>when the drive thru girl tells you your total calories when you finish ordering and giggles
When the drive thru girl tells you your total calories when you finish ordering and giggles
>things that never happened
I wish it didn't, the fda made it a law to keep people from overeating
>drive thru girl tells you your total calories
they seriously do this now?
Yes they say "that will be 13.54 and 2400 calories"
>t-thanks, i'm buying a bunch of food for me and my friends actually
fat shaming will never end
> chronically underweight
> go through drive-thru and order a bit as i felt hungry
> "that's 2350 calories, bet it's not all for you, string bean haha"
> "haha yeah some for the roommate"
> never go there again
i fucking hate this shit, why is it the fucking law to humiliate me
>when the drive thru girl is happily chatting with her coworker friends as you pull up and she turns to you and her face turns into a slight wince as she reads out your total
Fats need to be shamed for their own benifit user...
They should just stop making 5XL clothes so fat people will be forced to make their own clothes and be shamed into losing weight.
Fat people are very stupid, they won't last very long when society starts denying them social mobility and dignity.
As soon as you stop destroying my healthcare I'll stop making fun of you for being a fatass. Fatass.
They aren't required to read the caloric total.
They do because you're a weirdo that always eye-fucks the workers because it's the closest to pussy you'll get on that day. Nevermind the weird, cum feat. feet smell they get when you hand them 3 $1 bills, a shit load of quarters and a sticky coupon.
These people think that reading a calorie count of a food order is making fun of them, but its actually just simple mathematic addition. What a bunch of scientific illiterate snowflakes. Your safespace isn't the drive through.
>you only spent $4
>Drive thru lady makes you use the singles only lane even though she doesn't even see if you're with someone
>tfw she can detect your virgin accent
>singles only lane
Holy shit I'm in tears user.
>Tfw going to the drivethru but it's couples only night
10/10 meme
>drive thru lady tells me how many calories are in my order
>tell her i'm not finished and order more
i love being a filthy fat disgusting american
>singles lane has a 1800 calorie limit
what place does this?
>driving around 3 times to get everything you want
>singles only lane
is that a thing and why?
My place checks your id and if you go more than once a day they confiscate it and put it on the wall of shame
It is, but they usually ask you after your order. The lady didn't even ask, she just assumed (correctly).
>tfw they force you to take a pic for the hall of shame, and I start sobbing before the picture is taken
>when you come a day later and they make you wait 15 minutes so it's exactly 24 hours to let you order more food.
what kind of cuckntry do you "people" live in?
lol, yeah, right
I know that feel. Got arrested for trying to use a fake ID after they took mine. Still on house arrest and starvation regimen.
That will never happen
>a lot of fat people
>they need clothes
>sell them clothes
>make money
Who wouldn’t want to make money
Land of the free
its a law in most liberal cities in america
>people saying this is fake and doesn't happen
stop fat shaming...
fat lives matter
that doesn't prove shit my dude
>scooter lane only serves the chicken sandwich
>go to BK alone
>have to get triple whopper without cheese or mayo otherwise it'll put you over the 1800 cal limit
>no drink
>no fries
Sometimes I bring the mayo and cheese from home but you have to be careful not to get caught or you get punished with a 72 hour hold.
I'm fucking loving all the Pepe images in this thread
>manager calls you in to show you surveillance footage of you opening packets in your car and you bribe him with $50 to erase the footage
>it works
unless you're m00t, fuck off faget.
Is this actually a real thing that they read your total calories and restrict the total number of calories allowed?! I'm from Canada but I haven't been through a drive-through in years. Is this what it's like now? What happens if you want to order more than they allow??? This is terrifying. What if you're trying to order for a group of people back at your place?
No they didn't.
>it doesn't work
>banned from burger king
>name and surveillance footage appears in nightly news
It's not real
You literally can not order more calories than they allow, you need to bring your friends with you if they want food, if you break the rules its 3 strikes and you're out and you're on the wall of shame
Thanks for the honesty, friend. I was a bit skeptical, but I don't eat fast food so I honestly had no idea if it was true or not.
>What happens if you want to order more than they allow???
they won't let you have it
>What if you're trying to order for a group of people back at your place?
need to bring their biometric ID cards and separate meals are put in biometric locked boxes so only they can open it.
>its an /r9k/ thread
Define "giggle"
This doesn't even need explaining, but it's fucking hilarious how pepe pops up on the news and nervously looks the audience in the eye because we all know there's a problem.
Short and high pitched, she had to re read the total calories a couple times cause she couldn't do it without laughing. I almost drove off out of embarrassment but I was very hungry because I hadn't eaten in several hours
If fat lives matter why don't you treat yourself like you matter?
they should be all forced to wear moo moos and ponchos
"several" as in 2 hours?