Anyone else eating with the homeless for Thanksgiving?
Anyone else eating with the homeless for Thanksgiving?
Fuck no. Those people smell like shit and piss.
t.someone who used to work with the homeless
Here in Austin, Texas, the local grocery monopoly HEB offers a free Thanksgiving dinner every year. It's awesome. Held in a huge conference arena downtown, they serve you everything. Free soda, turkey, sausage, sides, unlimited servings. It's goddamn beautiful.
>free food in Austin
So I imagine it’s over run with drug addicts/crazy homeless people, hippies, and crust punks.
HEB is a monopoly? I always thought it was Kroger or Tom Thumb/Safeway.
>Fuck no. Those people smell like shit and piss.
Why do you have to be negative all the time user?
Why can't you just say something nice about the world instead of constantly assuming the worst of everything ever?
Nah, I will probably be working that day.
No holidays in the service industry ;)
Well, unless you are one of the senior employees who have had to miss 10 years of holidays to get to that point.
Not this Thanksgiving. They're hard to corral and butcher, gamy flavor, and too many poisons in the meat.
>serve full turkey dinners for homeless people once a year
>soup kitchen the other 365 days
what's the point of this gesture
that is for literally every other website, Veeky Forums is where you're allowed to be negative
Maybe the week before.
Its humbling as shit.
Allowed, sure. But you don't have to be.
did you mean eating the homeless? It's easier to capture homeless people to butcher and sell as ground pork
no i get what he means, sometimes you just want to be a asshole
here the only people hurt are huge fucking pussies because everything being anonymous means that the person talking shit to you is probably worse then you
it does get tiresome sometimes though especially on the boards partial to you
You mean realistic.
Why would I do that?
I'm cooking for about 15-20 disabled people this thanksgiving. Wish me luck.
Good job user, I wish you luck.
>Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
>But user, many would rather die than go there.
>Then let them do it and decrease the surplus population!
I would but I don't know where they live
for them to celebrate their thanks for having a soup kitchen 364 days out of the year?
I was thinking about it. My girl's dad's church is doing a thanksgiving for the homeless and I was thinking of volunteering for a few hours.
oh wow the whole family is gonna make it this year? that's nice
How do you do that?
>My girl's dad's church
Run. Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction and whatever you do, do not let her touch the condoms.
Degenerate junkies, filthy college antifags, freeloading hippies and communists. Maybe legit homeless could get a meal after these scum.
you don't have to patronizingly interact with people. treat them like human beings, not sick street animals
>Running from a Christian girl
Enjoy Stacy and her double digit body count
Good job, user
>christian gril
>more moral and chaste
Oh, you sheltered child. One of the wildest wenches I ever dated was a fundamentalist preachers daughter. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say it involved leather and belts.
Thanksgiving was last month, shit head
Please goto reddit and stay there
Better 50% chance of a whore than 100%
Are you going to sexually molest them after? Tell us your stories. I used to work in a care home for spazzes and I'd make them rub my dick and if they weren't feeling very cooperative they'd get a knuckle in the back of the neck. Fuckin tards
When did people start eating the homeless? That sounds nasty.
>I hate people who have it harder than me and still manage to survive
You'll get yours user
No he won't.
You belong in prison.
Yeah, he will. People always get what's coming to them. It may take awhile, but it always happens.
1 in 10 chance of becoming homeless in the united states. 1.6 Billion homeless worldwide
The possibilities are endless
>People always get what's coming to them.
What are you, 12?
Real life isn't a (((movie))), kid.
More like trust punks. It's trendy to be homeless now, haven't you heard?
everywhere i go in austin that isnt south of downtown is just full of fucking homeless people. you would think in a stupidly rich city full of white-college kids who bitch about capitalism while using their parents money would be a little more mindful instead of paying 62 dollars for a meal for 2 at a sushi place would be a little more mindful. i cant even tell the difference between a homeless person and college student sometimes
t.san antonionian
because humans are niggers and it would probably get abused by fatties while real homeless niggas are asleep at the meal
>That pic
feels sad, man
Good way to use up leftovers
As someone who's OBVIOUSLY older than you, he's right. Everyone gets payback in one form or another. I've witnessed it many, many times, to people from all walks of life. No one escapes unscathed. Better buckle up, smartass.
muh just world
kiddos first comment
Why Austin is getting worse, its still no where near as bad as cities like Portland. Large cities always have homeless though. Its just a sad fact of life.
