Other than honey and cream, is there any other naturally sweet animal ingredient? A friend of mine challenged me to come up with a 100% animal sourced (other than water and salt) full course meal and I'm kinda stuck at the beverage and dessert.
Other than honey and cream, is there any other naturally sweet animal ingredient...
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Well the idea was more of an anti-vegan meal than a 100% animal meal. Vegans don't eat honey.
Honeypot ants.
bees are animals
honey is therefore animal sourced
t-those are real...
"The main factor of it's high price is the uncommon method of producing such a coffee. It has been produced from the coffee beans which have been digested by a certain Indonesian cat-like animal called then palm civet or also civet cat. This is the reason kopi luwak is also called cat poop coffee or civet cat coffee."
>vegans don't eat honey
truly and absolutely mentally ill.
is shit vegan? because plants grow after you put animal shit on them.
Nobody ever claimed vegans aren't retarded hypocrites.
I read something once about beaver prostate glands being used for raspberry and vanilla flavor. It might be sweet. Not sure where you'd get it though
Do you eat shit?
Milk, straight from a cow (or goat)
Pork is sweet.
What's the coffee that's shit out by civets, you could serve that
The piss of diabetics is sweet.
Heard from a friend.
So you are basically saying that the animal slurry industry is not exploitative. Got it!
These are adorable
A beaver
beverage: mead
That's a relief, I drink my piss regularly and it just tastes like warm, salty beer.
Fresh venison liver is somewhat sweet. When I say fresh, I mean pulled from the cavity and cooked when finished butchering. It doesn't have the ironish flavor of beef liver at all. It's gloriously, succulently sweet.
t. bow hunted this morning but never had a clean kill shot, damnit
Are you sure vegans don't eat it? I'm pretty sure most of them do. Beekeeping isn't like the dairy industry or something; it's mutually beneficial for the bees and the humans, it doesn't cause the bees any kind of distress, and without beekeepers many of the important bee species would have gone extinct by now due to CCD.
Checking the sugar content of someone's urine can be the quickest way to diagnose diabetes.
You could just finish with a cheese course.
Make creme brulee and tell your friend the sugar you used was made using cow bones. huffingtonpost.co.uk
many vegans don't because it's enslaving the bees
It's not enslaving the bees though. It's not like dairy harvesting, egg production, etc. Maybe you've talked to some vegans who don't know what they're talking about. Anybody can be ignorant regardless of dietary choices.
I want to kek and punch you in the face at the same time.
thats some fucking smug looking honey
I hear they're delicous
>anti-vegan meal
You guys are super cool
ayran for beverage for sure
Yes, we humans understand this. Spineless vegans will still see it as a cruel act because you are consuming the effort of bees. Why take from these creatures?
Commercial honeybees are already used to pollinate crops, so if you are eating plants you are benefiting from the "effort" of bees. Hell, the some of the CO2 in the atmosphere that plants consume to grow comes from animals like cows. That's why many vegans have no problem with eating honey. Does that make them "normal humans"? You can't have it both ways.
I used to think it was cool to think of "logical flaws" in veganism and smugly recite them to other omnivores to show that I was part of their club. Then I grew up and realized that was stupid babyish behavior and that no reasonable adult actually gives a fuck about what other people choose to eat or not eat.
Childish as it may be, I'm going to continue because half the vegans I've met are not people, but people so obsessed with their "cause" and self image that it just makes them an annoyance to be around. If a vegan is changing their diet for health reasons or out of preference, fine whatever. If they are doing it out of some warped sense of justice they can go eat a bag of cruelty free organic soy dicks.
>t. vegan (iloveblueandsoy)
Think you're in the wrong thread man
See what I mean? You don't have to act like a playground bully to eat meat, it turns out.
he's a fatboy
>step 1. acquire the beaver
>step 2. give the beaver a rimjob
>step 3. ??????
> step 4. profit?
I must admit I'd slam a bowl of those if they were cooked right. That looks delicious. I really want to start eating bugs guys, it's like the next frontier to me. There's so many different kind, I can't even rap my head around the flavors.
You could try baking something with cricket flour. Or just serve honey sweetened yogurt or something. As for the beverage, civet coffee or some sort of milkshake?
Yes, vegans do not eat honey. They consider it a product of animal cruelty, as we "enslave" the bees and steal their honey.
They like to ignore the fact that, in captivity, there is no need for bees to produce the amount of excess honey they do and it would sit unused by the colony.
Vegans are like the flat-earthers of food.
Beverage? You can use honey for that too. Use honeywine/mead
It's used in perfumes, not in food. Technically the FDA allows it in food, but it wouldn't be practical to do so. Fake vanilla extract is made from vanillin, which is synthesized from coal tar.
There's honeydew.
There's also non-sweet animal products that you can make into something sweet. Shortening or other animal fat for baked goods or eskimo ice cream, etc.
Fuck off. Some vegans are non retarded and eat honey, understanding that the bees were going to be working anyway.
Came here to post this. White cane sugar is bleached with bones. Thank you user for the link.
I swear both times I had bear meat it had a sweet aftertaste. I'm guessing its because they are omnivores and like to eat sweet stuff. Also any nectar and fruit eating insect will taste sweet.
Thanks for the suggestions.
beverage will be mead and dessert it's going to be a civet coffee cheesecake with cricket flour base!
>cricket flour
NICE I was looking for a replacement for flour
Seafood like scallops generally have a natural sweetness but not really sure how it'd do as a dessert.
Is blood sweet? I guess it mostly tastes of iron, but if there was a way to extract the iron from it, I imagine the resulting liquid could be boiled to make a somewhat sweet syrup.
Honeydew secretion is an option.
Blood is kind of salty desu.
>source: I've had a couple of nosebleeds.
Jello with cream
sugar is very rare in nature, when your brain perceives sugar it turns off your sense of satiety in order to consume as much sugar as possible because its such a dense and rare energy source
t. armchair evolutionary psychologist
Just flavor gelatin with honey or somethin' dude
hey, bug. layoff the honey
Bees are insects dumbass, go back to elementary.
I read if your piss tastes like beer it means you have cancer