So what’s your excuse for not having at least 18 different kinds of tea and coffee to serve your guests? Do you have no respect for people visiting your home?
Fucking plebes
>all those lowest quality bagged tea powders
come back when you actually have some quality tea
We are discussing offering guests a choice of teas, not quality. Some guests want such teas as a specific brand of Earl Grey in teabag form, for instance. I do not judge them for that. The function of a gracious host is to meet their guests’ needs.
I also have half a dozen different loose-leafs that you didn’t see because all you pay attention to are the bright colours of the labels. Shame on you.
its pretty anoying when you're asked if you want a cup of tea and then you have to pick from a list of 10 teas.
just give me a cup of sugar
>offer my guests some coffee or tea
>they always say no and head out to get a Monster instead
fuck it
also this
I also have both monster zero ultra and monster assault for those who choose such things.
Certainly, that would be the Lipton Intense if morning, or a Twinings Australian Afternoon if after lunch.
call me trailer trash but guests around here prefer a beer
cofee is for friends and tea for girlfriends
The bf prefers not to make a habit of it. I recently got off daily caffeine and then theobromine and I feel kinda better. Now I can use it strategically again to shift my sleeping.
green in the morning, black in the afternoon, rooibos in the evening imo
was gonna take a piss about you likely being a britfag and then I spotted the power outlets. Top zozzle m9
I also have a number of alcoholic drinks. Lime and strawberry cider, premium sparkling wine, two kinds of beer, Green Label vodka and Lagavulin scotch (plus V8 juice and orange juice for the vodka).
And tea is preferable to coffee in many situations. For those that want coffee I have a mild roast, a medium roast and premium instant. I have a drip filter, cold brew system and French press.
Is m my house, not a restaurant. I offer you the same tea I drink, the same food I eat, the same roof I live under, because that is what hospitality means. To offer otherwise is to be cold and uncommitted at best, and disingenuous at worst.
you should add some red and white wine references to your pantry to round the poshyness
You can have 100 types... if they're all garbage tier like that then I'm still going to be disappointed.
Nice choice, but I’d swap the black to the morning and green to the afternoon it it were up,to me.
Those are Chinese outlets my friend.
Ah, you must be poor. No doubt the few guests you have rarely return unless circumstances compel them.
It must be terrible being your guest. Imagine someone asking for their favourite tea only to be told that they have poor taste and their host’s teas are superior. Quite rude.
>he keeps pleb and probably stale tea and coffee around, thinking it will impress people
Remember that Veeky Forums has the highest proportion of female posters.
That’s actually a good idea, I shall get a few bottles tomorrow. A Shiraz, a Riesling, a nice Lambrusco, and maybe some fortified as well. Tokay and a nice dry Ximenez.
Airtight sealed at a stable temperature out of sunlight my friend. Except for the coffee which is kept in the refrigerator.
>female posters.
30 year old virgin neckbeards roleplaying as cartoon chinese schoolgirls don't count.
If my guest is a big enough bitch to get offended that I don't have some obscure flavor of garbage liptons then they can get the fuck out of my house. Oh and I don't give a shit if I'm being "quite rude." If you don't want the tea then you can suck my dick instead.
>dry ximenez
like wanting a whole with small tits
get a sweet malaga from bodegas Ordoñez for maximum memeness
How utterly charmless. There is literally nothing wrong with offering guests choices of refreshment.
For the record, few worthy guests would be offended by their host having only one tea. But your statement is a distraction; you are arguing against a point I hadn’t made.