Is pizza really that unhealthy?
Is pizza really that unhealthy?
Margherita is fairly low cal and nutritious. Anything swimming in grease and cured meats is going to be bad for you, though.
I always get
>Thin crust
>Only vegetarian toppings
>No cheese overload
In fact pizza can be extremely healthy and nutritious because you get your carbohydrates from the crust, nutrients and vitamins from the tomato sauce and vegetable toppings like mushrooms, onions, green peppers and olives, and then calcium and vitamin D from the cheese! Pizza is a delicious snack and those who purport that it's """""unhealthy durr""""""" are probably going to pizza hut or some chicago deep dish shit hole where 2 pounds of cheese and pepperoni and bacon and sausage are pile on to create a kids grease pool for swimming in.
Non nutrient dough
Salty meat product just bad for the human organism more than once every ~90 days
Another animal product shit for the human organism ~60/90 days for body to behave cleanly under so much toxic pressure
Tomato sauce ok something likely not horribad
>vitamins from the tomato and vegetable toppings
Shouldn't be much vitamins left in these.
you're a stupid bitch. salty meat and cheese is basic food humans consume since ancient times. in some areas it's almost the only food eaten during winter season. "the dough" is bread, also something eaten since ancient times. the whole concept of pizza is the most basic food in one delicious creation. saying anything bad about it is like saying consuming food itself is bad. thus, you must be a bitch because only bitches say stupid crap like you.
So if I just put one slice of ham, diced tomatoes as sauce, a pretty "rough" dough and next to the pizza a salad... I get that it's not directly healthy but is it atleast not unhealthy?
Dose makes the poison, lardboy
>you're a stupid bitch. salty meat and cheese is basic food humans consume since ancient times
Top keks all around
Chinese medicine says otherwise
Stay mad ignorant halfwit
they eat fucking monkey dicks and tiger balls, snakes, cockroaches, rats, cats and dogs.
Post picture of you sucking dried monkey dick or your opinion is invalid.
>third would superstitious medicine says otherwise
Learning hurts and make stupid people mad
The crust is still all refined carbs, that's the weak point of pizza, no matter how much healthy stuff you put on it almost no one does a whole wheat crust.
>Chinese medicine
Never go full retard.
>a chink sticking needles into the body, slipping in a quick fuck (no difference) and drinking boiled leaves and roots from the ground is anthying related to medicine
Don't you have a MLM product to shill for on Facebook?
I seriously would drag you through the street and have everyone kick you for how retarded you are, and force feed you ham.
Listen to these jews
Fuck them
Bread is bad and people haven't been surviving off of it since dawn of time.
Chinese medicine is a tier above make believe and below children prescibring mud pies for ailments. Even better are Traditional Chinese Medical schools who ripoff white hippies to teach them rhino horn will make their dick grow instead of Viagra.
Simple yet efficent
>I'll just call them a jew
Jewish speak is jewish
This, it's all about portion size.
A thin crust with some vegetables is basically a ladle of crushed tomatoes, some cheese, couple of slices of bread and some topping.
But if you eat massive 8 new york slices you just ate a loaf of bread, a bag of cheese and drank a bag of peperoni grease.
>>I'll just call them a jew
Now if hitler finished the job i wouldnt
>Bread is bad and people haven't been surviving off of it since dawn of time.
Clearly we've learned nothing since then and we shouldn't do anything differently from our ancestors who shit in the woods and picked berries hoping they weren't poisonous
well, they must have done something right or you wouldn't be here today to shitpost about it.
ITT: protein is unhealthy
Yeah, it's called medication to treat the diabetes you get from eating nothing but white rice all the time
no food, and i mean NO food, is healthy or unhealthy. each food is more or less healthy, in narrowly defined parameters, compared to other foods. you need protein, fats, water, probiotics, and vitamins/minerals. carbs are optional. too much of any one particular item (trans fats, sugar, protein, you name it) can have some deleterious health effects. it will always be true: a balanced diet, with a wide range of foods, more plant based than animal, using traditional cooking and preparation methods when possible, will give you better health outcomes. stop worrying about food. its not your enemy, and there are no miracle foods.
"Post picture of you sucking dried monkey dick or your opinion is invalid."
best posting ever, anywhere. most useful, most practical. i will use it now exclusively.
>worrying about a food being unhealthy
What, are you planning on eating it every day or something?
I used to be dumb like you but then I watched a lot of local news segments and read blogs from the first page of google searches and now I will live to 200 on my diet of chocolate and apple cider vinegar
Listen dumbass, if it's not homemade pizza where you can swap out the sauce, cheese and toppings, pizza is still going to be unhealthy.
You can use all the vegetarian toppings you want, the pizza is still going to have like 500% of your daily carb and fat intake with 10-20% at most of your daily macro vitamin needs.
Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about faggot.
The dough, cheese, sauce and meat weren't prepared like this 800 years ago dumbfuck. There is an insane amount of carbs in the pizza sauce and the dough is literally as unhealthy as bread can get.
Google it and educate yourself. My parents owned a chain of mid-high end italian restaruants and I know exactly how bad that shit is for you.
Pizza is a vegetable so its pretty healthy.
