Why do fast food workers not give a single shit about how they do their work?
Why do fast food workers not give a single shit about how they do their work?
Not paid enough to care
because you don't care how they do their work either. If you did, you wouldn't eat there.
They’re nonwhite and they have room to fuck around because they probably won’t get fired unless they do something really bad. They’re still gonna get their weed paycheck whether your fries are cold or not.
Because they get away with it. If its a somewhat reputable place like mcdonalds or burger king contact corporate and have a whinge, the franchise owner will get bollocked, the managers will get bollocked, and the mcslaves will do their job right or be fired
>implying that, all things being equal, people wouldn't purchase fast food from a store with higher service quality
Please, people talk all the time about "this Taco Bell is a bad one, go to the one on university" and "if I had a Long John Silvers like this in my home town, I might actually go to it."
Stop over-simplifying things.
I work retail so I can understand some of the frustrations that come with working fast food.
At the end of the day, it really comes down to three things and how they interact with each other: customers, responsibilities, and pay.
The best situation is one where you deal with little to no customers, have few respknsibilities, and are paid well. Any deviation will increase job stress and breed apathy among even the hardest worker. If you have good customers it makes a job less stressful and easier to deal with despite lower pay. If you have few responsibilities your focus is getting paid to deal with shitty customers. If you're paid well it's worth the added stress of a crap work environment.
Unfortunately, I imagine a bunch of fast food workers are weary overworked and underpaid dogs who have to deal with shitty minorities and not paid enough for all the crap they go through.
Because if they actually gave a fuck and were hard workers they wouldnt be working in fast food making minimum wage. They get paid exactly what they deserve.
Then leave to a higher paying job
I care. Left bad reviews on google and yelp. If i had time I'd go talk to the manager which I'm sure is non-existent
Most jobs are frustrating. If you don't like it either you get another one or do your job with a smile your face. You know, make the best of it, there's plenty of people out there who want that job.
>whether your fries are cold
God damn it, they were cold too. Under all the burgers. I had to basically beg for ketchup and buffalo sauce too.
>looking at yelp reviews for a fast food place
Believe it or not, sometimes it works. I reviewed a KFC that happened to be run by a Nigerian woman who took pride in the franchise. She liked my review and offered me a freebie next time I went there.
>Most jobs are frustrating, so get another job
another frustrating job, and by your own admission most are frustrating, doesn't address the problem
you are really fucking stupid
here's a solution: don't treat employees like shit
>If you don't like it either you get another one or do your job with a smile your face.
My job title and description is to provide customer service and supervise, as well as act as management when the need arises.
My job is NOT to babysit the elderly, argue with you because you're too stupid to read signs, or acquiesce to your every desire. It's a fucking fast food place, not a Michelin rates restaurant.
I hate how faggots like you fail to realize that customers are the #1 source of problems in these workplaces and then act like people SHOULD act like Neanderthals or I wouldn't be doing my job otherwise.
I like my job, but then people make it Hell.
>Hello there sir, Id like this burger, that combo and this burger too please.
>Oh your drink machine doesn't work? Ok sure that's fine.
*Wait 10 mins for my order*
>Excuse me can I have some ketchup and buffalo sauce please?
>Thank you have a great night
>Get home
>Fries are cold
Yeah sure kiddos, I'm the problem.
What's wrong in this picture?
McDonald's employees weren't doing their job, making me wait over 10 minutes and then I still got cold fries.
So are you complaining because you feel the need to blame the staff for having a broken drink machine and your fries getting cold on your way home, or are you saying that you aren't a problem to the staff and that others are to blame?
Either way, customers are dicks and it doesn't matter how nice you perceived yourself as being in your personal anecdote, people as a whole are shitty.
You know, you could have just left at any time during those 10 minutes. You dont owe them your business and you could have done ten different things to rectify this issue rather than act like a soggy cunt.
Stop going to shit fast food places. There's a McDonald's down the street from me where the employees are always pissed, ice cream machine is always broken, drinks are flat and often not working at all and they always fuck up your orders. I spend the extra 10 minutes going to the one across town because they actually give a shit. Its always hit or miss. Be wary of when they make excuses for why they cant do simple things that you ask of them, its often lazyness and they get away with it because the manager isnt around. There's a Del Taco right next next to that shitty McDonald's in Temecula off Margarita that is ass too, its always the goddamn teenagers fucking around
>Fast food
>Takes 10 minutes
I really don't know why you're defending this.
