Is veganism a passing fad?

is veganism a passing fad?
there seems to be way more people going back to meat than adopting a vegan diet lately and there wasn't too many vegans to begin with?
what does this mean for vegans? will they be forced to either stop or have t prepare every single thing they eat from scratch?

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It's stupid. The human body needs meat. Anyone saying otherwise wants to make shekels for that lie or is too stupid to realize how stupid it is.

not an argument


yeah but what about the other 18 million years of human evolution?

the reason people stop eating vegan is because they're lazy and have no self control

veganism is clearly SCIENTIFICALLY the superior diet for longevity and well-being

any person that says a vegan diet caused health problems for them was because they had no fucking idea how to eat a healthy vegan diet in the first place

>yeah but what about the other 18 million years of human evolution?
We were monkeys with pea-sized brains

>The human body needs meat

Explain "need". Is there some magical property in meat that transcends nutrients and calories?

you know the worst part?
i actually wouldn't have minded vegans or vegan food and i would have even given it a chance (not veganism, vegan food and less meat) if it wasn't because they approach was autistic yelling at everyone
If only they knew better

Humans always ate meat. You can't prove me wrong.

P:Humans have always raped and murdered.

C:Humanity needs rape and murder.

>We were monkeys with pea-sized brains

how does it feel not graduating high school?

op here, this is not the topic of this thread, you are confused
i made this thread to discuss the drastic fall in popularity of veganism and how something with so much exposure can go from being seen as the future to a lame joke in just under two years
shit, some people got in this ride early, im talking about over a decade of this, i cant even imagine how embarrassing it will be for them to admit they were wrong

Hrm. I am not sure why you think that is logical?
You're replying to someone making a conjecture about man's nutritional needs over the centuries with cultural abominations. What does diet have to do with your topic?
If B-12 aint in the diet, you dont live. Couldn't you have not been so flippant and chose a more obvious analogy if you wanted to speak to some more intelligent change?

tl;dr vegans have no depth of learning skills. You can't expect them to understand.

>i cant even imagine how embarrassing it will be for them to admit they were wrong

implying popularity = right

i personally haven't noticed the vegan trend dying down, actually seems to be picking up with the release of that "How Not To Die" book falling into the hands of families with deaths door illnesses all over the country

how is the vegan diet wrong exactly?

No sex, no humans. Not killing enemies, no more existance. Rape and murder are new concepts from white civilization to improve living together in a society. However it is human nature and you can see that perfectily by looking at niggers and muslims that aren't capable of civilization. Those can't control their urges and even go after goats to relieve themselves.

>i personally haven't noticed the vegan trend dying down
its probably because of your bubble but out there it seems like nobody cares at all anymore
not even petas crazy stunts hit the news all that much lately, i can't remember the last time i heard from them.

>B12 though

Don't you get tired of spamming the same provably incorrect talking points? Almond milk has B12. If you hate Almonds, you can get it from multivitamins.

how is meat a nutritional necessity if meat causes humans to live a shorter lifespan with more medical problems compared to vegetarians/vegans?

b12 can be supplemented and the reason its needed now is because food is highly sanitized compared to earlier days of food preparation, where you'd get b12 but with a bunch of other diseases as a possibility as well

>live a shorter lifespan
fake and gay

Oldest man alive, eats meat, smokes and did all those things you believe is "unhealthy".

>what is a bell curve?

its amazing you're able to put your pants on in the morning all by yourself

How low must your bantz level be to even count puting on pants to be something amazing?

Nah cunt. What people need is to stop eating processed shit. Good starting point is to eat only food which your grand-grand-mother would recognize as a food if she would go to a supermarket now.

living 2-3 more years (dubious) isn't worth becoming a faggot.


yeah okay paleofag, enjoy dying of kidney disease and alzheimers when you're 50

>living 4-5 more years than a normal person just to be a preaching annoying faggot
no thanks

Vegans, .5% of the population before 1990.
Vegans, 13% of the population currently.
Vegans, projected at 22% of the population by 2025.

