Making it to one week sober edition
Making it to one week sober edition
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32 hours since last drink, feeling ok. Gonna slam bud lights tomorrow
31 hours away from one week sober. Trying to reset sleeping habits and coincidentally coming up on 31 hours without sleep. Chugging coffee to get me to 37 hours without sleep at which point I'm passing out with the alarm set for an early rise tomorrow. Just 6 hours to go.
I’m not even a bad looking guy. I must just have a shit personality. Am I so arrogant I can’t see my own personality flaws and fix them? I’m lonely but I can’t seem to fix it
Do you actually approach women? I haven't actually approached anyone with the intention of dating for years. I just feel like I have nothing to offer. I need to fix myself so I'm secure with who I am.
Fuck sobriety.
>no outlet calle
This is how I usually feel but I felt like I might as well give it a shot otherwise there's no chance I'll implement any change in my life and the rest of my life will just be like the last few years which is a really depressing thought.
Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He won't answer any more
Like the whisky drinken Indian
Or the Marine who went to war.
tuned up my bb gun
i dont have any booze in the house because i still havent gotten my debit card back and i was asleep all day so i couldnt go replace it anyway
>only 400ml of bourbon left from yesterday, already been drinking beer so can't drive
>need to drink twice as fast to even hope of getting as drunk as I need to be
sack up, gaylord
cant or wont drive
If you can't make a change drunk then you can't make a change at all.
I fixed my shit without giving up the bottle. I went from neglecting my wife and showing up to work every day still-drunk from the night before to just getting drunk a few nights a week. I did it because I had to. I love my wife but I also love being drunk. I just had to find the balance.
Can't lives in a house on Won't street
This is why I love the fact that I'm a 120 m walk from one liquor store, a 400 m walk from another and a 475m from a third. Though most the time if I'd been drinking and wanted more I'd just drive to one of them.
>If you can't make a change drunk then you can't make a change at all.
I'm glad you found balance but that's a bit presumptuous of you. We all have goals unique to us and some of those may not be able to be accomplished getting drunk in any frequency other than occasional.
Yeah, true. I got a little self-righteous there, sorry.
I didn't express myself properly. What I was trying to say is that you have to want to fix your shit. You have to find something worth fixing it for. If you can hit that in between place, all the better,.
All good
Food has finally become purely to aid me in drinking more
I don't care what I eat as long as it fills me enough to continue drinking and doesn't make me sick
Anyone recommend some good food for this?
>easy to make
>don't need to eat a lot of
I frequent Veeky Forums among other boards, and I've noticed that these threads are most common here. As an indulgent consumer of the /ak/ myself, I'm curious as to why it is so prevalent on Veeky Forums specifically. Is the industry that nerve-wrecking?
Not shitposting; just curious. For me personally, I love getting lit at night and listing to music on YouTube...Basically I abuse alcohol instead of taking a sleeping aid because I'm a goddamn insomniac--even on shit sleep I'm up at night.So I get warm with vodka and pass the hell out. If I didn't I'd be staring at the ceiling...
Does the cooking industry produce drunks?
Like, if you were a carpenter or a web designer would the outlook be the same?
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm a /g/entooman that just takes to the bottle too much to stay sober. Getting drunk is as routine for me as morning coffee is for some people.
Contrary to what you might think, I don't drink because of work. I might be underpaid, but I like my job. I drink because its what i do.
I tend to keep tins of fruit around my bed, as well as peanut butter, honey and raisins. Those combined with supplements like thiamine and an a-z have kept me alive for months on end in the past.
Food really is an essential though. After a week of not eating, a few bites is all I need to feel better for like 48hrs, it’s more relaxing than Valium at that point.
why such sweet things?
Just to pile in as many calories as possible
what's your body type?
It is of the ruined variety.
I feel ya, man; drinking is me time...
won't, too good of a person
got drunk, finished the rest of bottle of 30 mins
Are you me?
Hate to feel this way btw, how do you handle it?
i just had a miller lite in the stenie bottle
very nice i like the bottle
I've just grown to accept it really. I won't be able to change that aspect of my life until I become someone I'm comfortable and confident in and feel like I have something to offer another human being. To do that I need to work at the things about myself with which I'm insecure.
Except the boozenthal prevents you from becoming that, so it's an ever-perpetuating conundrum.
Yeah, I have actually come to the same conclusion last year, good luck with your change other me, keep it up
>what is bread
Even when you’re drunk? I hit on everyone while I’m drunk, because booze makes me feel like a conqueror of worlds. Every hot gril in the street, the shops, the bus stop, park, all of them everywhere. I’ve had my dick inside two grils within half an hour of meeting them since last year, after hitting on them in the queue at the shop here then taking them straight home.
Grils want to get fucked, they’re just too scared of rejection, having babby or being called a slut. Make her feel at ease about those things, be endlessly confident no matter what (booze) and more often than not, single grils will happily provide you with orgasms.