>argue with you because you're too stupid to read signs
holy fuck the amount of people that dont read signs is amazing
closed up one night and some guy brought me a steak to cook, 30 mins after last order was called. i put the sign out and turned lights off already. still tried to get me to turn everything back on before just leaving the meat on the counter and leaving
>I'll just leave after I already gave them my money
One hour drive.
First time going to that McD. Never going back.
Not going to leave after paying. It's even shittier that I was the only customer, they jad no reason to take so long.
everyone fucks up at their jobs from time to time, fast food has a lot of people in the process and is public facing so the fuckups are noticeable and whiny bitches tend to spread awareness of those mistakes by whining bitchily about them.
do these anecdotes not support my statement? OP posted a photo in a fast food drive through, so he is clearly patronizing an establishment at which he'd be an idiot not to expect poor service, then complaining about it.
If there's a better one in town, he should go there next time. And if he's still not satisfied with the service there, he should not eat fast food.
The real point I was trying to make was that no one is making you go to a place you supposedly don't like. You give them money because it is in fact worth it to you at the current price and service quality.
There's only 24 posts itt. Read the one where OP said it's the first time he went there.
minimum wage minimum effort
doesn't really change anything. he asserted generally that fast food workers don't care about their work. he's seen or heard of enough fast food fuck-ups to form a general opinion of fast food, yet he was disappointed when reality lined up with that opinion.
as for my point, I never said he needs to be psychic. Just don't go there next time and if there are no mcdonalds in town with satisfactory service, he needs to kick his addiction to garbage food.
If you're getting paid 7.25 an hour, why would you put any effort whatsoever into your work?
because it beats being paid $0.00 an hour
They don't enjoy the job. If your waiter its a little bit different because you have a bit more control over whats going on. Someone at Maccas is just giving back a bit of human interaction. I'm a waiter and I know a great night is when you get good customers and everything arrives on time from the kitchen. Working hard is not a problem because like I just said you have a little bit of control. But if the customers are bad then the whole thing is annoying. What I'm suggesting wouldn't work anyway, customers need to get angry to ensure the whole thing keeps working. Some waiters are lazy, but the majority enjoy what they do because they have some control, its the shitty customers which kill it for them. Also, you don't get many shitty customers but they back up in the back of your mind.
Yeah but you get paid the exact same amount for doing barely anything as opposed to busting your ass. So again, why would you work hard for barely any pay?
yea i read the google reviews for takeaways
usually the manager completely determines the quality and the speed of the place and the reviews will tell me if its worth going or not
You'd have to be a really trashy subhuman to eat fast food so often that you know which Taco Bell in your town is the best.
what I learned from this thread
people that eat at fast food and people that work at fast food DESERVE each other
because fast food customers don't give a single shit about what they eat.
>Then leave to a higher paying job
That's what people with drive and competence do. Meanwhile fast-food joints will always be revolving doors for losers of varying degrees. They aren't paid enough to care and you're not paying enough to complain.
Fast food is a very easy job
You can get overworked at easy jobs too. Did you ever meet a janitor in your life?
Not everyone can be a rocket surgeon or a business owner.
Stop being a jerk to people.
Man the idea of someone checking yelp before they stop by a Mcd's is strangely funny. As if people actually cared about service in fast food restaurants. For most normal people the threshold is anything above "spits on my food"
Depends on how packed the place was and what your ordered.
You think that until you discover your local mcdonalds takes fifteen minutes to get you a double hamburger and fries
If they can't handle a simple job like this, why would anyone hire them for any better, higher-paid job?
People need a reason to do a good job
If you show up late at night on those open 24h restaurants, this is not out of the ordinary. They operate with reduced staff while also handling all the delivery orders in the area. Even you thought you were alone it doesn't mean the staff was goofing around to fuck with you.
When you're properly staffed sure. But when 80% of your staff is teenagers who'd rather skip a shift to go get high or go to a party or some shit, you're basically guaranteed to be doing 2 peoples work every shift. or just half assing both of them because it's a minimum wage job and if they're going to fire anyone, it's the fuckers that's don't show up. Don't even get me started on the middle age single moms who can't work for shit, but they're single moms so no one has the balls to fire them
Janitor is a hard job. Line level fast food is not
So you don't get fired. So you can potentially get promoted. So your boss gives you a good recommendation at your next job. Because you have some fucking pride and aren't just a useless lump of millenial shit.
