Umm... restaurants literally throw out several tons of food each year. I'm just one person, I don't make a single difference and it's my food so I can do what I want.
Umm... restaurants literally throw out several tons of food each year. I'm just one person, I don't make a single difference and it's my food so I can do what I want.
Can't you just take the leftover food home with you to eat later?
Doggie bags are the patreons way
The point is your parents were trying to guilt you into eating more because
a. They wanted you to eat healthier stuff
b. They didn't want you bugging them later about being hungry because you didn't eat when dinner was served
I'm convinced the "clean your plate" mentality is a major contributor to over-eating in the US. I'm guilty of it and I feel bad for not cleaning my plate, no matter how large a pot I make at home or if it's at a restaurant.
yeah fuck off mom!
Yup, pretty much this. I understand the sentiment, though, but it's actually not that healthy of a mindset.
This is pretty much the only reasonable point, but I think it got messed up along the way.
I rarely finished my plate as a kid, and was super skinny, but I'll never forget my aunt and uncle essentially force feeding me over the week I spent with them, and they're both 400 lbs or more. I sat at the table for literally three hours, not allowed to join anyone in the living room to watch TV, trying to finish this heaping plate of food that they considered a standard portion for an 8 year old, but was actually probably too big for an adult. No wonder my cousins are fat.
How am I supposed to eat with the image of dying nigglet being scream at me?
I think you mean patrician
americans are stupid and think the point of going to a restaurant is to flaunt their wealth
they just take one bite, and then say they're done and pay their bill and leave. and then they get mcdonalds on the way home because somehow they are still hungry!!
just eat smaller portions you moron, don't eat the entire pot of pasta at once
alternatively, you can put shit in the fridge and eat it later
I used to be a smart ass with my parents and say ok let’s mail my leftovers to Africa.
>"but dad you hate niggers"
>"shut the hell up and finish your plate before i smash your teeth in"
>Not paying for your food
>be me
>attending school
>assignment is filling out what you would do is you had three wishes
>write down that I would get rid of television commercials
>can't think of two more so just hand it in with only a single wish
>teacher calls me up to her desk
>asks me if I knew that people are starving in africa and I wished for no commercials
>up until this point in my life, I had never heard this expression about starving people in africa
>so I said no
>she looked at me with absolute contempt and said that they are and I should change my wish
>If you want to wish for people in africa to have food so much, why not just write it down yourself?
That was the first time I got kicked out of class for being unsympathetic to africans, but not the last.
Nice blog dude.
>*Leaves the table with an unfinished plate*
>But user! Think of the starving Africans!
>*Leaves the table while thinking of starving Africans*
>blogs about liking my blog
thanks for the nice compliments about my blog but yours needs work mister
welcome to the blogosphere
>no u
Not him, but that was pretty fucking gay. Not only did you fail at your make-work assignment, but you couldn't even defend your apathy when confronted.
As a serious life lesson, learn to not give a fuck and tell them what you actually think (presuming you can think in the first place).
sage because this is stupid
>americans are stupid and think the point of going to a restaurant is to flaunt their wealth
they just take one bite, and then say they're done and pay their bill and leave. and then they get mcdonalds on the way home because somehow they are still hungry!!
What? I've never done that nor have I heard of anyone else doing that.
>I'm going to litter because millions of other people litter too
You're a scum, a retarded one
don't argue with your mom, dude
You have to be 18 to post here.
that being said, its parents teaching their kids a lesson to not be wasteful, but since most parents are garbage is just turns their little brats into fat fucks that produce garbage manchildren like OP.
It's like rape.
You think your parents give a single fuck about that food? No. They do it because it makes them feel powerful. They brought a life into the world and now it has to do whatever the fuck they want.
And like rape, it's what their parents did to them so they simply don't know any better.
t.millenial without kids
If I pay for that damn food, you better appreciate it little cunt.
t. twisted sub-human monster
In schools it makes sense to prohibit students to overload their plate with food just so they throw half of it away afterwards.
In a family dinner setting it'd be pretty much saying "you suck at cooking mate" if you dont finish what you took on your plate.
In restaurants who fucking cares.
Someone must have had a bad childhood. At least you won't propagate your shitty genes and mindset.
You think your genes are going anywhere but Darwin's dumpster? Educate yourself, cuck.
>Darwin's dumpster
You might want to read his works so you will learn that only those who breed, survive.
>Umm... restaurants literally throw out several tons of food each year. I'm just one person, I don't make a single difference and it's my food so I can do what I want.
