Is there anything more soul crushing than working in the fast food industry?
Is there anything more soul crushing than working in the fast food industry?
Browsing Veeky Forums
ive never worked in fast food whats it like?
>tfw you do both
Where did it all go wrong, bro?
Losing both of your children to traffic accidents within days of each other.
Crushed my soul.
Working on a factory line
Operating the trash compactor at an abortion clinic.
I personally loved it. Did it for 6 years.
It requires a servant's heart.
I know a vast majority of socially stunted individuals who would love that.
No chance. Much less embarrassing than working in a fast food place
Working for a major hotel chain, maybe. You have slightly higher status than a fast food worker but every single person who interacts with you is going to fill out an online survey and everything you said and did is beholden to their personal tastes and perceptions of "good customer service". This is all tracked, catalogued and analyzed and the metrics are presented to your manager on a semi-regular basis by suits who come around to chastise you for not smiling enough. I've been doing it for 3 years now and it's probably the worst possible job for a chronically depressed person like myself. The line in the movie Office Space where the main character says "every day is the worst day of my life" rings very true.
That's pretty soul crushing, yes.
But, for me, my breaking point was working in a "soda shop" themed ice cream place where they played the movie Grease on the tv's all day long, forever, and made us do the chicken dance. That was nearly twenty years ago, and I still wish everyday that the place burned down and took the owners with it. It was a living nightmare.
Being alive was cool, you know.
Working in manufacturing actually gives decent pay, though like shit hours or swing shift, esp if you're new.
Working at taco bell when i was 16 was pretty comfy desu
Still doing it at 20 would be soul crushing
I’ve always thought a hotel job would be comfy but I guess not. Sorry to hear you’re doing so badly, hope something new comes your way soon.
The only problem is the pathetic wages
A lot of kids want to work in a morgue for pre-med resume builders, and most are not fucking ready for it.
Working for the hospitality industry.
driving a taxi cab, i don't remember seeing a taxi driver happy with his life or laughing.
Working in an underwear store at an outlet mall.
Delivering pizza was fun as fuck. I would take it all day over sitting in front of a computer for 9 hours.
Being a floor nurse at a nursing home.
Eating at one.
Being a janitor at a nursing home.
Being a resident at a nursing home.
Finding out that you lost both of the children you had from being raped while browsing Veeky Forums and that the only way to pay for their funeral costs is to get a job in the fast food industry.
being the nursing home
You are lucky. They teach kids at school to hate their parents and you would have ended up despising them for their brainwashing
>t. lost all my kids to the public education system, never see them anymore, they could be dead but they are already dead to me
Tyrone, please. I suspect you're quite "satisfied."
soul crushing
Working in fast food is fine for young people as a part time job while studying, still working in fast food in your mid thirties would feel pretty bad.
Although I don't like to judge people.
Working in a call center. People are less inclined to shit all over you if they happen to be looking directly at you. Only the mentally ill and uneducated will treat another human being with disrespect based on employment.
Im a male. Because I live in a retarded country I meed a nursing degree to work in ambulance. 2nd year now. Retarded practice in ambulatory clinic getting called a fag on an hourly basis and the paperwork load is insane. Next month pediatric practise. The fun part is I already got a paramedic degree but turns out its worthless. Also they taught me so far absolutely nothing which I could use working in them ambulance
lmao faggot
working at an amusement park. it's like working in fast food except it's sweltering hot and there's more kids yelling and screaming
>still having a soul in this economy
get a load of mr. fancypants here
>if the line is not spotless it's not clean enough
>constantly working at breakneck speed
>shit gets on the counter and on the floor
>there's no way to avoid this, it's part of the job
>constantly nitpicked about wiping the line
>take off my gloves and grab a sanitized rag
>wipe the line, wash my hands, put on gloves
>nitpicked because orders are backing up
>if the floor is not spotless it's not clean enough
>constantly nitpicked about sweeping the floor
>take off my gloves and walk across the building
>grab the designated BoH broom and dust pan
>there's a broom right by the line but it's FoH
>try not to trip anyone while quickly sweeping
>walk back across the building once again
>return, wash my hands, put on new gloves
>nitpicked because orders are backing up
Maybe you're a dick
>can't be fast without making a mess
user just accept you're sloppy
Paramedics are real life superheroes. Seriously. My mother's life was saved by their first aid once.
