Why is tipping mandatory in America? Better yet, why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America? They're the entire reason for this whole mandatory tipping shit.
Why is tipping mandatory in America? Better yet, why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America...
I dont know why you are asking me
amerifats think waiting is 'hard work'
Honestly I just wish waiting as a whole would end. I'd much rather just go up and grab the food when they call my number, deli style.
Because I'm the best judge of the service that I received, so I alone should be in charge of how much I tip.
Because the consumer is being made to subsidize an incredibly unsustainable industry. Rather than raise prices to something resembling a sustainable business model, they prefer to fly by the seat of their pants and permit this shadow economy that generates a ton of untaxable income for their otherwise underpaid staff.
Why is worshing Allah mandatory in Europe? Better yet, why are Islamic terrorists allowed to rape with nothing less than complete impunity in Europe? They're the entire reason for this whole mandatory beheading infidel shit.
>consumer is being made to subsidize
Does anyone here watch naruto?
>why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America
Should tips fail to meet minimum wage, the employer is mandated by law to pay the difference.
Not like service staff should be fucking bitching, they easily average $12-20/hr
Shared tips are the biggest cuck I've ever seen. Brother works at a restaurant and has to share his with high school degenerates that do shit nothing
>Rather than raise prices to something resembling a sustainable business model
Except restaurants have been jacking up their prices way too fuckin' fast. It used to cost me $11 to get a burger, fries, and a coke at a pub. Now it's $18 before tip.
>why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America
They aren't.
Tons of restaurants will fail at least in US.
People are spending less and rates will change, there's been glut of easy credit for starting restaurants.
Majority of these small business owners will go bust in near future.
I read somewhere that over half of all restaurants will fail.
People get it in their head that they can run a restaurant, live their dream. But when it comes down to it, to run a successful business in today's world, they can't. It's hard, fast paced work, and not for everyone.
And they end up with emptied savings, burned bridges, and a tv show about their failures.
You clearly have never served black people.
>Tons of restaurants will fail at least in US.
New ones yes, and chains are struggling to adapt, but most locally-run restaurants that have been established for a few years are already in the black and are safe.
Stop buying into the "MILLENNIALS ARE KILLING THE INDUSTRY!" headline crap.
>he can't afford to tip
Guess you'll just have to stick to microwave mac n cheese like the rest of the NEETs on here
Because waiters at popular restaurants can make upwards of $20/h for a job that takes literally no education or formal training to pick up. Bonus points if you're good looking and charismatic.
This. If you watch the Benpai show, you'd know what kind of shit black people start in public way more often than other races. Also, women wearing pink shirts.
Why would assume I'm blaming millennial?
There's been over-investment in restaurant industry for years now. It's easy start them when people throw money at you until the bottom falls out.
>most locally-run restaurants that have been established for a few years are already in the black and are safe.
No way the average restaurant that's only been open a couple years is debt free unless they had some unusual source of free capital.
Alright, let me explain something to you. Your job is not hard. You’re lucky society allows it to even exist. You think the customer couldn’t take his plate from the pass and work the fountain?
Your Basic Job
>Toss my plate onto the table.
>Fill my glass when I sit down.
That’s the bare bones of your job. If that’s all you’re willing to do, that’s fine. But know that your salary is commensurate to the difficulty of the task.
Your Real Job
>Place my plate on the table with a smile and a friendly “heeeeere you gooooo. :)” Yes, you need to be bubbly as heck.
>Refill my glass, and anything else I have that needs refilling, regularly, and without me having to flag you down like a goddamn Apache helicopter.
>Ask me midway through my meal if everything is okay.
>Do everything you can to rectify the situation if it’s not.
>Bring my bill promptly, but not before asking if I want to order dessert.
>If it’s very busy and food is slow coming, come to my table a little while after I order and apologize for the situation.
That’s what is EXPECTED of you. If you’re not willing to do that, that’s fine. But all that is what you get tipped for. You get tipped for doing an exceptional job. You get tipped for adding to the experience of the customer. Your job is to make me feel like a KING. Your job is to make me feel like less of an idiot for dropping $30 on $4 worth of food and $1 worth of energy and labor. Your job is to act like your ability to go to the drug store and pick up your baby's ear medicine depends solely on MY enjoyment of the evening, MY generosity, and MY wallet. I am your GOD.
Nobody has to tip.
Some restaurants add gratuity so tipping in those establishments isn't necessary.
I typically tip 20% regardless of service because of the amount of people in my area who never tip.
But I go out to eat maybe twice a year.
I used to live on tips.
It's shit.
Sounds like you just identified the cycle well enough. The second question is the answer to the first and vice versa.
