/BMG/ - Banh Mi General

What are your favourite fillings for your "dog roll".

Anyone who puts lettuce in their roll kys.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?client=opera&tbm=lcl&ei=s2EFWsqHFcrh0gKyo5m4Bw&q=vietnamese sub vancouver&oq=vietnamese sub vancouver&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l3j0i22i10i30k1l4j0i22i30k1l2.3095.4267.0.4370.;si:;mv:!1m3!1d26523.81383876801!2d-123.1328808!3d49.2656975!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i436!2i489!4f13.1;tbs:lrf:!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e3!2m4!1e17!4m2!17m1!1e2!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:9

Liver paste, shredded pork, pickled vegetables, and cilantro on a fresh piece of bread is the only correct answer.

>local vietnamese market sells these freshly baked at 0.40 USD a pop

Feels good, man.

>40 cents

nigga where do you live

40cents including fillings or just the bread roll?

Lard butter, liver paste, lemongrass chicken, pickled carrots, red onion, cucumber, sweet chilli sauce, salt and pepper.

Pork belly, pate, cucumber, pickled carrot, cilantro and chopped chilli


can you believe some fucks actually put mayo and lettuce on these? fucking haram

I get the works, but sometimes I'll also add my own blue cheese.

They're more than that in Vietnam WTF??

spring onion
vietnamese ham(dat crunchy pigs ear)
hoisin or maggi sauce
fried shallots

fight me

the semen sauce, pate liver, the vietnamese ham thing, pickled carrots and daikon

after living in Vietnam for 5 years, there's no real wrong answer, all banh mi are delicious, but some of my favorites are:

xiu mai (meatballs in sweet spicy gravy)
char siu/bbq pork
egg- fried, slightly runny saigon style- pork floss for extra oomph
herb omelet- hanoi style

i think i just decided to go back to Vietnam. i've been wavering for the last month or so and i really think i just decided to pull the trigger and buy a ticket. kinda drunk so i'm going to sleep on it but seriously

thanks Veeky Forums for helping me make life decisions

Hey baby come vietnam I suck your dick goooood
I'm a boy btw

a shit ton of mince bbq pork, pickled veg, cilantro and sambal. thats it. this hole-in-the-wall viet shop in manhattan chinatown makes the GOAT version of this, holy fuck i'd go there now if it weren't 1AM

karl is that you

There's plenty of Vietnamese delis in Seattle. Butter, pickled carrot and daikon, pate, ham, cilantro

Forgot to mention, $3 a sandwich here

Yeah what's up man

noway they're selling anything but the bun for that price...


in vietnam you get a proper very good banh mi with meat and vegetables for 10000-20000 dong aka 0.4-0.8$, made fresh and heated in front of you.
they also had happy cow cheese banh mi with vegetables and sauce for like 25k, very good. worst I had was probably braised pig intestine banh mi in the chinese areas, it tasted like rubbery ass. it was still not terrible, would try again.

vancouver has some stellar ones too. all hover aronud $5 although im sure you could get some cheaper ones but $5 is pretty reasonable for a hgh quality sandwhich

i don't get that boiled pigs intestine shit.
it literally just tastes like shit.
tried it a couple of times and it ruined my fucking day. couldn't get the taste out of my mouth.
ive eaten just about every part of a pig from nose, brain, feet, ears etc but that's one thing ill never eat again.

Yeah, tripe is always shit.

Dunno what they do with it in civilized countries. Hotdogs I assume.

Tripe is probably the only food I cannot stand. I can tolerate bitter melon if prepared properly.

Brain is fine, but cheap canned shit may have bones in it. Large pork skull is not good for teeth.

Tripe is maybe the only food I can think of that's universally terrible, no matter how you prepare it / how much spice you douse it in. The base flavour is just revolting.

tripe is stomach. i don't mind beef stomach.
im talking about the intestines that hold shit 24/7

Tripe is shit. There's barely any taste, the texture is awful, you have to chew for ever and it's a tough swallow.

Having said that I'd rather eat tripe than baloney or any of those processed deli meat loafs.

And cows have several stomachs, each inedible. Everyone has a dislike and mine is the digestive tract of mammals; likely avians too.

I'd try Asian fresh-water shrimp again, but one wrapping around my arm in response to salt-water scared the fucking shit out of me.

Do Californians eat their banh mi with avocado and a fried egg?

Fried egg is common in vietnam.

tripe in pho is gooooood

ayyyy im in vc for the weekend to visit gf. Where do I find said stellar sams

>Hotdogs I assume

hotdog casing isnt made of tripe

>tfw in laws are Vietnamese so I get fresh homemade pickled daikon/carrot

I don't really care what goes inside as long as it gets toasted in the oven for a few minutes before eating, extra peppers

I mean the meat filler stuff in a hot dog. I figure that's just what's left over they can't sell.

in kits theres mr red cafe

downtown theres a couple locations for vietsub (robson south and robson north) as well as a huge number of pho places that sell bahn mi's

in east van theres bahn mi saigon (best one i've had in van) on victoria and like 38th

thats the best i can do off the top of my head, but google does a good job too

google.ca/search?client=opera&tbm=lcl&ei=s2EFWsqHFcrh0gKyo5m4Bw&q=vietnamese sub vancouver&oq=vietnamese sub vancouver&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l3j0i22i10i30k1l4j0i22i30k1l2.3095.4267.0.4370.;si:;mv:!1m3!1d26523.81383876801!2d-123.1328808!3d49.2656975!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i436!2i489!4f13.1;tbs:lrf:!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e3!2m4!1e17!4m2!17m1!1e2!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:9

but it should go without saying that places that specialize in them are better than a random pho shop that sells them

Anybody fuck with Kimchi/Tofu ones?

>Toasted baguette
>Pork belly sliced thick, braised in soy/fish sauce/sugar
>Pork shoulder sliced thin
>Thin layer of pate
>Pickled daikon and carrots, julienned
>Thin long cut of cucumber

My local place does them for $3 each.

It's p great. Got my PI obsessed with them and now he brings me one once or twice a week.

Dubs confirm

>Got my PI obsessed with them
I don't have that kind of relationship with my private investigator. Pretty jelly desu

really don't understand this new trend of shoehorning kimchi into any random Asian dish

Every time I hear shit like this I remember that I could in theory just take all my money and live without working somewhere for the rest of my life. But is it worth probably dying a decade earlier?

If I ever had enough money it's what I'd do.

Although when some place like Vietnam became too expensive you'd have to move to Chad or something.

life expectency in vietnam is all of 3 years lower than in the US, but yes this is very possible, the biggest threat is economic growth, shit is quickly getting expensive
i think the taste is ok, the slimy rubber consistency was worse. the vietnamese and asians in general also tend to eat shrimp with the shell which was weird getting used to
actually commercially made hot dogs are meat only, just the cuts that aren't easy to sell. nobody wants to mess around with ears and noses and shit, that's for dog food

the classic coldcut. anyone know what the sauce they use? its like sweet and mayo-like. not the liver paste

If lettuce is even an option when buying one of these, your gonna have a bad time

>fresh piece of bread

They're called Vietnamese rolls newfriend

>shredded pork
not a fan in banh mis, I usually use pork marinated and fried pork loin
also you forgot jalapenos and cucumber