Fuck cops. Paramedics are the real heroes.
>fuck cops
Portion sizes of food that I'm handling default to "one scoop full to the brim."
I work at a Mexican place. Everything is loose and most of it is wet. Handfuls of chopped lettuce and shredded cheese. Big scoops of beans and salsa. I'm moving at mach speed. A tiny spot of something is inevitably going to get on the counter.
A reasonable person takes it as part of the job and cleans when they can.
An asshole complains about it once every hour.
I worked on a travelling carnival for years after college. I got a class A CDL because I found out an AA in business is completely worthless if you don't get a bachelor's degree after. I was driving commercial vehicles then setting up, tearing down, and managing 2-3 food concession stands. It was fucking hell compared to 8 hours a day at fast food. No days off unless you're driving. Absolutely no less than 12 hour long shifts, and that's just for the help under me. People think youre poor. I was making $1,200/wk USD. I'm glad I got out of it though or I would have killed myself eventually.
Yes, being a MANAGER in the fast food industry.
You have to do everything that the shitheels you're in charge of do, and you have to be able to do it better than they can because you're going to be constantly shoving them out of the way when they're ruining your drive-through times.
And you have to somehow wrangle these teenagers who don't give a shit about the job, and people who are older than you who resent you because you're younger than them, or they're fucked up on whatever it is that led them to still be working fast food as an adult.
You get treated like shit, just like the people beneath you. In fact it's worse because the shitheels beneath you can just pass off every angry customer onto you and you have to smile and eat their shit, even if you know they're fucking with you to get free food. Every single fucking day.
I might kill myself.
>once an hour
that's not unreasonable user, besides don't you know if you got time to lean you got time to clean
I don't have time to lean. I told you, I'm continuously working at top speed. There's almost never a gap long enough that I'd be able to take 1 single minute cleaning the counter.
Then, once an hour when there's finally time and I'm just taking off my gloves to do it the smug retard comes over and tells me to. While I'm leaning over to grab the cloth. Yes, I know I'm supposed to clean you stupid fucking faggot. I'm doing it RIGHT NOW. You can see the cloth in my hand. Shut the fuck up about it and go back to eye-fucking the 16 year old drive thru girl, shithead.
Even worse when there's a line to the door and you're breaking a sweat and they STILL tell you to wipe the counter, like that's reasonable in any way. Anyway. I get that you're trolling. I'll stop.
So right before I joined the army, I had a job at McDonalds. Though I might as well make some cash before I left. I didn't really have transportation for a job, and my parents didn't let me work either. So that was that.
I remember doing the training portions. It was a weird little basement, and it was just gross. the sticky floor from the late 90s was still there.
Anyways, I had shifts from 2 Am to like 10 AM
so I had to "master" how cook most of the shitty breakfast sandwiches (BK is way imo)
Some mexican dudes ( I'm mexican descent, but these dudes literally mexican citizens who work jobs over here, and go home to mexico 10 minute drive away) asked me to search for avocados in the freezer. yeah right. mfw they don't carry that shit (not circa '13)
I quit after a week. Didn't get the day off for MEPS.
The worst part is the manager started working there in high school. He went to high school with my aunt in the late 90s. Never did anything else. Tons of old people too. Just never did anything different. Fucking disgusted me working there.
went from 7.30 an hour, to 73k a year post military with no degree.
If your boss is telling you to clean shit in the middle of a rush, then he's an idiot.
But if you can't tell when the rush is dying down enough that you have time to clean, then you're an idiot.
Didn't have transportation for a job during high school, got shitty car as a gift post high school
If your boss is a cunt and you're honestly a hard worker just quit or at least start looking for a new job.
Those glory seeking pre meds deserve it
Nice get btw
Literally anything else you fucking pansy white liberal pussy.
>Factory worker
>Nursing home worker
t. projecting pansy white liberal pussy
being nursing homeless
btfo fast food cuck detected. Gave yourself away by omitting the following superior alternatives:
>Any office job
>Any job requiring a graduate degree
>Obvious trump shill denigrating cops and fireman lulwut
>Mfw my friend tells me wants to be a chef
>Hes never been in a kitchen before
Poor bastard.
Why would an office job be worse than fast food or coal miner? I'm not that guy, but I've worked blue collar trades for a decent amount of money, and I always thought 9-5 office work looked cozy.
