Does anyone else hate them?
The weird thing is that I'm sort of okay with drumsticks, but the thigh meat is just fucking disgusting.
Does anyone else hate them?
The weird thing is that I'm sort of okay with drumsticks, but the thigh meat is just fucking disgusting.
you gotta give it a big long cook
or a tasty deep fry
some thigh nuggies
or some thigh slow cooked curry
tasty delicious my mans
good luck
good, that keeps them cheap for me
I'm the opposite. Have loved thigh meat since I was a wee lad and still love thigh meat today. I strongly disliked breast meat growing up and strongly dislike it today. I'm ambivalent towards drums and wings.
What do you dislike about thigh meat? I dislike breast because I dislike lean meat in general since fat is tasty.
I debone thigh meat and use it in stir fries, sautes, and any dish where one would conceivably use a pork chop.
For example, the following dish would typically be made with pork, but it's just as good with chicken:
>boneless thigh, 1
>chicken grease, 2tbsp
>onion, peeled, cored and minced, 1 small
>sauerkraut, 50g (third cup, US)
>button mushrooms, washed and sliced, 3 average sized
>salt, as needed
>flour, 1 tbsp
>mushroom broth, half cup
>dill, heavy pinch
Sear thigh on both sides in 1tbsp of chicken grease then remove from the pan and set aside.
Add other tbsp grease and the onion, saurkraut and mushroom; salt generously.
Cook until starting to colour, then add flour and cook until a shade or two lighter than milk chocolate.
Stir in mushroom broth and any juices cast-off from the resting thigh; stir sharply to dissolve flour paste.
Re-add the thigh and let finish in the gravy.
Serve with mash (or baked potato) and a vegetable and you've got dinner.
Quantities can be safely multiplied to cook many servings.
>big long cook
Exactly. I was going to extrapolate on the need to cook then for a long time before noticing that "big long cook" was awfully similar to "big long cock." I then temporarily considered ways to make a joke out of it all. But then I decided to simply stay the course and provide a snerious answer.
>you gotta give it a big long cook
No you don't. I'll agree that it's better than breast meat for braises, but it's still delicious when cooked quickly, like grilling, stir-frying, etc.
maybe that's why i mentioned a tasty quick thigh nuggie fry my niggy
you could also cook some tasty strips and put them in some dips
season, sit for an hour
brown skin in skillet
put in oven at 425 for an hour
make sauce out of brown bits in skillet
eat tasty chicken thighs
confirm. Thigh meat is better when cooked low and slow. As a matter of fact instead of presenting a whole turkey for thanksgiving, last year I cut up all the parts after roasting and braised the quarters in chicken stock. Everyone went nuts and said fuck the presentation this they all wanted braised thighs. I know it's not chicken but poultry is poultry in this regard.
I'll back this up. I have a bad habit of confit-ing chicken quarters in fat I've ordered on Amazon. I hit the quarters with some Morton's Natures Seasoning and Tony Tony Chachere's cajun seasoning. Not only has my family been greatly impressed, but on other occasions panties have come off...if you get my meaning. And WILLINGLY at that.
this sounds like a great idea user im going to have to try this for one of the many thanksgivings i end up part of.
Literally best part. Tastiest, tenderest, easy to cook. Almost impossible to dry out through accidental overcooking, you'd have to charcoal it. Butterflies into a nice, fairly even sheet after deboning.
I agree, the fat in thighs is fucking toxic. It tastes like sludge.
Same thing for pork legs too, the fat in pig's feet is fucking rank. Plebs gonna pleb for the latest local/headtotail/wholeanimal meme.
>Finding any part of the chicken disgusting
Nigga I clean that carcass slicker than a cat.
Highly recommend it.
so you're saying your wife wants to have sex when you cook chicken thighs?
How do you know it's not because of you cooking well in general?
With the thighs on my side I can play the field for a while. I think I cook well enough in general but it's a specialty dish that i do well.
Honestly, I misunderstood his post and thought his home cooking was so good his own mom put out for him.
ok so let me clarify:
You don't think that there is something intrinsic to chicken thighs that gets women horny.
i love dark meat.
i like the taste
states tender and doesn't dry out like white meat can
No, I understand perfectly.
It comes out better when I cook it for an entire day or something, but for everything else it tastes too fat and 'heavy', like a cheap cut of meat.
It doesn't come as a surprise since it's close to being the fattiest cut of chicken, but that means that if you're planning on slow cooking it you don't need any oil, which will combat that feeling of gross 'heaviness'.
I would've understood you if you said breast
tights content more dietary cholesterol (inb4 it does not matter) but they are also more nourishing and you need less to feel full.
>fat in thights is toxic
>wholeanimal meme
but the second resolves the first, you enter mashing faggot