Do your homework and stay in school kids... Or learn to Google.

22% dumb bitches with hay like dry hair and fallen in faces. maybe I should start selling make-up and get rich as they will need it to appear less like disgusting vegan-zombies.

>Projected population

There are many nutrients and enzymes that can only be found in meat.
Vitamin B12...
Creatine. ...
Carnosine. ...
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) ...
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) ...
Heme-iron. ...

There is a reason that there are very few vegetarian or vegan athletes.

Back to the topic, I think that it is fading, young people simply don't have the amount of effort needed to stick with it, genertion lazy.

Anybody who thinks that they have to eat literally zero animal products to be healthy also clearly has no idea what they're doing.

Most people don't want to make it their lifelong quest to avoid them - which is necessary if you don't want to become a weak, pale, frail, zombie who's brain has finished developing.

vegetarians and vegans get sick pretty regularly. I don't know why you assume otherwise. Genetics, carcinogens, lack of exercise, too much exercise, who knows?
But, removing a whole food group from your diet isn't a great idea if you are concerned about nutrition. Just be smart and have a variety of great habits and nutrition, not be so focused on rules.

Veganism was never really popular. The percentage of vegans is low in most countries and extremely low in the United States.

The chart on this wiki includes veganism in the number of Vegetarians and it is a small subset of that.

The Major difference is Vegans tend to whine louder and more often about being vegan and how evil meat eaters are and they enjoy doing it everywhere. It's more like a shitty religion, Like Hare Krishnas, than a dietary choice.

t. tranny
enjoy your phytoestrogen, degenerate

B12 is a complete protein or whatever only found in meat. You need a supplement if you don't eat meat. Besides that, you don't NEED meat, it's just the most efficient source of protein, calories, and other shit. That said, we really do eat too much meat.

>B12 is found only in meat

I'm convinced you guys go into a discord and come to an agreement on what myths you're going to post.

Nice weasel wording there my friend. Define what "regularly" means with respect to someone on a meat eating diet.

It's not that big of a deal to just take some vitamins. Most people should probably take some vitamin supplement whether they eat meat or not.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with just eating a little meat instead of taking the b12 vitamins

>is veganism a passing fad?
cultured/lab-grown meat is the future

soilent green is PEOPLE!!!!

Almond milk has 50% of the daily amount of b12 in one cup. Try again. What's the magical property?

You’re literally starving your brain.
Veganism is for people with PTSD.

>I can't back this claim with empirical evidence btw

Thanks for admitting that you have PTSD. Are you that ex military fag who shits up every thread with your
>plz sumbuddy think of da chikkens
nut bag ranting?

Not enough in meat to make a dent in the homeostasis values.
>Vitamin D3
That's B12 tire of common fortification.
>Docosahexaenoic Acid
Decent evidence that vegans do not have significantly lower blood concentrations.
Free heme is bad for you.

So that leaves Taurine and Carnosine, I'll admit there is decent evidence that vegans should supplement these and they generally don't.

Almond... milk? You mean real Almonds that produce hydrogen cyanide? You propose literal poison instead of milk? the fuck!

(Yes almonds are food, can be eaten and the little poison can be handled. The amount is important! However to consume it as meat replacement, a milk is pure insane!)

>milk... meant meat.

Go back to /pol/

>being this soiboi
>posting khazar milkers
Sadly, you wouldn't even know what to do with a nice set of milkers like that because you're a fucking vegan and you think titties are unethical.

I read that b12 is actually produced by bacteria/fungi that is found in meat/poultry/dairy stuff and can also food in nutritional yeast.
But besides that and almonds what else has b12? A lot of the countries that have the longest life Span at least have some form of meat.
Makes me wonder how vegans lived back then if they didn't have access to nutritional yeast or almonds.
Sorry for the long text and here's a pic of some disposable b12 vape pens that i bought recently, which should basically be almost as effective as the b12 shot you can get.

