How much am I missing out by never having tried this?
A lot. Seriously your life hasn't even started yet.
My parents gave me Wagyu Beef at my baptism just so I could start my life.
Literally eating a piece of amerifat
It's extra fatty beef, woooow.
It's not just "fatty", it's from a type of cow which was specifically bred for flavor and tenderness. That's very unique in a world in which the overwhelming majority of beef cattle are bred for fast growth, high yield, and practical factors like docility, disease resistance, ability to withstand a harsh climate, etc.
I can go eat some 60/40 and get the same flavor.
Yeah, and check out my new Ferrari!
If you are worried that you are missing out by not having tried a certain kind of food, you might be actually missing something even more crucial in your life
Pretty much this and you have to fly to Japan to get it.
It's a good country to do a food/drink holiday, just save up like $2k and do it for a few weeks.
not missing that much desu. if you do ever try it, you can't eat as much of it like an american steak, it's just too fatty to eat like 12oz of it in one sitting. It is very juicy though and sears incredibly easy. I would rather eat american wagyu hybrids, it's the best of both worlds.
>you have to fly to japan to get it
you do not
>2k for a few weeks in Japan
maybe if you're staying in hostels/capsules, don't travel to other cities much, and eat cheap shit the whole time. I spent more than that in ten days even though I never paid more than $30/night for my lodging.
I’ve got about 20 grand saved in the bank and I’ve always wanted to go on vacation. Is there an accessible place in Japan where I can buy a fresh cut of wagyu, bring it to America, and grind it in to hamburger meat to make tacos with?
I’d really like to post a cookalong just to piss off the autists here, and am willing to spend money to do so.
Not everyone is buying a dozen onaholes a day user.
dumbass weebs with a $2k budget for a few weeks in japan are definitely there for onaholes or ramen and gyudon every day. pick one
You could buy waygu quite easily at a supermarket, but you legally can't bring raw meat into another country. You'd get fucked by customs.
You can, however, buy real wagyu in the states, it's just incredibly difficult to find it. Most so-called "wagyu" here is a domestic-wagyu crossbreed.
>>and am willing to spend money to do so.
You want to spend money for the sole purpose of triggering people? Seems juvenile in the extreme.
I like this. But if you're actually going to go to Japan, go all out and get some Kobe filet mignon. Grind it up and throw it in that awful tomato sauce recipe with all the oil that the old lady put on YouTube.
First of all, yes, I’m willing to spend money to do so. This website has been my life since I was 17. I got a wife and 3 kids now, but I still spend a good amount of time on here. I’d easily drop money just to piss some of you faggots off, and I mean that lovingly.
Secondly, how can I New over customs by bringing it from Japan? I don’t want Americanized shit. To truly piss off Veeky Forums, it has to be legit, an I will spare no expense or legality to ensure that happens.
I’ll break any law, just tell me how.
I'm no expert in how to smuggle, user. I just know that if you get caught doing it you can expect to be anally probed by the airport staff and can expect to spend a while in prison.
I imagine this sort of thing has become much more difficult post 9/11. I travel internationally on business and these days everything gets X-rayed, sniffer dogs, you name it.
I think more practical options would be to film or photo your cooking while you are in Japan. Just get a hotel one night that has a kitchen. Buy a cheap-ass meat grinder and use that in your hotel, or use a knife (that will probably trigger a lot of the spergs too).
Or, like I said, you can get genuine Wagyu in the US if you're willing to jump through the hoops to get it.
pretty sure you can easily get real japanese wagyu online. kobe will probably have a meme tax even more so than real wagyu. matsusaka or koroge is arguably better but this all depends on who you want to trigger. Kobe will trigger everyone but matsusaka will trigger the ultra turbo weebs.
Please do it, user. I want to see this. Won't trigger me but I'm damned curious as to it would turn out.
Albertsons sells some 'wagyu' style beef and I made it into tacos. It's really greasy which you would expect since 50% of the meat is fat, but once its all rendered you need to add liquid to make sure it isnt dry crumbles. Kind of defeats the purpose the meat.
>Kind of defeats the purpose the meat.
You're not supposed to cook wagyu until the fat is rendered out. Stop overcooking it.
But yeah, what to you expect to happen with the cuts of wagyu that aren't a steak or prime rib? OFC that shit gets ground up.
well i mean if its ground up in the first place thats already a mistake. if i was gonna do tacos id just do the steak fajita style (with light seasoning)
Doesn't it cost $2k just to get there?
It's almost beef bacon with how fatty it is
Disgusting garbage.
You're thinking of Kobe beef,
Wagyu is Kobe crossbread with Longhorn.
It's fat distribution is almost as good as Kobe.
A lot of restaurants sell it as Kobe.
If you ever see Kobe Beef for sale in the U.S. It's most likely Wagyu, or some other shittier beef.
the fat in it is also different. contains more omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and more monounsaturated fats. so it is healthier fats.
i used to live on a base in japan. it was worth the expense to get a good cut of wagyu steak. i grilled it over natural charcoal to medium. Then a little salt. It tasted better than any of the american or australian lean steaks cooked by others in my building. which they had to marinated, rub, or drown in a sauce, because no flavor.
>But yeah, what to you expect to happen with the cuts of wagyu that aren't a steak or prime rib? OFC that shit gets ground up.
There's a lot of god cuts that aren't steak, user.
Might as well fly to Thailand, live like a kang and bang different ladyboys each night.
It's most honorable mystical cow folded one million times. You must not offend the meat sensei or you will bring shame to his family
wagyu is the breed kobe is the origin
>muh fatty beef
>when tenderloin is objectively the best cut
Wagyu is not a cut.
Also, ribeye cap >>>> ribeye in general >> tenderloin. Tenderloin is just expensive because there isn't much.
oh, well fuck then, What am I thinking of?
Nice. I see you're living the good live, user.
It's the tastiest meat in the world because it's been folded over 1000 times (that's where the fat marbling comes from).
It's ok, but definitely not the as good as the rumors say. Weebs, wannabe richfags and marketers will tell you the opposite of course
Its fascinating how little americans know about the outside world. Is it true that only like 40 % of americans have left the US?
not much, the only version that's actually special is the meat from kobe japan. the other ones are really just regular beef with better marbling
YOU FOOL! the greatest power of the wagyu is the restoration of youth. if your retarded parents hadn't fed you the fountain of youth at birth, you could've double the length of your life
Grade 9 waygu quality post
Have you assholes ever tasted a good marbled Ribeye? It's the same shit only without the buttery lard all over your stupid face.