I'm a 5'8 135 pound girl who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. Whatchu gonna say ck? I love fast food and I don't even have to try to stay skinny. Life is good
Skinny eats
What does hubby think of that?
>ages 5 years
>becomes landwhale
You are gonna hit the wall hard when your metabolism slows down.
My mom was skinny up until her 3rd child (Me)
Also I am 23 my metabolism will be great for a while. For breakfast I ate 1000 cals from Mcdicks and just went to sleep
>Anons don't know there are ways to speed up the metabolism
Drink some green tea plebs, I'll be skinny for life. Even my uncles in their 40's are just as skinny as they were at 20
I thought young people didn't like cliches
He loves me unconditionally
How is that cliche user explain?
we're all the same you dumb bitch, the reason you stay skinny is because you a) don't eat as much as you say you do and b) have a lifestyle that burns up what you consume. everyone wants to be special
>Wife exact same thing
>Kept bragging
>count calories of crap food she was eating
>literally sub 1500 calories
Sounds a little jealous?? I eat junk food and fast food like a mofo. Just because you're a fat ass landwhale who can look at the bag of chips without gaining ten pounds. Some people do live like me I guess I'm just the lucky one.
My fatsub order is straight up steak cheese bread bacon fatty sauces. Jealous land whale
>couldn't understand that very simple post
you realise it's possible to be have two brain cells to knock together right? some people do live like me i guess i'm just the lucky one.
Can't* Let me guess you try so hard to lose weight and just hate the skinny pretty girls because "skinny bitches" gtfo
I just came on to brag to get land whales like you riled up ;) enjoy never being 135
I'm Unless you lift at 135 and your height you're american skinny sorry lad
1500 is the min for most woman to keep their same weight. Guys are 2000 cal
i just came on to inform you that you cannot actually eat whatever you want and not gain a pound.
I'm a chick dude, and Canadian
Wait until you hit 30.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
This explains a lot.
>Jealous fag
Excuse me while I go home after sitting on my ass for hours. While I eat sausages, bacon and pancakes before I nap
Yes and I said you're american skinny as in you're not.
Automatically cancer.
>t. Canadian
>claims to eat whatever she wants
>wants to eat less than 1500cal
ok, what's the problem?
I have less then half an inch of fat on my belly. I assure you I would hate to be a land whale
You sound fat as fuck.
>I don't want to eat less than 1500 cal idk what these fags are talking about.
My breakfast yesterday was fucking 1000 cal from mcdicks
you can keep repeating yourself all you want, the fact is that you are not magic. lots of people eat 'all they want' and don't gain weight. it's called satiety. you're not special.
You sound jealous as fuck. Like I said I came on to brag. I have never been fat in my life. Skinny feels good guys you should try it.
I just came on to ruse you fat fucks and it worked hahahah
My point is she was bragging like OP i.e thinking that she was eating as much as an american family while never putting on weight when in reality she shit food but with minimum calories so it's not magic or muh super duper metabolism.
There are criterias between skinny and between landwhale lad.
Not claiming to be magic... I just wanted to piss off some fatties on this board. Mostly the fat girls because they are fucking assholes
You got us good.
Whelp, im off to KFC.
Fuck those mashed potato bowls are heaven
>Wanted to piss off fat girls
>on Veeky Forums
I don't frequent ck that much but pretty sure we don't get many girls here that post hell I doubt you're a girl probably some r9ker that's trying to get some yous.
show boi bucci plz
Shit food has the most calories what are you talking about ?
You can get more (you)s on fit y'know
OP is a girl and I have no idea what r9ker means
I mean, this is true for literally everyone. There's a big difference between eating "whatever" and "however much" you want.
Yes and you can still consume low calories of it, if I ate one slice of pizza followed by a donut followed by a mcdicks I would still not put on weight since it's below my daily calorific expenditure. I'm not magical.
>people still responding to an obvious troll thread
That's less than 1500.
You can do math right?
I remember when I was in my 20s
That was one meal, I still had 2 more to go plus snacks
we have a lot of girls that post
>I'm a 5'8 135 pound girl who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound
I'd hope not, you're already tubby as it is.
>5'8" 135lbs
I'm 5'10" 115lbs, what are you bragging about?
I'm a 5"9 115 pound twink who can do the same. Fuck off chubby.