Why do retards dab their pizza with napkins? You'll still be eating a greasy piece of food.
Why do retards dab their pizza with napkins? You'll still be eating a greasy piece of food
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I dunno, man.
But now it's a less greasy piece of food.
yeah but look at all the grease on the napkin that you're not eating
here's a tutorial in case anyone isn't sure how to properly remove grease from pizza
Who needs a tutorial for that? Just get pizza from a place that doesn't suck ass.
I think it's people buying pizza hut
Texture. Sometimes all that excess grease feels gross as fuck.
>he can't appreciate ulillillia
too cerebral for you, brainlet?
Thanks for the tutorial, man. Soon I too will be degreasing pizzas on the floor of my basement
that guy is less charismatic than pavement
based ulillillia poster
ah pizza with a side of pint of oil please
I never have to degrease my pizza. Of course, I don't eat shitty chain pizza nor do I eat pepperoni.
>tfw ulililia got a job and not only wants to move to Florida so he can swim at the beach everyday, but also claims that video games were just a passing phase in his life
I want to feel happy that he is becoming a functioning human being, but denouncing what was once his absolute passion because his roommate wanted to normify him is like losing somebody who was once a good friend.
>a side of pint of oil
What did he mean by this?
someone post that autist from a long ass time ago that eats nothing but degreased pizza and lost weight
nevermind you guys work fast
I do it when a pizza is really really greasy. Only happened a few times in my life
I'd be sick of video games too if I spent as many hours as he did on Disgaea games
I do it because my lips get very irritable when they are covered in grease, so I pad off the top stuff so that it won't bother my lips for the rest of the day after I'm done
t. nu-male
I don't think he's capable of doing that. There has to be some outlet for his autism. He'll end up documenting all the aquatic life on the beach or something.
>eating anything but veggies and non-fatty meats on pizza
How do you even get pizza dripping with grease? Using the cheapest cheese and pepperoni you can find?
Is that really true? He's still posting regularly about video games on his Facebook account.
facebook.com (slash) people/Nick-Smith/100006579121614
Just scroll down, there's plenty of stuff about Chrono Trigger.
hey its better than his suicidal stage he was in for a while
Came here for this.
You haven't watched a 45 minute video of him explaining in excruciating detail and demonstrating how he changes the dryer sheets on his keyboard. Its very comfy.
The oil isn't even bad for you fucking normies
if you need to "degrease" your pizza then you should buy it from somewhere else or learn how to make a proper pizza.
it's virtue signalling for the people around the place.
the amount of fat in a pizza is already so high you cap what you can digest, and shit most of it out. that napkin isn't changing that.
It's not oil. It's grease and fat from the meat and cheese. If it's pooling on the top, you really should dab it off.
Even better way is to not order pizza at all. Stop the comfort eating you fat, depressed fucks. You are not doing your body any favours by eating all those sugars, salts and unhealthy fats.
>hurrrrrr you have to live your life by standards I deem suitable duurrrrr
Fuck off gayboy you're fucking nothing. Probably look like that virgin out the chad virgin meme.
yea but it'll taste better
Some people don't like eating pools of grease. Shocking someone can have different tastes, I know.
Waste of paper towels.
>dryer sheets on his keyboard
What are those? For what purpose?
>For what purpose?
There is none. Stop looking for logic in cases of extreme autism. It's like asking a 2-year-old to explain quantum physics, it just doesn't work.
Look there's been plenty of times when I just say fuck it and eat the pizza regardless, but yeah generally if I get pizza at the mall or something and there's puddles of grease on it I'll use a napkin to absorb 'em.
>puddles of grease
Puddles of flavor you mean.
Einstein's two year old son could do it
But pizza is an American staple.
>captcha: calle security
u gon git b&
So it doesn’t drip onto my clothes desu
Dryer sheets are disposable scented sheets some people put I their laundry to make laundry smell nice. And the other guy is right it is purposless. He explains that it keeps the keyboard clean but that doesn't mean much. He doesn't have autism, he is diagnosed with extreme ocd. He is compelled to keep dryer sheets on his keyboard and change them methodically because not doing so would cause him severe distress and discomfort.
>dab pizza w napkin
>pizza now has a noticeable taste of napkin
gross m8
You're supposed to go over it gently, you're not supposed to fucking slam dunk the napkin into the pizza.