It wasn't an unusual time, it turns out it's owned by a guy who owns a few other mcdonalds in the area and keeps them all understaffed.
People especially never realise that during night shifts, there's a litany of cleaning tasks and prep tasks to get done, in addition to serving some drunken faggots who want 5 extra customized jr chickens, who'll ''jokingly'' berate you for no fucking reason
How about personal pride? Not being a fuckup ?
Anyone working fast food longer than 6 months loses any shred of that pride at work. Especially if they already got promoted. mcdonalds manager is a dead end unless you want to devote a decade to getting your own store, in which case, congrats, you've made a career out of working at fucking mcdonalds. Hope you had no other options
Even the easiest position at Mcd's, manning the PoS van be extremely exhausting due to the amount of assholes you have to deal with.
Argument goes both ways too. If you can't offer a job that pays a decent living wage why would you ever expect a slew of talented and motivated workers to staff your company? Why would you expect anything but bottom of the barrel?
It's a fucking McDonald's position, the butt of every joke about low quality employment, why would you ever put effort into this shit?
Thats the attitude that leads to working at mcdonalds past the age of 18
>why would you ever put effort into this shit?
Why wouldn't you?
Dealing with asshole customers is easy
Why do people taje it personally and get so upset?
And McDonald's is more than happy to oblige these losers with jobs. Again, why would you ever think that anyone should put effort into a dead end job like that?
Man you could double the minimum wage for retail staff and it still wouldn't be enough to make up to it. I worked at gamestop in my college days, believe me you don't get paid enough to deal with entitled assholes like you.
You dont have to give a shit about your job, just dont complain when your shitty attitude and poor work ethic leave you with no other options
And dont demand $15/hr for a job that is designed to be done by high school kids
These people know they are stuck with these jobs. They know that you're not going to get better staff than them offering shitty pay.
People forget that the job market is indeed that, a market
I worked fast food for a year and retail for three.
There is no reason to get upset at asshole customers. Why make yourself mad?
I never took it personal and forgot about them the second they left
It's not about taking shit personally. It's about draining your energy dealing with assholes causing a scene because you can't trade in the used game their dog broke in half, smelling like they have corpse parts hidden inside their fedoras, trying to shoplift shit in plain sight, fighting other customers over who gets to play games on display and asking to see the manager when you tell them to not be general fuckers
It's not a simple job. A lot of times the store is understaffed . A lot of fast food places only have one window for drive through. Sometimes the person working drive through also has to take orders for front counter. A lot of times the person taking the order can barely understand what a customer is saying at drive through (poor mic quality, echo, background noise, customer not talking loud enough).
Got any gamestop horror stories?
How many fedoras and neckbeards?
This. Dealing with idiots wears you down. I imagine it would depend a lot on what the job was. My first and only retail job was at a hardware/paint store.
The hardware side of it was no problem. Aside from the occasional idiot you had to spoon-feed even the most basic information to it was simple. The paint side? That could be a huge pain in the ass--and it was nearly exclusively female customers. Men just came in, asked for paint, bought it, and left. Some women would stand there for hours agnoizing over whether to buy "sea foam green" or "arbor mist" (for example) despite the fact that nobody could ever tell the two apart. Or they'd bring in a tiny little spec of color somewhere and expect us to color-match it perfectly. I was once asked by one of these women "if I paint my chair rails this color (holds up sample) will it make my watch-band look too wide?"
I had some minor gripes but it didn't bother me too bad. I can't imagine how bad things must get at a fast-food place, video game store, or god forbid: the customer service counter at Wal-Mart.
1. Customers are usually assholes, and not worth worrying about too much.
2. 3. People working fast food jobs are usually just doing it part-time while going to school or looking for a real job.
Retail and Fast Food are not simple jobs when the store is understaffed and lacks proper equipment.
we would give a fuck if your Drumpf voting white ass paid us the $15 an hour we deserve
until then enjoy y'all cold ass fries boo boo
>we deserve
Nothing about fast food deserves 15
>its always the goddamn teenagers fucking around
It's actually niggers, amirite?
I used fedora as a reference but they weren't a thing yet when I was a teenager. We got plenty of fat neckbeards though. It was during the Wii/DS success days, pretty much anytime a major Nintendo released was horror day for us. The store was badly ventilated so you got this huge line of fat manchildren sweating profusely, the whole store smelled like a gym. The worst were the soccer moms though, they never pre-ordered and refused to leave and shut up if we didn't handle their Pokemon copies despite we explaining that our initial stock was all sold out and they'd have to be put in a list for desistances.
