Is eating this ok if it's made in the US...

Is eating this ok if it's made in the US. I'm just thinking about the shit they feed pigs and this isn't German imported. I

Eat this multiple times a week. I usually buy usinger's out of milwaukee. But yes it will be safe

>americans have to trick other americans by putting a tiny german flag on the packaging and an even tinier "inspired by" subtext to cover their ass for false advertising

lol what a fake culture

It's just a result of capitalist consumerism and materialism

The whole point of pigs is that they eat shit and turn it into delicious meat.

what do you do with this?? Eat as is or what

That stuff is tasty but honestly if you saw the conditions those pigs were kept in (to keep the price like 2 dollars for a pack of it) you would not eat it.

spread on bread

>capitalist consumerism and materialism
You couldnt squeeze patriarchy and Trump into that sentence?

There isn't a single tasty German food so why would you eat shit in a tube?

fuck off Nazi scum your kind isn't welcome here

Veeky Forums is a natsoc board newfag

No but maybe I could get in a jew or mammonism in there

anonymous boards are inherently race-blind and socialist, 2016 /r/the_donald refugee thinking he's old because he's been here a year

no, its really not loser, good job getting your world view from memes though

Oh god what have i done?!

schweinhaxen would like a word with you

You acted retarded and got treated like it, good job

Traditional: sliced or spread on bread/bun with mustard and onions.
My family tradition: Slice it, fry it until brown, douse both sides of it in Worcestershire sauce while still in the pan, serve on a bun with chopped onions which have been sauteed in a pan with Worcestershire sauce.
Both are pretty good desu.

>Inspired by Germany

That's so sad. Make america deutsch again.

>picture of the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria

That's some next level wannabeism.

We have a cake here called brunsviger and I always wondered if there's somehow some kind of correlation.


It’s because capitalism is all about finding ways to dick people over without dling anything illegal. Coincidentally the American public is very easy to dick over because they rarely ever bother to read labels and signs.

Same way as liverwurst
I like it on toast with some sauerkraut or a leafy green and some mustard.

I get this from Aldi all the time. Good shit on toast.

Are you apprehensive of pork in general? I don’t understand

This is actually ALDI's store brand which is actually a German grocery store that's moved into the US

This, it's p good. Spread on dark bread and you've got a decent snack.

Doesn't compare to proper shit you get from a butcher though.