Are you joining the Kuerig boycott, Veeky Forums?
Smash your Kuerig
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Why would I boycott an item I would never use in the first place?
>having a Keurig to smash
keurigs are kinda expensive for what they are, I don't know why you wouldn't just give it away if you wanted to ditch k-cups, I received my k-cup machine from a friend who didn't want theirs
I was looking for videos of people smashing their keurigs to laugh at them but so far it's only videos of news about people reportedly smashing them
nobody wants to destroy that expensive piece of crap, apparently
This. The only proprietary food/drink system I want is a Brita filter.
It's not about the cups. This boycott is more important.
What morally grey thing did the big corporation fail to conceal this time that everyone should have seen coming in the first place?
They pulled their advertising from Hannity's show on Fox News.
dude just use whatever the fuck you want it's just coffee
nobody gives a shit
>Not installing a reverse osmosis system
What a fucking specific and retarded thing to get upset over.
*slow clap*
Keurig should be abolished like polio.
My Dad gave me one, a 2.0.
I just went to Walmart and got a comparable reusable pod for like $1.29 and I use whatever coffee I want.
It works for me.
That's the primary difference between American liberals and American conservatives.
Liberals get upset over broad retarded trends, conservatives get upset over specific retarded actions.
not trying to derail but
>constantly raging about women working
>constantly raging about blacks voting
>constantly raging about immigration
>constantly raging about taxes
not very specific, I could go on
>the first two
What is this, 1957? Also nice liberal trick of saying "immigration" instead of "illegal immigration"
>buy keurig
>buy reusable k-cup
>make my own coffee one cup at a time
This is truly the patrician choice.
>gigantic coffee machine taking all your counter space
>takes 4 minutes to warm up coils because it's designed as office convenience equipment, not for home use
just get a kettle and a $10 pourover cone
What's stopping you from doing this with a regular coffee maker or press?
Most have the option to make a single cup.
Politics doesn't really affect what products I choose to buy, but I didn't buy my Keurig anyway. It was a graduation present. It works well enough and makes a good cup of coffee quickly. I'm not about to smash it for dumb politics, especially if they're just pulling commercials off that lunatic's show on Faux News.
>inb4 millennial
>inb4 libcuck
>inb4 coffeelet
My keurig takes up about the same amount of space as a normal coffee machine or kettle.
The true right hates Fox News too, don't worry about it.
I have one i found that ill never use that ill set on fire. I dont care about the boycot though.
That's a lot of soy sauce.
>Kuerig boycott
I've been doing that since I became a coffee autist 2 years ago
Liberals like to project.
So, how many illegal whites have they deported? There's tons of them where I live. Mostly from Russia and eastern europe. Oh, wait you people are only afraid of non-whites.
>breaking a thing you already paid for
>calling it a boycott
>asking mom for a new one for christmas anyway
They make their money off of the k-cups, dummy
It's like the other day when I was reading the comments under an article about the Jim beam "boycott", and one guy was like "I just poured out a full bottle!" Ok, dumbfuck, you just wasted your own money.
Same but worse with this keurig thing.
Why not just make a point of it by using knockoff k-cups and bypassing the rfid bullshit?
>Pretending the amount of illegal whites even comes CLOSE to illegal Mexicans and South Americans.
This is the problem with the left. It's all based on misinforming the public. I know several people who actually think that Trump is deporting random legal Mexicans for being Mexicans. (I live in CA)
More like Kikomonster.
Damn those Russians are good swimmers.
It's pretty easy to assume legal mexicans would be deported when they kept projecting imagery of ICE gestapos going door to door demanding papers or getting disappeared by the state
Some Bulgarians working in a deli near me got iced recently. Your never here about it on the news of course.
>Liberals get mad about something.
>Burn down a Starbucks, and half a city because "Muh fascism!"
>Conservatives get mad about something.
>Break something they bought and paid for because "Muh Freedom!"
i didn't know there was a jim beam boycott, can't they just slide that shit over my way instead of dumping it
i remember when people were dumping stolichnaya to protest russia's anti-gay laws or some shit, even though stoli is neither headquartered or distilled in russia, ugh
White illegals won't get put on the news when they get shitcanned because they are not brown enough for the media to give a shit about.
The lesson we should learn from this is that people are dumb.
It's not misinformation, dumbass. It doesn't matter how many of each nationality are here. Illegal is illegal, and they SHOULD be going after all of them, including the Caucasians, but they're not. I haven't heard of a single illegal white roundup. But there you go again, trying to justify your bigotry.
The media doesn't cover Caucasians
Also because law enforcement officers who get in trouble for knowingly detaining hispanic-looking US citizens get pardoned by the President and openly praised for their unconstitutional actions
Deportation isn't a spectator sport you fucking retard.
There was a Jim Beam "boycott" because Mila Kunis is their spokesperson and she set up a recurring donation to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name.
It wasn't much of a boycott, however, because even most Republicans don't like Mike Pence.
Does CNN pay you to be this retarded on the internet?
No, but his owns sense of catharsis does.
Stop replying to bait.
it is in america
I would watch it if it was.
Also, I'm sick of people blaming the media. You should be fucking thankful we have an independent media in this country, but since the don't echo you're personal opinions, they're EVIL. Just fucking get over yourselves, you have no idea what real oppression is.
>muh CNN boogyman
I don't even have a TV, the only time I even see CNN is when I'm sitting around in an airport waiting for boarding
Do republicans realize that there are other amendments besides the 2nd?