Zero chance of ever maintaining a long-term relationship, because I’m a drunk, but I’m ok with that, because I’m drunk, and intend to be forever.
i'm like you when I drink, but that's not the case with everyone. not even alcohol can drown the insecurities of some people
that's what I've been trying but it's not filling enough to only eat bread
drinking makes me not talk or interact with anyone at all when I go out
and I'm a confident guy
are you like a shut-in autist when sober or something?
>Does the cooking industry produce drunks?
most people here dont work in kitchens and probably never have but it does in fact produce a lot of drug and alcohol users
i think though that Veeky Forums has so many because someone functional enough to cook for themselves (or is in a situation where they have to cook for themselves) but who is still on Veeky Forums probably has a lot of problems and may have turned to the bottle in response.
>what are you like sober?
Dunno really
It's not that Veeky Forums has more, it's just that this is where you have the threads since alcohol is most closely related to "food and cooking".
Anyway, I need some ideas for what to drink tonight. Anything goes. Anyone got something?
>tfw mates starting to jokingly refer to me as an alcoholic and ask if they should be concerned
red wine and coke, make sure you use lots of ice it's only good cold
Not a chef myself but I remember hearing this on the radio that interviewed quite a few high level chefs and goes into quite interesting detail on the subject of substance abuse in the culinary industry.
> sugar with sugar
> but make sure it's cold
> i'm a man of quality
im pissed in the morning. feels so liberating.
I'm doing something that I want to do....just for me and i feel wonderful, sublime and beatific.
I might go and buy another bottle of wine.
in fact I will....because i want to
I remember that feel when I was young. I used to always be drunk, and always feel good. Like being born a billionaire, just with not enough sex and a bit too much poison.
Is this a joke? That would definitely be an interesting taste I'm sure...
im 36
Valium kicked in whilst at the store. got quite discombobulated....impulse bought beer because the wine aisle wasn't cohesive.
I find that mixing valium with booze rejuvenated my love of alcohol and brought on a second honeymoon with the demon liquor that so far (8 months) is lasting.
I no longer get the fear when i run dry.
keep the milligrams low tho.
I'm going to read poetry now until i pass out and buy some more.
good wishes to you all
5.5 years sober here and fucking love it, never imagined i could be so non-miserable a fair amount of the time
>so non-miserable a fair amount of the time
Is that all there is to look forward to?
>a fair amount of the time
>5.5 years sober
i'm 30
god i hate midgets
Any news on smirnoffbro and simpsonbro?
that was my first reaction too
I drank this for years
Great way to down horrible cheap cask wine easily
I would recommend more of a 75wine/25coke mix though not 50/50
50/50 mix takes way too long to get drunk and is sugary as fuck
idk how to get my hands on valium, wish I could find it
It went fine, actually. Huge dinner, steaks w/ sides leftover. Booked hotel room, tore it up with our bodies, etc. She would've been happy with next to nothing, but I'm sure she likes being treated special. She isn't pissed at me anymore.
Drinking my 375 of Smirnoff before I get home to my sweet, sweet handle.
sometimes I go to other threads on this board and wonder why people aren't talking about booze
go to a shady psychiatrist and say you have massive anxiety and problems sleeping
DON'T mention drinking
>"did you take the vodka in the bathroom?"
>"can I have it?"
>"what the fuck, why?"
>it's part of my morning ritual
>"shitting and drinking vodka?"
>"I don't believe you"
>normally I don't do both at the same time, but today it's streamlined because I don't have a shot glass
DNM's used to be good. but they seem to have gone to shit lately.
i use sites that sell steroids. some steroids get you uppity and valium calms them down. don't scrimp. if you you find 100x10mg for 50 bucks its bunk. buy pharmacy-tier pills.
AND DON'T USE HIGH DOSES. 5mg of legit valium takes the fear out of hangovers.
take 60mg whilst drinking and you'll choke on your vomit
i have a work party this evening. i have been skipping work for over a month and a half now. should i go? my boss came to my house to have a chat about it and said i should go but i feel like it's going to be awkward at best or an outright trap at worst
You should go. Having a boss who genuinely cares about your well being is rare and you would regret it in hindsight if you blew them off.
I was in a similar situation and blew them off.
You should go. Lie about a family member dying or something, and make amends. The first few days back will be rough but it'll be worth it. Plus you get to reappear in a casual situation.
idk man people caring about my well being doesnt make me be well, if anything it makes me more anxious
too late i admitted to being shit and having brain problems of my own making
>Plus you get to reappear in a casual situation.
thats my fear -- people higher up will see that, or just people in general will, and they'll be like "he won't come to work but he'll drink our beer? the audacity of this fucker. what an absolute piece of human garbage"
>the fear out of hangovers
what fear
chefs tend to be drug addicts, that includes booze, but there aren't a lot of chefs on this board
>if anything it makes me more anxious
That's why I blew them off but pushing people out is a bad spiral to get into
Skipping it will give you another thing to hate yourself for which will probably drive you to drink
No booze in my house so I had a big chocolate pizza to fill the gap, want to die
>go to my very first AA meeting
>after it ends go straight to liquor store
Why would you even want to be sober for that long? Everything in moderation OP, as a non-alcoholic I just drink a glass or two of scotch every Saturday to unwind and maybe a beer during work days but only if someone's offering to buy.
