*enters your fast food restaurant and fills large container with soft drinks from your soda fountain*
*enters your fast food restaurant and fills large container with soft drinks from your soda fountain*
Calm down officer farva
I dont get paid enough to care but my autistic coworker loses his shit
It means he has to refill the soda fountain/free style machine more often. Soda costs the store money. They don't really have a lot of refills in the back and when the soda machines keep emptying when there isn't a lot of combo/drink sales then it looks suspicious.
Pics like this are why I have no sympathy when I hear about hood rats getting killed
Soda is the most profitable thing they sell and it costs like pennies
>I don't get paid enough to care
You are a cancer
Minimum wage = minimum effort
he's killing himself already though
>A cancer to multi-billionaire franchisee corporate
A cancer I can get behind.
Motherfucker I have heard that "not paid enough to care" line at every place I have worked. It's a line of bullshit from overly entitled people. Nobody will throw you a job where you are "paid enough to care" right out the gate unless you're lucky. You have to show that you can slog through the bullshit.
The drinks are cheap, but if the fountain keeps emptying because of people coming in for free refills it means that the store might run out of soda for paying customers. Stuff like Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Rootbeer come in large quantities for the store, but stuff like Hi-C and other fruit flavored drinks come in lesser quantities . It's embarrassing to be out of anything.
I'd say half the people working office jobs are doing the bare minimum they can not to get fired
that's because the bare minimum is all they are asked to do, so they internalize it. how many of those same office workers are overweight
I wouldn't care because soda costs literally nothing
Yes, that's what the "refill" prices are for on the wall right next to the standard drink prices.
This shit is perfectly normal. I'm not going to be annoyed unless the fuckwit tries to leave without paying.
>customers keep coming up refilling their Big Gulp cups
>keep refilling it
>run out of refills
>paying customer comes in asking for drink
>out of drink
First come first served this is the way of the world kid
if you are honestly doing your best at every moment at some shithole you are the idiot. You sound like that cuck middle manager who loves his shit job too much.
>notice customer doing this
>approach customer
>ask if they could at least pay for a small drink
>get spit on and told to fuck off
>immediately call the cops and run into back to clock out to not get fired for kicking his ass
I wish I could have done that at my old job.
>Hood rats
U mean niggers?
If the owner cared then why did he put the drinks out as self serve?
i did care for a long time for companies which were completely unappreciative of the effort. nothing has changed even though i tried hard for years. every time a new project came in that influenced me and my coworkers or others i pointed to flaws and specified why things will fail and what should be done to avoid that, why we will end up losing money and end up wasting time, having not achieved anything but extra work. didn't get promoted, i got a pathetic raise of 3% and the people in charge don't even give a single shit about valid and constructive criticism.
at some point you just need to realize; it's not your company, it's not your money, it's not your loss. unless you are not explicitly told to do something, don't. you are wasting time and you shouldn't care, ever. specially not if it's a company that's listed on wallstreet.
you shouldn't talk about shit and generalize if you have no clue
> one "hood" black person doing something wrong
>they can all die as far as I'm concerned
literally lamoin at ur life kid
this shit right here. Just think if your were working at a gasstation and some nigger is robbing you. If you put your life on the line for the place you are beyond stupid, just give them whatever because you are gonna get paid regardless of what happens.
this but unironically
you signed up to do the work for the wage you're paid, do you're goddamn job and stop complaining, wagie.
Not my fucking fault you're a loser with no prospects who decided mcdonalds was a better idea than getting a good paying job.
*enters your restaurant three minutes later*
Hey man, they aren't doin anything wrong, that machine makes soda for free.
Soda is the most profitable item in most fast food places
>costs restaurant 10 cents
>sell it for a dollar or more
Nope fuck them
I work in the grill and do my damnedest not to interact with costumers, so I only hear about this second hand, shrug and promptly decide I don't give a fuck about it.