Wine Thread

Wine Thread

What are you drinking?

I'm not too taken with this Crozes-Hermitage, although it is starting to open up a little.

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boxed red wine with iso chasers


Local bar's house wine, quite OK actually

A southern rhone?

I wish I was drinking one. More affordable northern rhones seem dodgy. I'm not speaking from much experience though.

Finland actually, Kuopio to be specific. I've been working at said bar 3 years now, boss doesn't mind as long as we are able to come work next day. No drinking during work of course, but free time is different thing....

Pinot gris from Elsaß-Lothringen
Dodgy in what way?

For wine, I'm not so sure. Grenache is spanish(if I'm correct) but wine itself, If I remember right, is french

Sorry about that, I'm bit drunk atm :D

I like Crozes-Hermitage in general, never tried yours. Just got pic-related and I'm quite excited to try it because the wine salesman was ecstatic about it.

Been mainlining this Rhone recently, really nice for the price:

lindemanns pinot gris.
had it with a sauteed cod and beurre blanc

I prefer sauvignon blanc with fish and especially a creamy sauce like that. I think it compliments it a bit more nicely than pinot gris which is too sweet imo. Sauvignon blanc is drier.

Hunted Lodi Zinfadel. Zins, the red wine all red wines should be.

why did you pour it in a vase?

Nothing but the best wine $4.99 can buy.

the sauvignon blanc wasn't available 3 for $9.

Seven Deadly Zins 2014.

Breddy good. A lot bigger flavour than I was expecting.

>Decanting 2 year old wine

Don't be a dumb nigger, it benefits younger wines as well. Speeding the process of oxidation that can sometimes mellow out VA on a wine. It also can benefit lessening the attack of high tannin on young reds.

t. Advanced Sommelier.

I see your a rhone man. I just had some JL Chave 09 Hermitage at a dinner I worked. Loved it. Possibly one of the greatest winemakers in the world. If you can get your hands on some of his bottlings even in off vintages, it is absolutely worth the price.

t. Advanced Sommelier

How hard is it to get a job at a bar and what is the pay? I'm probably going to uni next year and i will probably need some extra cash. Do i need to train for all the different ABC-oikeudet bullshit?

>dodgy in what way?

As in unlikely to live up to its variously more expensive counterparts in any meaningful way. As for southern rhones I've had some borderline table wines that were pretty tasty given the right setting/food pairing.

What's you pinot gris like?


You tried it yet?
I'm drinking a nice sourthern rhone viognier today.

I'll see if I can find a bottle of your crozes. Thanks for the recommendation.

Fucking yanks and your bloated opinion of that dreadfully mundane grape.

Because I didn't feel like taking off my shoe.

holy shit son.

You obviously haven't a clue what you're talking about.

death casket nigger knows wassup.

Envious as fuck.

how long are you supposed to let wine 'breathe'? my friend said he leaves his wine to breathe for12 to 24 hours.

The pg was trimbach, not bad for $12

As for the zinfandel, don't judge us by the lodi swill, there is good zinfandel out there, you just have to pay extra for it

Wine is for women and faggots

If you hyper aerate it doesn't need long at all

t. been doing it since before it was memed by the patent troll

Listen to the shit you're saying, be honest, you like men right?

no (You) for you

What's wrong with being gay?

is that where you bung the wine in a blender for 60 seconds? seems like the heat and metal would react with the wine adversely

Faggot detected

For me, it's rose wine.

I had a bottle of this tonight. It was alright for what it was; a cheapish red for weekdays.

Rose doesnt hit me hard but I like it so much I might end up drinking a whole bottle in 30 minutes

30 minutes to an hour if it needs it. 12 hours is a bit ridiculous. Although, I have drank wine the next day and found it improved.

Thinking of buying some Trimbach Riesling Cuvée Frédéric Emile for christmas. Haven't had a pinot gris from them yet. Might seek one out.

>Ridge Zin

Yeah I guess, but at the price poi at it pales in comparison to things I can buy at around 2 thirds the price.

I love women and faggots

It's fairly easy to get a job from bar. You need to be 18 y/o, no need for specific degree. Pay IS about 11€/hour plus night extra(2€/hour). There is agencys, like Enjoy and Huippu, I suggest you ask there.

>Yeah I guess, but at the price poi at it pales in comparison to things I can buy at around 2 thirds the price.

That's not a zinfandel problem, that's a California wine problem. Unfortunately, unlike with other wines, California has a monopoly on good zin. Zinfandel is the only reason I ever buy California wines.

Is Barolo worth the price?

As beautiful as that wine seems I probably won't be drinking it any time soon as it's a $280 bottle.

Jean Luc Colombo also does a decent and very well priced Crozes Hermitages and this is also meant to be a good cheap one. These are both just below $20 a bottle which for Crozes Hermitage wines is super cheap AFAIK

Good Barolo is excellent. Montepulciano d'Abruzzo is also a nice Italian wine.

I've got 4 boxes of Benoît Cantin Irancy, 3 of Passetoutgrain and and one of their superior cuvée plus 3 bottles of their median.
Could drink their 6€ Passetoutgrain for every meal it's so good

6 euros?? They cost between 13-18 quid per bottle in the UK


You have to buy it from the man himself ;-)

Louis Latour, Michel Lafarge,


Nope but my housemate harvested some Corton-Charlemagne. Had a 2007 Coche Dury once, a >150 € bottle. It was very acid and the boys were a bit disappointed and hid it under terms like "tension".
It was to wine what lambic is to beer, something different.