Tipping probably came into vogue among the aristocracy in bygone centuries and has stuck around because people aren't just going to stop tipping all of the sudden. As we trend towards a more secular, utilitarian society, I imagine tipping will die out over generations.
Fuck it if I'm going to subsidize the owners profit. The numales and wenches can eat dogshit if they're too weak to confront the owner and demand fair pay. You're not getting shit from me in terms of tips, faggots.
"in the black" means you turn profit and don't post loss, not that you're debt free.
Some day soon.
>why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America
because tipping
>But the blacks!!!1
13% of the population. Try again, waitcuck.
one of the more american aspects of america
waiter/waitress jobs won't last long enough for the system to be reformed into something reasonable though
they want to have artificially low prices.
really though, it's better this way, since otherwise the cost of having table service/delivery would be added to all meals, meaning even takeout customers would have to pay higher prices. It's just kinda ridiculous that the tip percentage they expect keeps going up.
>Why is tipping mandatory in America? Better yet, why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America? They're the entire reason for this whole mandatory tipping shit.
Seriously that's the only reason. It lets restaurants keep costs down
McDonalds is working on this kind of shit now, but it's doubtful to happen fully. They thought self checkout was gonna kill grocery cashiers too. People want someone to bully.
ordering a burger meal via a self checkout is infinitely less complicated than going through a grocery self checkout with a bunch of stuff. its about equivalent to using a movie theater ticket machine to buy your tickets instead of the kiosk
People want someone to bully. The field will shrink greatly, but people will ALWAYS want someone to bully. And people at restaraunts will want to be waited on. They might even start charging a premium for it.
And they still won't pay a wage.
Yet not 13% of the problems. Really makes you think.
Also that's an average, it includes all of the black free towns and the majority black towns.
>13% of the population
>52% of the murders
>my country is experiencing a cultural epidemic, but at least I’M still white!
People don't want someone to bully. You might, or perhaps you've been bullied a lot, but most people just want to order their food with the least hassle possible. They don't care if its a person, machine or robot, it just needs to be simple, fast and non-confusing.
>People don't want someone to bully
I have worked in customer service across multiple fields and venues for the better part of a decade.
People want someone to bully.
>this is my personal experience but I'll extrapolate and assume the whole world is like this
People maybe like to bully you, for some reason. But most people just want to get their food. You sound like a permanent victim.
I cringed. Good luck on your upcoming suicide.
>They thought self checkout was gonna kill grocery cashiers too
Until cunts started stealing thus proving you can't trust customers.
It's not my fault the Dyson I bought rang up as bananas.
Top kek
>says someone who's never eaten in a nicer restaurant than Applebees.
Standard fallacy answer.
Culture of rewarding alphas and punishing betas.
In the USA, everything is designed to benefit people with good social skills more so than in other places, it seems. You are more likely to get a bigger tip if you smile than if you don't smile, etc.
Finally, an honest answer.
no one has to tip, you can throw your money at waitresses hoping they will like you but it won't make much of a difference in your food.
While you're right to an extent, you're also a terrible human being who's never eaten in a fine dining establishment and obviously gets off at being rude to the servers at Texas Roadhouse or Bucca de Beppo.
Not true. Being polite and friendly and being a good tipper has resulted in having some of the most extraordinary meals of my life in restaurants. People remember, because most people fucking SUCK, like you.
>Why is tipping mandatory in America?
It isn't. It's customary. You're not required to tip anyone.
I tip 20% most of the time. However, I am polite and friendly, but if I don't tip and never return, how will that adversely affect my meal?
Because being a restaurant/hotel servant used to be an entry level job for local kids and they wouldn't get paid much. Equivalent jobs would be bell boys, elevator operators, paper boys, landscapers, farmhands, janitors, etc.
Now you have thots in their 30s complaining about not getting her 20% on every ticket.
Because you'll never return. So, no matter how much you loved your meal, you just basically cucked yourself.
Most restaurants aren't worth returning to.
Idk why you think that's a serious deterrent.
Enjoy your Olive Garden, moron.
if they aren't worth revisiting why are they worth visiting at all? save money and eat at home
This, for fucks sake.
How are you supposed to know without trying?
Are you serious or just a butthurt servant?
Your logic is flawed.
Most places aren't worth returning to because most places are mediocre, you don't know till you've tried it.
Not that user but how the fuck would he know if theyre worth revisiting if he doesnt give them a chance?
So the latter then?
How does this work? The water tells the chef "This guy tips me really well, better make it a good meal" and the chef makes an extra effort so that douchebag waiter can get a good tip? You are fucking deluded
>t. rapidly aging college drop out that serves people food for a living and demands a middle class income
I haven't been a server since uni, but it gave me excellent experience that I've even been able to apply in my career as a literal rocket scientist (which isn't what we're really called, but it's amusing to say). You couldn't do any of the jobs I've had in my career, much less be a server. It takes people skills, which you are severely lacking. Good luck, chump.