In theory, yes. For me, I spend my hard-earned money on my food and my time and effort to cook it. Unless it's gone bad in some way or so terrible to the point of inedibility, I almost never throw out my food. I value it too much.
>only those who breed, survive
Quite the reverse. Only those that survive breed, and then they die. Sorry, but combining your DNA with someone elses DNA does not perpetuate your consciousness. But thanks for contributing to the unsustainsble population growth rate!
It's fine to do it once in a while. But people who consistently order too much are scum.
I think your perception of Americans is based on weird nonexistant stereotypes that came entirely from the imagination of your grandma because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
>Only those that survive breed, and then they die
I wasn't referring to individuals. But why should I expect you to have reading comprehension.
>does not perpetuate your consciousness.
When have I mentioned or implied consciousness?
The simple point that I was making is that anti natalists will simply die off, as if the cause is genetic, they don't breed so they will cease to exist. If it's not genetic then one must remember that the easiest people to influence are your children, giving natalists an obvious edge as well as the numbers advantage.
>unsustainsble population growth rate
>Shaniqua and her 9 niglets in Africa are unsustainable even though they survive on mudhuts
You're talking to several different people, btw.
Enjoy your abattoire, breedercuck.
>You're talking to several different people, btw.
Yeah, Prince Albert, the Tooth Fairy and a (you) farmer.
Go back to school kiddo.
>I wasn't referring to individuals
>only those who breed, survive
What, pray tell, was the demonstrative pronoun, "those," referencing, alien moon rocks?
what will you do, put them in a envelope and mail it to them
This but unironically.
You're not supposed to eat more than what fills you. This is overeating. But our parents and daycare workers were taught different, because their grandparents lived in a world where food was scarce, without a fridge or freezer to store the leftovers. And not a single of the subsequent generations (until us maybe) ever questioned the FINISH YOUR PLATE dogma. Retards.
they do it so you dont turn into a hungry skelly that is a weakling. Obviously most parents over feed their kids but some kids are just annoying shits that wont eat enough
My South African mother in law will always leave food on her plate no matter what for "Mr. Manners". It is slowly killing me. I'm Italian, the pot goes on the table, the oldest are served first. You only need to take what you can finish. The rest we can have later or someone else can have. Why the fuck is she purposely take extra to throw out? Her fucking slave garden boy did cook it, I fucking did for an hour. You put it on your plate you fucking eat it.
Imagine being anything other than American and thinking about how much better Americans are than you all day. Truly fucking sad.
This. I don't want my kid wasting the food I cooked and then complaining that he's hungry later. Little shit can go to bed hungry desu famalam.
>I'm just one person
No snowflake feels responsible for an avalanche.
My oldest is almost 3. Everyone starts at the table together. Their stomachs are tiny. When he feels full he can ask nicely to leave. He gets washed up and runs around the kitchen. His plate stays. Near the time we are finishing he's usually back for more. What ever gets them to not wake up at 2am hungry...
C. Food costs money
D. Most parents were raised by people who survived the great depression when food wasn't as plentiful
>Le excuse your shitty parents, mother knows best.
>Le ungrateful brat, you don't know how much food you're supposed to eat
>le who cares about instincts and paying attention to your body's signals. YOUR PARENTS ARE FINE!!!
okay reddit.
I think Chinks also leave food on the plate. The idea is if you clean your plate you are calling your host a cheap kike who did not give you enough food. By leaving food you are saying your host is so generous that you are stuffed full and cannot eat another bite
My parents used this line on me as a kid. I could never figure out why I should give a shit about it.
I know that guy is not a chef because no chef has straight, undamaged teeth like that.
And that's why i know y ou don't have a child.
You don't know what it is like to spend your money for years on feeding someone, to feed that baby and nurse it. And to see him eating half of it, throwing it away, so you are the one who eats the leftovers. Fucking manchildrens of Veeky Forums, I swear.
Not him, but you need to chill the fuck out.
Wasting resources used to be a sin (proflegacy) that was in a greater depth of hell than murder according to dante. Times have changed obviously and anyone that bitches about leaving food on a plate is a whiny cunt. Unless it's meat, i always finish that as an animal died for it to be there.
This. People force themselves far beyond what their bodies want because of this mentality.
Ummm . . . good?
That's the dumbest assumption I've ever heard
Most Americans eat at restaurants for convenience or quality, since most Americans(people in general) suck at cooking, there's this idea that you eat out to get better quality food, or a more diverse amount of food from what you'd normally eat
Also people eat out when they're too lazy/tired to cook