I worked both, chances are your squad is cooler at factories than at a fast food. My factory would chill at local TGIF after shift, play wow together. My fast food team didn't even speak English. UPS and Carl's Jr if you cared.
>I've been doing it for 3 years
You qualify for cruise lines, why don't you bail yourself? At least over at Disney you get a lot of benefits and you get nice dorm.
Lots of times office workers get fired for doing the job they were hired to do.
>Be accountant, get fired for not cooking the books because you have integrity
>Be accountant, cook the books at bosses instructions, get fired when it's discovered
Try not having a job and no way to buy anything. Try staring inside a warm, happily lit taco bell and being crazy with rage and jealousy at the people able to enjoy a 5 dollar cravings meal
eating fast food
b-but my mcchicken user kun
watching animu in your drug dealers house while his mom makes you cookies and has the old lady fart while all you wanted was some pot and you kinda feel sorry for him so you stick around even though every second feels like an hour but you don't want to be rude and you want your pot so you don't leave and you end up being there for like six hours
Crushed them too apparently
Working in the video game industry. As a conservative.
Kill me.
just because being a edgy faggot on 4chins is the cool thing to do doesn't mean you need to be
People treat call center employees like shit because telemarketers are invasive and annoying. If your local McDonald's frycook was knocking on your door at dinner time to try and get you to purchase a mcdouble installment plan you would shit talk him too. It's not necessarily hate of the individual, but their very function is bound to trigger irritation and anger, especially when the same company calls multiple times.
Go be a vagina somewhere else.
Working in an office cubicle
I know it's Veeky Forums and all, but please for the love of god use "an" before a vowel.
Oh poor you.
Having to sit at your desk in your air conditioned office and fuck around on a computer all day while people express political views that you disagree with.
So sad.
Fucking weak cunt.
Why don't you try literally any real labor job for a day and maybe you won't be so sad anymore once you realize you have it fucking made while millions of people are doing shit every day that takes more effort than you put out in a month.
I hate you city faggots.
I wiLl Not?
Me too, user. Me too.
I'll go grab one, thanks for the reminder
Was homeless from age 13, fitted pipe for 7 years from 17 until I caught a break testing games and worked my way up. I bake bread every morning for the homeless as a way to give back.
Oh and I live in the country, I'll take the commute over living anywhere near a city. I'd complain less if the game we're making wasn't about being a communist during a 2nd American Civil War and painting that as a good thing. Good job being a hypersensitive vagina on the internet though, must be really tough to have to assume so many things about people from mere sentences.
What factory do you work in? Manufacturing isn't bad.
Sounds about right. The world will be better off if your family line ended with you.
Should treat humans more like stray dogs. When a child is homeless and on the street, the child should be taken in and receive a lot of social aid. That child should also be sterilised.
>must be really tough to have to assume so many things about people from mere sentences.
It is actually pretty easy to ascertain that you are a little bitch from mere sentences, especially if those sentences equate to "I have to be around politics I don't like."
Also I don't believe your backstory for a second there bud. Anyone who grew up like that would know better than to bitch about your cushy job.
I have a Masters. Fun fact, you can go to college when you're older! Not to mention capable of not incurring debt because you saved money beforehand.
Bonus fact: thanks for proving my point a second time. Also Food & Cooking, take your nihilism for humanity back to leftypol
You're both a bunch of faggots arguing like women on the internet.
I worked in inbound and they still treat you like shit for a bank.
People who talk to call center employees like shit are huge scumbags.
>working fast food
>working retail
why do people do this to themselves? did you just stop looking for work after mcdonalds called you back?
it is all about preference, some people are too lazy or stupid to do harder jobs so they choose a shitty job and call it a day.
I don't have a car and live in a small town where those are the only jobs around.
Sorry man, but if I say "sorry, we're not interested, would you please take us off of your list," and they start to get snotty with me, then the gloves are off and they can eat shit.
>if you got time to lean you got time to clean
If I EVER hear someone say this again I will fucking eviscerate them.
All that mentality does is it teaches people "work slow, act stupid, that way you don't have to work hard, hard workers get rewarded with more work!"
I work inbound...
>calls customer service to fix account.
>"no thanks user"
>"well is there anything else i can help you with?"
>"this guy is is getting snotty!"
>that's it the gloves are coming off!
Food and tool&die