>implying i'm vegan for ethical reasons
>implying all vegans eat soy

>implying you can fuck a milkers with a limp dick

almonds and nutritional yeast can be fortified with b12, they don't make it naturally

all countries with long lifespans have meat in their diet, difference is they don't eat it every single meal - usually only on special occasions (far different from America's lust with processed meat & dairy - a #1 carcinogen more harmful than cigarettes). No country has the "perfect" human diet, which is why you rely on science to decide the best diet from all sources combined.

The only amount of human evolution that matters to our diet are the last 180 thousand years of it, when humans were Omnivores

cool man keep telling yourself that while your body starts to break down over time eating a diet it wasn't genetically predisposed to eating for 90% of its evolution

>Using the same woman for your reaction images

I actually could fuck her milkers with a limp dick. I would just rest my limp penis betwixt them

But that 90% doesn't matter you retards, I'm Homo sapien, not Homo erectus or Homo habilis

We spent the last 180 thousand years an omnivorous hunting Gathering societies that utilized meet as a large portion of our diet along with gathered vegetables fruits berries and nuts, as long as you eat controlled portions of lean meats like chicken and fish, you'll be just as healthy as a vegan

Also fuck you for wanting bee's to go extinct

>as long as you eat controlled portions of lean meats like chicken and fish, you'll be just as healthy as a vegan


Literally nothing I said hinted at a Paleo diet you retard
>B-but you said eat lean healthy meats with a normal diet

>meat as a large portion of our diet along with gathered vegetables fruits berries and nuts, as long as you eat controlled portions of lean meats like chicken and fish

>vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, lean meats
>not paleo diet

then what diet is this?

The diet people are thousands of years ago that made us Omnivores, which is why it's alright to still eat meat in today's diet
I wasn't saying you had to eat Paleo

How the fuck does veganism promote the extinction of bees?

>The diet people are thousands of years ago that made us Omnivores, which is why it's alright to still eat meat in today's diet

find me an actual scientific argument not based on feelings that counters the evidence in the video i posted

the assumtion ancestors ate 95% plants. it's not true and absolutly not a proven fact. Even monkey today eat meat. thus it's more valid to assume our ancestors did too. To support this, please notize the fangs/ sectorial tooth human still have today a distinct feature to carnivore species in oposition to herbivore that don't have it.

You need a scientific study to know that our teeth are made for tearing apart meat, or our eyes being positioned in the front of our skulls, or our physiology being made to hunt and chase animals, or our one stomach?

You have a body that's built for eating meat

Veganism is the future. People can't rationalise cruelty to animals forever. We're growing day by day


I don't get people who use stock photos of women as reaction images.

to get more bit more into detail:
canine = for tearing meat off bone
front eyes = hunter, side eyes (back view) = pray
more than one stomach = processing efficently plants and fiber

So I'm guessing that vegan scum support eugenics for people with food allergies. I'll never join the vegan antifa master-race because I'll die if I eat a tree nut.

if you aren't willing to sacrifice your life to save an animal, then you don't deserve to eat anyways

Theres billions being poured into artificial meat rnd. Everyones going to be eating non-animal meat in the future.

Vegans don't expect people with food allergies or living in third world countries to stop consuming animal products. They mainly want normal people without any excuses to go vegan.

>Veganism is the future

veganism will be the next atheism

lots of vegans say they'll eat cultured/lab-grown meat once it's available

>People can't rationalise cruelty to animals forever.
I'll believe it if we stop rationalizing cruelty to other humans first.

It already is.

Russia and China will never

Carsonine has benefits but zero negatives for lacking it seems. It's also abundant in plants hilariously. The meatcuck didn't do his homework. Google histidine.

Taurine is a nonessential amino acid as it can be synthesized by the body from cysteine, which is found abundantly in plants.

This user has no idea what he's talking about. He probably googled "things not found in meat" and has zero nutritional knowledge.

