who come up with this shit. If brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough to blow their nose.
>not eating Greek salad in an upside down champagne flute
what have I been doing with my life?
rich people will pay for this just for the instagram photo
I don't think that's what you'd call a champagne flute.
Here's a pic of some steamed hams
Take a seat, frogboy
I would stab the waiter with that useless tiny fork
this is silly but doesn't look bad. I'd just lift up the glass, let the salad spread around, then put the onions and dressing on top.
you eat with your eyes
Post more?
I'm not saying that presentation is normal, but if you do a shot of salad dressing then I have to say it's mostly your fault for being retarded
>the "muh le presentation xD" meme
Hey good shit OP! I went to Noma a few years back, best food I've ever eaten! pic related
Do you get to keep the bong?
why is the pencil pre sharpened?
this ruins the whole deconstructed appeal of the dish
idk but do i get to smoke the flowers at least
Oh cool, now my fries are being steamed so they no longer are crunchy!
Yeah puffin on that "baby's breath" :^)
They found the creativity of the dish itself inspired many to come up with their own creative thoughts, that's why they sharpened the pencil and also provided artisanal paper for diners to draw or make notes on (which the diners could take home). It is rumored the Uber company was conceived when eating here.
First off, that's way too many onions for that small bit of salad. Secondly, it's fucking stupid. Whomever came up with that needs an ass whooping.
I *FUCKING DETEST* this "presentation" shit. Not only is it just an excuse to give you less food, but it means people handling your food more than necessary, and letting it get cold.
onionlet begone
>burgers arseblasted when their salad is served cold
>all these gullible guses falling for this picture
>I'm so hungy
>Waiter, excuse me, but my greek salad appears to have gone cold.
You sir, are a gentleman and a true scholar.
Fucking lol.
Also nice trips
brainlet BTFO
Wait.. does this lady have a penis?
who is she?
Lady with a benis
Sarina Valentina
>they don't know /ourgal/
>my gazpacho is cold