Any wine geeks out there?
Wish I could afford the real deal - show me your most expensive bottle
How much did it cost?
What a load of hyperbolic bullshit. Wine has more than it's fair share of pretentious critics, but wine tasting is not "entirely subjective", preference is, but not the wine itself.
alright so uhh....
I'll steer this back to an actual wine thread...
Chilean reds are the best on the market.
I'm drinkin' a 2014 Pinot Noir by Santa Rita. Yeah, nothing special - expect it was 4.99 and tastes like a 40 dollar bottle of pinot.
I suspect chile will make a uptick within the forseaable future. I've been to France and Cali and Chile makes a pretty great competitor
As someone whose depth of wine knowledge is puddle deep what would you recommend for someone who likes full body reds? I like Argentinean Malbecs and I've had some good Cali blends.
Just got banned for calling that retard out.
Fucking mods/jannies here really are cocksuckers of the highest order.
literally this:
but yeah - for whatever reason the south american reds I find around will be in stock for 3-4 months and then disappear to be replaced by different labels. I buy them when they are 3-5 dollars and they're always superior to the price.
malbec, pinot, etc. They're all fucking awesome, but the "label" always seems to change.
>no cab
Thanks senpai, any whites you recommend?
also - drink some french pinot to get exposure. don't go over 25 bucks. a good pinot will have a "tannin" finish and a nice fruity body. The strength of the two will depend on you. There's a shitload of complexities in between but this is the simplest. I like eh the taste to go like acidity - sweetness(blackberry, or brighter) then blending toward chocolates/caramel/bitterness
lol. my wife likes pinot gris - but uh eh I cook with it. *shrug*
I take that back -
Thanks again
Post a pic of your dick and I will post a pic of the bestest bottle of wine you've ever seen.
Ho.. I was hoping for a proper wine discussion, but this is the land of the plebs.
pic related: a proper portuguese wine
Noice. Portuguese wines are highly underrated. You can get them for such good value. I get a white vinho Verde regularly for under ten bucks that's easily as good or better than any imported Riesling.
Only wine pic I got on this phone, it was a spontaneously fermented red that blew me away. Got it in Prague was about 40 eurobux
Yes! Now lets keep that our secret and let those wines maintain their low price please. Dont ever comment that again.
>just as good as the real deal good vintage burgundies
Fucking stop it.
This is the most expensive bottle I have.
>but thats like 20 eurinos
Duh, I'm a student, fuck off, it still felt out of my league tho I cant wait to open it.
you missed the point. I'm talking about daily drinkers here fella. you're in Veeky Forums
I enjoy dessert wines.
Chilean malbec is the only wine worth a shit. Australian reds are the new "thing".
Seyval blanc is a good domestic substitute for her.
Vinho verde is the only Portuguese wine that matters. The greener the better.
>muh slightly bubbly tasteless wine is a secret where I'm from
Asti is better than that swill.
This exquisite bottle of Shiraz from the Barossa Valley displays a rich dark berry fruit flavour, aged in American oak before bottling.
A wine for the true connoisseur, this little treasure comes with a hefty price tag of $7 but sometimes you just have to spoil yourself.
Most wineries use steel vats and throw woodchips into maturing wine to give it flavor. Especially that cheap shite.
It says on the label that it's barrel aged, I don't think a small family business would take shortcuts and compromise the integrity of their product like that.
Nice! Did you just pop that open on an average thursday night or are you celebrating something?
Oh well, I might have indeed. To be fair theyre still better than their american counterparts.
Well, your description doesnt state it was in a barrel either. Anyway, nothing wrong with chips if used carefully.
Cease thy trolling Hi-point owner.
Perfectly functional 9mm, and perfectly drinkable $3.00 bottle.
I win.
I was honestly thinking about getting one of these bad boys for S&Gs. And at $189.99, it's nothing.
>Perfectly functional 9mm
You have to be fucking with me. You must have bought them as a joke. Or you shoot once a year.
why would you keep high points in a special case?
200 bucks for a meme is a waste of money. That being said, you can never have enough funs and you can always give it to your son for his first pistol or something
>give it to your son for his first pistol or something
If you hate your son maybe.
A $5.00 Harbor Freight case is hardly "special".
More than a thousand rounds through each of them and never had a problem. Bought my GF a Glock 19 and that fucker fails to go in to battery every tenth shot..
Well, one is a huge block, straight-blowback, single-stack niggier-tier beater. And your girlfriend is probably limpwristing like hell or else you've bought a secondhand one with modification, because factory glocks are renowned for their reliability. Also, are you seriously trying to defend a Hi-Point as anywhere even remotely in the same class as a real carry handgun nigga?
Celebrateing my suicide
>it was 4.99 and tastes like a 40 dollar
I'm pretty sure that describes most if not all wines.
Nope, just sharing my observations on the two. The Glock and one of the HP's were purchased new. The other C9 was used. Each has their purpose. The HP's fill a niche as a gun I can loan to friends, bury in the backyard for an emergency, throw in the trunk for a road trip. The Glock is her princess and stays in it's case when not in use.
Can agree with that, Hi Points have their purpose, but it's not the same as a more modern defensive handgun.
>but it's not the same as a more modern defensive handgun
Mine put lead downrange and are just as accurate as the Glock. No, they are not the same, nor are they meant to be. I own both for two separate, but equal, reasons.
Whom'st is the qt?
only a fucking american could get so fucking upset about what automatic pistol someone else they will never meet irl has decided to purchase and own
>Any wine geeks out there?
>wine geeks
nearly 50 replies and nobody's pointed this out and called you a faggot
this place really is turning into reddit
>wife's son
You could always travel to Tokaj, get citizenship and be drunk for the rest of your life. At least that's what I'm planning once I get the monies.