Tried vegan stuff this week and considering switching to vegetarian (not fully vegan yet)
Tried vegan stuff this week and considering switching to vegetarian (not fully vegan yet)
How far along are you in the process of sucking your own cock as well?
I'm not in that process
have you come out to your parents yet?
I see you're just a beginner, well, good luck. Meanwhile, keep practicing on dad.
Practicing what?
Not yet.
Why, is that an evolutionary step that everyone goes through?
Great blog. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to? Perhaps an email list? Book club? Quarterly memo?
No, it just happens to soy boys that restrict their diets to mostly or exclusively vegetables.
Congrats OP. There are a lot of people who will come in here like who will feel the need to get defensive because deep down they feel really awful about having eaten tens of thousands of animals in their life time, but having never killed 99.9% of them. They know about factory farming, they know about the heatlh effects, they know about the ecological effects... they are temendous faggots though and are too pithy, lethargic, and stupid to do anything for their own good. Don't bother with them. They are beneath us.
t. level 85 vegan warrior
Who doesn't want to suck their own cock? I had a thought earlier today; if every guy could suck themselves off without back pain, I think the opioid epidemic would be mostly comprised of females.
>it just so happens if youre not an obese fat fuck like i am but a majority of the world isnt, you eat mostly vegetables
I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
>If you eat meat you're automatically 400+ lbs and have a list leg due to diabetes
And it's this line of thinking that makes people rightfully think vegetarians and vegans are faggots.
You implied eating mostly vegetables which is something literally anyone who isn't morbidly obese does is the behavior of a "soyboy" like some cringey stupid fuck to begin with
Its your line of thinking is why you get called a stupid fat fuck, you stupid fat fuck
It's been proven that plants suffer stress as a result of being damaged. Your argument really is about which consumption habits have the least environmental/moral impact, but that still doesn't make you a virtuous individual. If you really cared about other's pain and the environment, you'd adopt an antinatalist philosophy in addition to killing yourself. Pussies proselytize and sin, then there are those of us who understand that existence is suffering and revel in it.
Did you ignore the part where I also said exclusively, or are you trying to focus on just a fraction of what I typed to make yourself feel better since your assumed superiority hasn't kicked in yet, soy boy?
Did YOU ignore YOUR own part where YOU also said mostly or were you too busy chomping down on a McChicken you stupid fat fuck???
>vegetarians eat mostly vegetables
>vegans eat mostly vegetables
These are facts that are correct in all technicality. I don't know why you're upset by facts, but I forgot that gay retards function on feelings instead of logic. Did you forget to suck your daily dose of dick or something?
Fucking Simpsons, ma nigga.
Here let me help you
>anyone that isn't a fat stupid faggot eats mostly vegetables
Prove me wrong though.
Youre a fat stupid fuck and you eat Mcchickens w/o the buns
>assblasted soy boy has no argument so resorts to emotional outburst as a reply
Like pottery.
i want to lick those legs of yours
Fat shit McDonald has zero argument yet thinks he is win.
Nice try meatcuck.
>Muh plants feel pain argument
Please kill yourself ASAP