>chocolate pizza
Is this some kind of new degeneracy?
That's practically a tradition. There's a reason step 1 reads "admit your problem" instead of "stop drinking." AA is more about the community of support than the actual stuff they squeeze into one hour, and it'd be really rare to feel like part of that community in only one meeting.
I remember posting here when I was in the closet and trying to repress my gender
Now I have tits and am a very happy transgirl
So why can't you fags just pour all the alcohol you have down the toilet and stop buying new alcohol? You don't even have to stop drinking forever, drink only at bars and don't go to bars more than twice a month. There. Alcoholism solved.
Hands shake too much to drive or work
the choice argument is a good one, but it is flawed
think youll end up as one of the ones that realise they just straight fucked their entire life and will stop passing in 3 years and kill themselves or nah?
They will shake even more once you crash your car into a light pole.
>the choice argument
Yes, you have free will.
Nah, I was on the point of suicide before hormones, the changes are amazing and i feel so free
I was looking on ck and remembered I used to post here
pics pls
not really but ok
Somewhat. People seek pleasure and avoid pain.
Life is mostly pain though, if you can't learn to enjoy it or at least tolerate it without mind-altering substances then...
> pushing people out is a bad spiral to get into
they mentioned that too but i dont believe it
i feel i have much more to lose than to gain on this one, too. if i dont go it's the status quo at this point. if i do go, it may be taken the wrong way, and the mediocre middle of the road case is it's just a normal party but these parties generally arent my style
(im a shitty nerd and theyre mostly french hick girls and university-age brodudes, theyre good parties but just not my scene)
my issues are things other than the drinking itself and honestly i could do without drinking at home, it's the cabin fever that gets me to waste money at bars late at night so i can be away from all the reminders of my failure for a few hours
a place near my house has nutella pizza and tbqh just looking at it made me want to die. that is simply too much sugar
But drinking is fun ;)
For me it's only fun until I lose my balance, then it becomes a pain in the ass and I can't wait for the 30-40 minutes needed to sober-up to pass.
I'm alive and back home. Gf is out grabbing more liquor, it's her day off and we're gonna reheat all the leftovers from last night and pull out the pullout couch and have a shatter/ day drinking marathon. Life is okay. She isn't mad anymore.
I had a nice conversation with the Uber driver, but I keep thinking about how instead of wasting so much money on food/hotel last night I could have unironically bought 500 mcchickens.
I'm 21. I earned that money. I want to kill myself desu.
And old crackas in suits were losing their shit over weed, lmao alcohol is almost as addictive as heroin.
As someone who's been through both addictions, alcohol is nastier in certain ways. It's more destructive to your personal life, as you can't drive, everyone can smell it on you, and you act like a fucking retard when drunk, which is all the time. It also makes you feel and look worse physically.
I have a hard time saying one is worse than the other, except that heroin guarantees you hit rock bottom quickly while alcoholism can last years.
Did religion help you in any way? I go to Church and can't feel anything, I'm completely dead inside and I buy/do drugs on "autopilot".
No, but I've seen it help a lot of people. I think it's more the community that helps them, and luckily I had good family support to replace it. Court ordered therapy also helped as I was arrested and had to complete a program to stay out of jail.
therapists are useless, don't listen to the shills
It's good short term to figure out why you feel the need to self medicate with drugs and alcohol, but solving it is kind of up to you.
if you are a responsible enough adult to have access to drugs and alcohol (and the cash to buy them, and the social ability to do it without melting down, and the mental ability to not get lost on the way) you probably already understand your own feelings and what makes you upset enough that you need drugs and alcohol
Not being miserable is pretty great when you're used to misery.
Alcoholism is so shit that I'm grateful to just not feel sick and worried. All I need to do is eat, sleep, maybe go for a walk and entertain myself. Life is full easy mode when you're a sober first worlder.
Not the lad you responded too btw.
Just got laid off yesterday. Which is fine. It happens every year around the same time, then work picks back up in 2-3 months. Unemployment checks and savings keeps me afloat while I'm out of work, but I have absolutely nothing to do during the day. I end up sitting at the library all day, surfing Veeky Forums, and eating fast food in my car.
My family thinks that I'm working all winter, but I'm not. I wake up and get dressed and pretend that I am, though.
Anyway, usually I stay sober all winter, but this year I have a little extra money than normal and want to actually enjoy my nights again.
I would love to be wasted right now. But I don't want to risk my husband coming home and seeing me passed out in a puddle of piss. And I don't have enough time to sober up before he gets home.
Why not be honest about not working?
The truth will set you free, anone.