There is one story that stands out. One this guy comes in at the end of my shift and starts asking about these niche RPGs, Gamestop being Gamestop I knew we wouldn't have them, but I still checked our inventory on the PoS and offered to order copies if he wanted. Then he goes, no it's fine, listen man, I'm just gathering courage to ask you to let me use the restroom, is that okay?
Against my better judgement I said okay, the guy bolts with the staff key and I can see he already has this massive dump leaking down his pants (I could sense the smell but I thought nothing of it when we were talking). Now you know the thing about GameStop using restrooms as storage, ours was no different. So I enter the staff restroom and lo and behold it's a shit hurricane in there, the dude managed to get shit on the walls and even the stockpile of DS's and PSP's resting on a nearby create. I spent the rest of the evening trying to get shit out of the boxes and some poor sods out there got literal shitty handhelds for Xmas that year.
I still feel like vomiting whenever I remember that day
Did you really snap a shot of the empty window out of nothing other than upset about your tendie quality?
No it's California.
It may be the fact that I'm a leftist sjw cuck but I believe that anybody who works and creates something of value for others deserves a wage that allows for a living with some degree of comfort, no matter how braindead that job is.
Why is it that you get what you pay for is never an argument when we talk about the job market? If a company settles for paying the bare minimum the law forces them to pay, why does it think it deserves good employees?
dumb labor often does not have a leg to stand on when negotiating terms
if you work your ass off at a pleb job you are stupid. I only take pride in things I actually care about.
prove me wrong.
Man, I was lucky enough to work a commercial Sherwin Williams location. Everyone I dealt with were painters picking up shit and riding around on the forklift.
This, once again someone robbing your ass at a gas station give the niggers what they want you have literally nothing to lose.
I live on long island and the ones by me are mostly young bubbly blonde or Italian girls. They're very quick and efficient and the food is always put together nicely.
Other parts of the Island though where it's mostly blacks and hispanics, they work a hell of a lot faster but the food is kinda sloppily thrown together.
>The best situation is one where you deal with little to no customers, have few respknsibilities, and are paid well.
is this bait? what kind of fucking naive or entitled outlook do you have to have to expect this as a fast food worker?
New workers get put on fryer, front and drive through. Then they realize how much drive through sucks because of all the miscommunication that happens and how you need to restock your area, but you can't because there's a line of 20 customers at drive through and 10 customers at front that you have deal with. To get out of drive through you must be good enough at drive through to get promoted to grill where you not expected to leave your area to take a customer's orders.
I have a suspicion that people who treat retail workers like shit and talk about 'if they were hard working in the first place they wouldnt work there' havent worked a single honest days work and probably had everything served and handed for them their entire life. I have worked at 2 mcdonalds restaurants over the course of a year and a half. I have moved on to a better work place since then. Firstly, the restaurants are severely understaffed, secondly, if its rush hour, do you really think you are going to get your 50$ order in 3 minutes? At the very least, an average restaurant will go through hundreds and hundreds of orders a day, someone will forget the sauce once or twice, its not the end of the world you dont have to be a dick about it. Thirdly, people who work at fast food places are PEOPLE. Mistakes happen, they are not there to be your dogs and your personal slaves, its not their fault you have a bad day and you think you have the right to take it out on them. I swear, people will scrutinize and will deliberately look for mistakes of fast food workers even more than of 'regular' work places, because they look down on people who work there simply because they work there. At the end of the day you are the sad sack of shit for even eating at these places, and then you have the cheek to act all high and mighty like they are peasants. Working at mcdonalds taught me a lot about people, it taught me how to work efficiently and how to work hard (a fast food job seems easy, it is, but you almost always have to fill in for missing coworkers so double the workload almost always).
It was the opposite where i worked. The new workers would always start at the drink machines, then they go to the kitchen (learn the products) and they only get promoted to the registers if they show themselves to be competent enough. Drive through was the top of the stations, since you had to know how to use the headsets, have good coordination and work flow (gotta be fast and efficient, little room for mistakes) so it was reserved for the really good workers and the veterans. The kitchen had the most work since everything starts from there and goes through the kitchen. The cleaning was also pretty bad. Register and drive was comfy as you get to talk to people all day and you handle money and just take orders, it wasnt that bad.
Because they're either teenagers who can't be bothered to give a shit
Or they're the dredges of society who can't get a better job because they suck at life