>pol pls go
>an independent media in this country
>Do republicans realize that there are other amendments besides the 2nd?
Weird, seems the only ones who talk about it are the Dems.
It's not state run, thank fucking god. Again, you don't even fucking know.
>Meanwhile, in the Liberal side of the spectrum.
>We scream like retards.
Really? So is that why the nra keeps putting out propagandist videos?
The media is so biased it may as well be state run.
>Muh propaganda!
>Muh chainsaw bayonets!
what the fuck is a Keurig and why should we care about people smashing them or whatever?
The mental reasons that they bought it is also the mental personality that would smash something or boycott something. Had it been me, I'd just give it to someone else or failing that, take it apart and repurpose the parts for various projects. At the very least it would go to a recycling center.
This is the most obvious bait.
Just stop it.
Because UN helicopters are coming to take away my freedom and give it to the globalist jew lizards
What are you, 12? Or just an idiot?
The left uses anti-gun propaganda more than the NRA uses pro-gun propaganda is what he's saying.
>muh blanket opinions
You missed one implying.
It's a coffee machine that uses plastic cups to make coffee instead of grounds. The cups are thrown away after one use, the plastic doesn't get recycled and the total waste is completely absurd compared to normal coffee making.
People use it because it takes several seconds less than conventional coffee making.
>Are you joining the Kuerig boycott, Veeky Forums?
I have literally never boycotted a thing in my life, why should Hean Sannity's little tizzy make me change that?
The media is ran by the eilte jews, and it conforms to their political opinions. Not to mention they'll put a bias in to do political favors.
I'm not being a /pol/tard with "muh jews", most of the media is literally verifiablely ran by jewish families.
oh so it is like that meme internet app juicer. why everyone is boycotting/smashing them though? what happened?
>So, how many illegal whites have they deported?
If it is less than 100%, the answer is "not enough."
They Have To Go Back.
Yes, send them all back.
Give the land back to the Native Americans!
And that's completely false. I don't think rethug-righties even realize that democrats and lefties own guns as well. The nra doesn't even care about your rights, they care about the $$$ from gun manufacturers. Can't let the money train stop.
Meme juicer is leagues less practical and more expensive, but yeah.
They pulled their advertising from fox, so some right-wing plebs are throwing a temper tantrum.
At least they're not destroying cities like left-wing pleb temper tantrums.
The inventor of the Keurig says he wishes he never made them, because they're that bad for the environment.
So I'd assume it's environmental protest, to force Keurig to make their cups out of some degradable material.
I don't like the NRA, but they're the best thing we got until something better comes along. Given the past few mass shootings have ramped up anti-2A sentiment, we unfortunately need them more than ever.
Also most liberals have not even seen a real gun up close before, so don't give me that shit.
>Give the land back to the Native Americans!
You think you're being funny but I am absolutely 100% in favor of giving any land back if a native can show in a court of law that they're the rightful heir to the original owner.
>I'm not being a /pol/tard with "muh jews"
Yes, yes you are. Because their ethnicity shouldn't matter. Do you think if the media were owned by the government or by some other majority ethnic group, that those biases wouldn't still happen? How naive are you?
Won't happen unless you overthrow the government.
You population is so diluted that that's impossible, though. Should have just been stronger in the first place if you didn't want a superior civilization to crush you.
>Provide legal documents of ownership
>Provide them to the system constructed to strip you of your land
You're either not smart, or work IA at a cop shop.
>Also most liberals have not even seen a real gun up close before
Classic. Guaranteed you're one of those hillbillies who think we're the ones who live in a bubble too
>Muh hillbilly rebuttal.
You don't know any liberals, obviously. Also, we do NOT need the NRA, what we need are groups independent of bribery, and the NRA isn't one of those. They are as corrupt as they come.
Kuerigs are actually pretty nice, I don't get all the hate, I just bought one for $50 so it's not like they are expensive, you can get off brand K cups for cheap too.
The main reason I like them is because you can have a wide variety of beans and drinks without having to make whole pots of coffee like you would a normal coffee maker, on a typical morning I have 3 cups of coffee and it gets old fast having to drink the same stuff.
It's not about the ethnicity, I personally don't believe jews are inherently conniving or evil, it's about the fact that it's all run by a couple powerful families.
Your original argument was that it's a good thing that the media is independent, but I'm saying it doesn't make a difference.
>t. Has never met people in a city before.
I LIVE in the lefty central of the southwest, you fucking retard. (Socal)
I think you're the one who's being funny here. Either that or you're astonishingly dim
JIDF plz go, everyone knows that major media outlets are ran by Jews. That doesn't necessarily mean that all Jews are bad as some of them are openly against Israshit and its crimes against humanity.
Too much plastic waste mate
>buying pods in the first place
And how does that change the fact that you have the mentality of an inbred hillbilly? Do you realize that your neighbors with their Bernie sign who don't have a Dylan Roof tier encyclopedic knowledge of military small arms like you do aren't the only humans who live in the United States?
Ok you are being quite rude right now
Statistically, most liberals live in cities, though.
I don't get what your point is. If the general populace was so informed on guns then why doesn't 99% of the media and politicians get called out for saying blatantly false things about firearms? Memes about chainsaws not withstanding.
For you.
Fuck your boycott
>Someone mentions Fox News
>Thread spirals into /pol/
It does make a difference.
State run media is never, ever a good thing.
What we should be fighting for is stringent enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, which doesn't happen, and re-evaluation of those laws. That is what will help these problems, to start with.