Kek. Another meatcuck btfo'd.


Yes, I am glad you asked this question.
You see, when there's an evolution trait that works, then the species retain that trait. For example eating meat. If an evolution trait it's shit (for example, coastie nu male manlets not eating meat) they just don't reproduce and this mutation gets swept out of the gene pool.
Next question?

Nobody is implying humans aren't herbivores from an evolutionary standpoint. Nice strawman. With current technology ie synthesized B12 and nutritional knowledge one can live as a vegan without any deficiencies. There is no need for meat. Saying that "meat is healthy because it's natural" is like saying "shitting in the streets is natural because Indians have been doing it forever". Don't be this stupid intentionally.

Veganism won't go away until we educate kids where the meat comes from, so it's not a shock when they discover it too late in life and go full meat is murder retard for some fake guilty feelings

Current =/= Future. If you're argument consists of "it will be okay in the future" you justify now you're just hiding your guilt with mental gymnastics.

>Taurine is a nonessential amino acid as it can be synthesized by the body from cysteine, which is found abundantly in plants.

Sure, but vegan's do have a lower level of it. Of course I might be reversing cause and effect and non vegans might be producing more of it as an anti-inflammatory response.

Carnosine levels can be boosted for a couple of hours with sufficient direct intake as well, precursors don't help, which will occur more readily with meat (or supplements).

Trying to kick these above homeostasis levels really is more about medicine than nutrition, but we're not exactly living a natural lifestyle regardless of veganism ... so there can be benefit to that.

>what about the other 18 million years of human evolution?
It doesn't exist. The genus Homo is 2 to 3 million years old. Anything older is not human, by definition.

Wrong. There isn't ANY hard science on ANY diet to support claims like that.
The best we have are statistical correlations between cultures (translated to ''diet'') and health indicators. But the data is far from conclusive.

Anybody claiming any specific health benefit from any specific diet is full of shit.

I don't give a shit about any of this, I just like the way meat tastes and preferably I would like to eat meat from animals who have been bred well, treated comfortably, and then can be slaughtered in a sustainable way.

I would be perfectly fine with aliens killing me and my kind for food if they allowed me to breed and they gave me an awesome life for like 30 years.

99% of meat is factory farmed animals.

Unless you're paying $70 for a chunk, you're not buying wholesome meat.

The aliens would be killing you at the human equivalent of about 14 years old as a cow, and a day old as a chicken.

Seitan tastes like chicken with proper seasoning and vegan patties taste exactly like beef if grilled correctly.

Vegan patties are a fifth of the price and seitan is one hundredth the price of chicken.

>99% of meat is factory farmed
this isn't even remotely close to true and honestly arguments like these are why no one gives a single shit about vegans and vegetarians

>Seitan tastes like chicken
No it doesn't.
>vegan patties taste exactly like beef if grilled correctly.
No they don't.
They can taste good but they don't taste the same in the least, unless your only experience with those two ingredients is fastfood restaurants.
Did your research for you.

in his defense, if you grow up in america even post secondary education doesn't imply you will have gained an even rudimentary understanding of evolution at any point in your academic career

There's a few videos, studies, etc that shows people blind testing can't tell the difference. It seems you're just grasping at excuses at this point.
>b-but user I nedd my tendies and burgers and 250g protein/day at my sedentary desk job
>but muh taste and heart disease

Things taste better than meat anyway. You'll never miss it once you learn to cook.

more like

>People think Mcdonalds and fastfood in general is good
>People have palates of retards
>Surprised they can't tell the difference.
Sorry lad. You're not convincing anyone, we shat you out of fit and we can shit you out of ck.


There's two vegan threads in fit currently.
The test subjects were chefs iirc.
You have no idea what you're talking about. I doubt you've ever eaten proudly cooked seitan. Kek.
Nice argument though.

>muh opinions

You'll for at 50 probably, so at least you won't be around long.