Just take a look at that image you posted and you tell me.
ok fatty lol. Keep eating vegetarian pizza to try to lose all that weight.
If you only eat variants of pizza, you will run into iron decency in a mere month or two. And some other minerals eventually, but not as badly.
Simply because the rather white dough, which contains little to no minerals.
Beyond that its almost fine, so long the topping is varied, and the cheese of alright.
TJs has a great cauliflower pizza crust that i use. Its fine for you if you make it at home like that.
If you make the pizza at home and use good ingredients with limited portion size it does not need to be unhealthy you fucking faggot. I am tried of people like you take food items with such variability and whining about how they are unhealthy. Fuck you, fuck your parents and everyone with your mindset.
>100 percent of people who eat pizza will perish.
>100 percent of people who don't eat pizza will perish.
Personally, eating pizza brings me joy, and thus, I shall eat it. In moderation though, everything in moderation.
I have literally lost 16lbs in 4 months eating vegetarian pizza 3x/week
My goto is thin wholewheat crust, tomato sauce, sparse fresh mozzarella with basil, mushrooms, onions and roasted garlic, with some hot chili flakes on the side
You're a clueless stupid cunt who thinks just because a food has bad connotations it means it can't be altered to be better. GO TO HELL
lol. let's make pizza using rye bread, slightly diced tomatoes as the sauce and broccoli for the toppings. Add a few spoonfuls of protein powder on top. You're right, this would be a healthy pizza.
I watch my coworkers eat keto and high carb low fat vegan and go through mental olympics about how healthy and natural they feel and this and that, while looking the same as they have for years. Meanwhile I went from 6'2 205 to 170 in a few months by using intermittent fasting and watching my calorie intake but eating shit like flamin hot cheetos and coca cola. Take from that what you will
Inb4 "you're not healthy tho" idiots that buy all this stupid shit like organic kale or grassfed meat. I got a HUGE blood panel done after I lost weight and every single healthy market and hormone marker improved despite me eating garbage.
Kill yourself you stupid faggot I'm a certified personal trainer and nutritionest and you have no clue what you're talking about. Stupid meathead uneducated faggot.
makes my face break out
>tfw pizzaface from pizza
Thats fairly relative. If someone who is lacking in all the things that pizza has to off than its the healthiest thing in the world. But cor the most part no. The dough is pretty unhealthy. I cant imagin why tomato sauce would be bad. And cheese is almost neutral if you can control yourself, you fat piece of shit.
Any advice for me please? I am 5'10 and 142lbs, skinnyfat. I would like to just bulk/be more toned. Is it possible to put on muscle mass without gaining fat? I eat about 1700-2000 calories a day.
lol? I have a Masters in Food Science from Cornell. I've invented dishes that you've never heard of and never will. You're out of your league here buddy.
Pathetic betacuck
What's the matter? Couldn't get into Harvard like I did?
I hope you know the Food Science program at Cornell is by far the best in the world. Chicken nuggets were invented here. We have a
You sound like such a cuck right now
>Food science
this, but its worth it
This word nor its urban slang version are not something you can apply to that person. If you're going to insult someone try harder. You're just showing you're underage.
Protien and lifting.
Go talk to Veeky Forums
It's food, period. It does have a very high energy value. Of course it's "unhealthy" for you lazy fucks because if you take more energy in then you use, you'll get fat. And being fat is unhealthy not the food. Saying pizza is unhealthy only shows you're a useless being that never worked in life. And before you go on about doing "brain" work, you obviously don't because that is the biggest energy consumer in the body. Like I said, you're dumb and lazy. Obviously a bitch.
go away and leave me alone!
lol @ this retard
idiot tried to troll and got trolled instead
Bagels are healthy. You can eat pizza bagels if you want to be healthy.
what was your fasting schedule? also did you ever have cheat days?
>doesn't know about different forms that energy takes within the body
>doesn't know about different types of carbs and fats
>doesn't know how energy is used up in the body and how leftover energy is converted
>doesn't know about empty calories
lol stay fat fatty
how are bagels healthy? its just a dense chunk of bread, probably equivalent to 2 or 3 slices of bread.
I'm color blind and this chart makes me fucking tilted.
Are you implying bread is unhealthy?
donuts are healthier than bagels
talk to Veeky Forums
12pm to 8pm and yes, I kept my calories at 1700 everyday but once a month I would eat whatever and however much I wanted and I still lost weight, I just kept it in that fasting window. I recorded one of these cheat days at around 11,000 calories. I'm talking 2 pizzas, coke floats, multiple packages of candy, just going straight crazy on carbs. I still stick to this sort of thing and I'm a litle under 170 nowadays. It's been about 6 months since I lost the initial weight.
Wait, did you just make a "You're fat! NO! YOU'RE FAT!!!!" post? What are you, twelve or something?
>Too many carbs for a low carb diet
>Too much fat for a low fat diet
>Too many calories for a low cal diet
>Pizza dough is sugar and fat
>Pizza sauce is sugar and fat
>Cheese is dairy fat
>Pepperoni is marbled with fat
Is pizza healthy?
You're not the brightest penny on the sidewalk are ya champ?
When will the "healthy food is all boring" meme die?