ITT: utterly vile and stupid meme recipes
ITT: utterly vile and stupid meme recipes
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Stoner food, looks fucking baller
Why are they so fucking obsessed with cream cheese and chives?
id prefer a burger
Sushi isn't a meme, you're just a culinarily deprived flyover
ok this one is stupid
That looks absolutely disgusting, hope thats a joke, yeah it is, can't be serious
Looks like something from 1959
t. shinzo abe
Absolutely disgusting. At least the first one was kind of creative. This one is just wrong.
Please for the love of fucking christ stop posting this. It is borderline torture. It goes beyond food gore.
Good thing they used olive oil with its healthy fats.
fun fact: non-flyovers use olive oil for taste, not health reasons.
who do these even appeal to? and why is it always cheddar and cream cheese?
>olive oil
what kind of nutrition info are they feeding you?
Even actual cheddar can be pretty bad if it's low quality. orange color is a red flag in my experience
ITT: a bunch of /v/tards who get triggered by white text, modern decor, and square aspect ratios
these aren't disgusting, it's just some weird, overcomplicated take on a baked potato
I'm sure they taste fine despite how "reddity" they are
The appeal is to people who eat potatoes as a vessel for dips and sauces and don't really care about tasting the potato. Most would be embarrassed to eat the dip/sauce alone.
now you muthafuckas know how i feel all the damn time
What's with the fucking creme cheese? Not 'murrican here, do you guys really add it to stuff for no reason?
Its a staple in a lot of dips.
Don't watch this
American here. It has no place in any actual cooking except maybe for cheesecake but you do see it called for often in shit-tier "recipes" (read: advertisements) from the back of cans. It's in the same cringe-tier category as green bean casserole.
>He's never had a bagel and lox
lol kys palatelet
>spreading schmear on a bagel is cooking
>Cooking fish and applying it onto a schmear isn't cooking
who said anything about cooking the fish? Most people buy it pre-made.
But sure, if you made your own lox that's cooking. Applying it to a bagel? No.
I don't know what fucking martian moonbase you crawled out of but there's no cream cheese involved until long after the salmon has been smoked
for what fucking reason
That looks good, I love mushrooms, especially on steak. The worst part was how done the steak was, not enough pink. Im sure yall faggots will eat cream of mushroom, but the thought of cream cheese and mushroom makes you vomit. Its got enough shallot and garlic to make it not just taste like cream cheese. Splash those shrooms with some wine and you're good to go. A good way to dress a cheap steak.
That's not even the kind of cheese you eat with wine. and why would you drink wine in shots.
The premise is stupid even if you ignore how disgusting it is
Most Americans are frightened and intimidated by real cheese
oh yeah check out this 'recipe' mm so yummy you guys are gonna love it
Kim Jong -Un needs to man up and push the fucking button.
Why does anime glorify gross girl bodily functions
>implying girls don't throw up cute glittery rainbows
Virgins get out
i feel physically ill
watching anime girls piss is literally the best thing in the world
Wtf is the point of this thread, our webm thread is basically a general for shitty foods already
Because people are fucking sick of those at this point. People only post the same handful of them.
Hey, that doesn't look so baOH GODNO....
>that cream cheese
stopped watching there
I didn't even fucking make it past the thumbnail.
English-American here. Never heard of even using it in cooking.
everything in gif form is a meme recipe, and this in concrete is probably paid by the fucking cheese lobby because everyfuckingthing has cheese in their recipes
>when your "processed cheese product" contains so much plastic you can make literal cups out of it
fucking disgusting
t. kike
you know is shit when the instagram(tm) boomerang(tm) video start
I would probably eat this.
wait, what and why
FUCKING JUMPING JESUS I saw ugly mutants but this kid looks like a spawn of satan, no exaggeration
i picture the mother's pussy looking like that kids mouth after birth.
It could work, reduce the size and do not add so much cream cheese, then try using real cheese
I hated the cinematography more desu
Now this is why we need a nuclear war
>Filled with cheese
>Still dry
How do you fuck up like this?
What the fuck is that?
The first one wasn't too terrible, but the amount of potato wasted here makes me mad.
nothing stopping you using it
>I don't know the difference between chives and green onions
i actually feel insulted right now,
They pre-cut the steak against the grain
>string the cheese
I hate this :(
I hate Tasty. I once listened to a short interview, and the dumb woman would start off her sentences with, "Here at Tasty..." She held her stupid little Internet sensation to a much higher esteem than she deserved or earned. The fact it's been copied to death makes it even worse.
I hate current food culture. It's been adopted by a bunch of people (i.e. liberals) who failed at real careers, and think that going into the restaurant biz will redeem them. You're cooking food for people that they're going to poop into a toilet. You're _not_ a rock star.
Bourdain wrote a book warning people to stay away, and of course people are completely and utterly fucking stupid and it had the completely opposite intended effect. Of course it did.
I like how the Tasty logo pops up at the end as if to say "FAIL".
Tasty = FAIL
People would actually enjoy these if they didn't knew how much calories went inside.
The worst part is I can't even express how much I hate tasty using normal language. I'm usually able to translate my hatreds into non-autistic language but can't find a way to describe what I hate about tasty without saying that it's facebook tier memes.
kek I know what you mean
>tfw you can't cook anything without adding cream cheese and chives
sort of like a stupid version of meat loaf
I'd eat that
>how to make cheese shots
>melt cheese into shot molds and let it set
Genius. Pretty sure the entire thing is an as campaign by the company that makes the molds.
what the fuck is that yeast shit they keep using?
Google: nooch
Immediately regret doing so
It's in Vegemite tho
If this dish was like $15-20 I'd probably want to try it. I'd also break the egg using one hand and look at the waiter to see if he was impressed. After finishing it is make a joke about sending my compliments to the chef.
you'll be a great dad
Well generally speaking, I hate it scores high marks on my trigger lists
>pretentious, sometimes overly complicated recipes
>excessive use of fad or "meme" ingredients
>zippy video edits that make it look like it's running at sub 30 fps
>Mediocre cooking techniques when visible
Not to mention, of course, that they're marketed and made to be shared among the most basic THOTS and normies who think they're good cooks. No, youre not quirky or original for going against the grain and making an "interesting" dish, you're just shallow and cant allow your cooking to speak for itself.
If I ever ask for a baked potato and I get one of these starchy cream cheese abominations I'm sending someone to the hospital.
>No, youre not quirky or original for going against the grain and making an "interesting" dish, you're just shallow and cant allow your cooking to speak for itself.
Veeky Forums hating on women doing interesting things again, i see.
A better word would be 'horrifying'
how many of these do americans eat in a sitting?
Again with the ceam cheese.
Six. Didn't you watch the video? It says it right at the beginning
I lost it when he wrapped the bacon
this is a blue board you moron, don't post jump scares
People stopped saying "fail" in 2009. Please get with the times.
>starts wrapping bacon around it
Alright, count me out.
when will the cream cheese meme end
When Americans go extinct
when did it start?
probably with the paleo cucks
I wouldn't be comfortable saying any more than half of that to people without risking coming off as an autist. I think the only complaint I can share is that the recipes don't have a good end product compared to the effort they require and the calories they pack.
Something like a butter burger is a much better calorie bomb than their cream cheese abominations.
These are the same damn dishes just prepared differently, what the fuck.