>I'm a project manager at a defense contractor
>That makes me a rocket scientist xD
Heck yeah i do
Heck no i don't
American consumers don't mind, or don't realize it's not standard in many other countries. Restaurant owners obviously don't mind. Most servers like it because they can earn much higher than minimum wage. Politicians aren't going to bother trying to make legislation against it.
The only people who really seem to have a problem with it are non-American teenagers whose only bright spot in their dismal lives is that they can say "At least I'm not American"
No they remember what you like and dislike and relay your meal to the chef accordingly without you needing to ask
Because Capitalism! You wouldn't want to be a dirty socialist like Hitler, would you?
>without you needing to ask
That's very presumptuous of the server, Your lame theory may work if the customer comes in multiple times a week and often order the same thing, otherwise it doesn't apply to most real people in the real word.
I've frequented restaurants 2 or 3 times a week. The only thing they remembered was to bring a specific hot sauce I preferred that they usually don't bring out. I tipped well, but I doubt it made any difference.
Also, if you were a tourist coming to the US, why tip at all? If you are only going to be at that restaurant once, then there is no downside to not tipping.
>some of the most extraordinary meals of my life
>go to restaurant
>tip 20%
>go to restaurant
>tip 25%
>go to restaurant
>tip 30%
>go to restaurant
>tip 35%
>go to restaurant
>tip 40%
>go to restaurant
>tip 45%
>go to restaurant
>tip 50%
>go to restaurant
>waiter brings me free $5.95 dessert
>"It was the most extraordinary dining experience of my life"
And I’m Donald Trump.
I shit you not some people even tip the guy(me sometimes) working cash register at a pizza chain. It's hilarious.
The thing that's more confusing as a non american is, who do I tip and who do I not? Taxi drivers? Street food vendors? Guy in the clothing store? Bus driver? There's no sense to it.
>Also, if you were a tourist coming to the US, why tip at all?
This is what I do, and I'm not even a tourist. I simply don't tip, and rarely eat at the same restaurant more than once a year.
They can't force you to tip, and it's not like they know you're not gonna tip when you order. I've never had a bad experience not tipping and I've been doing it for more than 5 years.
That'll be 3 bones, plus treat!
>tfw no treats
Hey Dogginos, can I get a large thin crust with sausage and mushrooms please?
>Yet not 13% of the problems.
At restaurants? Nope.
Intraracially, not interracially. Keep trying.
I hope you weren't trying to sound intelligent there, you just implied that blacks aren't as human because their deaths are insignificant. I agree, but it sounds like you didnt in your previous response. Stop trying.
Found a guy who isn't good looking or charismatic
>your job can be reduced down to just a few therbligs and therefore its not hard at all
Multiply everything you just said by a couple hundred, factor in multiple mishaps throughout the day and a handful of ungrateful asshats like yourself who think they could do your job in their sleep and you have a slightly more accurate vision of what waitstaff put up with.
I'm not saying its anywhere near par for the difficulty of a lot of careers out there, but to act like you're the only customer they'll see that day is nauseatingly myopic.
How would you like it if someone reduced your job down to its bare bones, insisted a child could do it, and then decided not to pay your commission?
That said, it's bullshit that it's up to us consumers to pay the fair wages of someone else's employees
Who forgot to love you?
Not the same guy. Bare in mind that it isn't always people we're looking to bully. Sometimes it's just fun to bully an organization or an idea. i mean look where you're posting and tell me 90% of what goes on here isn't people shitting on things they don't like.
>trying to ascribe alpha/beta constructs to everything
Maybe you should take a break?
More like 30% unless you live in a rural area
It's really just wait staff at dine in restaurants
Tipping isn't mandatory and I don't do it. I've gone 6 years without doing so and I've never had anything wrong with my food or service. I go in, I order my food, pay the total cost, had the check back to the server, then leave. I don't get the stigma.
People get shamed all the time in social media. Fast food workers post shit online whenever they get anything less than 13% of a tip.
The worst part is the customer who paid exactly what they asked is being shamed for not paying extra. Like what the fuck you will never find this kind of shaming culture anyone else in the world.
Must be late capitalism shit.
I didn't tip once and the waitress chased me outside. Ironically, it was an overpriced generic Asian place. I thought the expensive price meant the tip was included for some reason, the food was no better than the other Asian places near me but twice as expensive
GOD FORBID YOU DO YOUR JOB without expecting anything in return except your salary
>don't get the stigma.
Just self imposed guilt. I never tip either and if I was ever confronted (never have been) I'd buttblast them to the point they'd need a years supply of prep-h.