>Get French Press
>Make coffee
>Taste same as Nescafe Instant
What am I doing wrong
>Get French Press
>Make coffee
>Taste same as Nescafe Instant
What am I doing wrong
>water too hot
>wrong coffee
>disgusting dirty catfag
>coffee not ground properly
okay first off learn hoe to use the machine properly and settings
consult the manual or google kek
>>disgusting dirty catfag
>talking shit about cat owners
>on Veeky Forums
gtfo mane
You bought the wrong beans.
You didn't grind it coarse enough.
You didn't wait long enough after taking your water off the boil before you began steeping.
You didn't sift the fines out of the grounds before adding them to the press
how course are grounds supposed to be?
are they supposed to be fine like powder or more granulated?
A coarse grind is better for french press
French press grinds are usually the coursest grind setting.
You would do well to not buy pre ground coffee for this brewing method
I have a 24oz press and I find that 7tbsp of coffee to 24oz of water works very well for me, as it's strong enough for me, but not so strong that it's hard to drink.
I also just grab some beans from the grocery store, I go to Publix where they have a grinder on site
The coarseness/fineness of your grind depends on what method you're using to make the brew.
>Aeropress/Espresso/Bialetti all need fine ground beans (like flour)
>Chemex/pourover/coffeemaker need medium grind (think the granularity of sea salt)
>French press/Canadiano need Coarse ground beans (think fleur de sel)
When you're grinding your own beans, and you're making a coffee that needs a medium or coarse grind, you're going to want to sift the grinds through a fine mesh sieve first. This removes tiny particles of coffee dust called "fines" that when left in a pourover or french press brew leave a bitter or acrid taste. For a pourover or press coffee, sifted grinds will produce the most mellow, tasty cup
Congratulations. You've seen through the lie, now it's up to you what to do.
Box up that press and return it if you can, then enjoy your Nescafe knowing it tastes the exact same as anything else you could make without sinking literally hundreds of dollars into autism-tier coffee equipment.
At least French press is one of the cheaper being methods. You can get a press for like 20 dollars, and for the same price you can get a basic bitch Mr coffee type machine.
It's espresso and other niche coffee like chemex where it starts to get expensive famo
i use a drip basket machine
>water too hot
>grind not coarse enough so you over extract
>water:grind ratio not right
>not brewing for the right time
Give me your process.
Buy good beans, grind them medium and sift your grounds nigga. This will solve all your problems.
Unless your coffeemaker is retarded. In which case, it doesn't matter what you put in it, it will come out tasting retarded. Do some research, go on amazon and buy a good coffeemaker for cheap.
Fuck, I'm 8009, I meant to respond to
Just slap this on your coffee cups, fill it with grinds and pour hot water over it. Simple and cheap, no fancy schmancy shit.
You burnt the water.
It's all good. I'm an old school coffee master from Starbucks back before it became what it is now. I genuinely love coffee and use a press frequently. I love threads like this because it lets me talk shop and makes me feel better because there are people out there that do still care.
Cheers bro.
>Medium roast
>Coarsely ground beans
>Right coffee/water ratio
>Right water temperature
>Decant your coffee after it's done brewing
cleanup is a pain. I use paper filters. chuck the grounds in the compost when I'm done, takes 1 second.
just a hard knock on the garbage can, most of the grounds flop out, then rinse it out with tap water. takes 0.0035 seconds
I feel you. I fell for the french press meme as well. Nowadays I just drink water and take caffeine pills. Fuck that nonsense.
>Guy coffee beans.
>Put in press.
>Give up.
>Enjoy French coffee.
this is now a cat owner thread
this is my cat Nugget
you have been visited by the Nug of Smug
tasty food and cuddly cats will come to you
but only if you reply to this post with "snug well, Nug"
First learn to make a drip coffee before you go and buy French presses.
I'm going to flay you and rape your cat then we'll see who's smug you fucking nugget
thats how coffee always tastes. its why nobody likes coffee snobs.
snug well, nug
Make sure it's ground coarse. If you use regular grind straight from a bag meant for a drip pot, it's going to taste like oily piss.
snug well, Nug
Here's mine with a sword
snug well nug :3
>people doing all this autism shit
bruh just dump a tble spoon coffee grounds in yur press, pour over almost boiling water (1 ccoffe mug full), swirl around your press and press the plunger up and down a few times make sure to extract all the caffine
then add 4 heap teaspoons milo to cup, press down your coffee and pour over milo, add a little bit of milk so it's not boiling and then chug it
repeat 3x per day
Just use one of these, OP
>he doesn't own a cat to feed with green coffee bins and make the rare and succulent catshit coffee
>french press
>cat named after fast food item
Do americans really do this?
I do three tablespoons and fill the press. It's weak shit compared to coffee shops but good enough for me.
French press isn't supposed to be good, just cheap, simple/reliable, versatile. It won't spring a leak and ruin your day.
wish i could say the same about my gf
Get one of these. Works equally well on clits and dicks.
he's such a cutie!