>unironically believing in karma
Ignorance is bliss, huh?
>I ain't gonna let nothin' interfere with me being an asshole
Hard to believe how bad she looks now. Why do women age so badly user?
You might have something, if George Soros and Hillary Clinton weren't still alive.
Go back to your containment board, tard.
>even if he meets no karma in this life, he will go to hell when he dies :^)!!!!!
I will be working
I don't believe in hell. However I guarantee you reap what you sow.
>say something nice
Plenty of people commit horrible acts in lif while they benefit more than you ever will. They will suffer almost never, and in return are only rewarded in life.
Nice cope against your high school bullies bro
Because society is shitty and being optimistic and positive about it is full-on psychotic. Human behavior is not positive in general, except for maybe 1% of the population. The rest are screeching chimps ready to deceive you and hurt you as much as they can get away with.
t. Formerly very social person who found happiness in being hermit-level isolation
At the same time plenty of people do commit horrible acts and do suffer.
i.e American Prisons
Keep up that wishful thinking, POS.
Lol is this really how you are getting through life?
You can tie your shoes and make it into work somehow by yourself but to cope with others doing you wrong you have to believe that they will suffer later with no basis for your coping?
nice cope bro
>this much delusion
What the he'll do you think you're doing? You're "getting through life" by thinking it doesn't matter how horrible of a person you are because there's no repercussions? You might as well stamp "sociopath" on your forehead. Guess what, child, there are ALWAYS repercussions.
That is a lot of gfs to feed
We aren't talking about various degrees of repercussions - you claimed literal payback. "No one escapes unscathed". Plenty do, infact they benefit from being a horrible person and never paid for any of it.
Keep coping you projecting autist, who said I was ever hurting others? I simply recognize that there are bad people who benefit from being bad and in fact never truly suffer for their actions as you would love to believe
Except you're wrong. Everyone pays in some way for their bad choices. Your naive as fuck.
Prison is backlash for those dumb enough to not hide their crimes
*You're *
Coping intensities. You call them bad choices due to being a moralist fag. They benefit greatly from these choices and do not experience any troubles or suffering for them. Many such examples.
I once worked with my church helping to feed and cloth homeless people when I noticed that there are two types of bums. The first are the ones that are actually grateful for what charity they are given. They usually take a minimal amount of things and almost always take less than they are offered. We handed out food packs and many people would just take what they wanted and would leave the rest with us. The second kind is pure cancer, I'd call them there welfare queens. They are loud rude and obnoxious and are always upset about something. They constantly try to take more than what they are given and then bitch that it's not enough. I'd say that it was only about 60% that was the latter, but their poor behavior made it feel like it was 90% some times.
Stop talking like a poltard. Your repercussions have already begun.
>It is alright to murder someone if you get payback of tripping over or spilling your coffee
how is your friday mr. redditor?
Well, 60%+ of people in general are total assholes, so that sounds about right.
What a poor ass guess.
Tbh you come off as a giant faggot trying to feel better about people who have done you wrong. Some of them """payed""" for it, some of them didn't. But it was independent from what they did to you.
You know you and the other 40% of your country that is unemployed will be homeless when your parents stop making you tendies right?
mommy would never kick me out. she gives me mushi mushi and love me very much. cook my tendies at exactly 325 for 20 minutes and i am a very happy boy
When did I ever mention people who had done ME wrong? You're so full of projection and personal justification you can even read properly. You have issues.
It's clear you are projecting because you even projected upon me that I must be a sociopath to point out people do bad and are only rewarded and never punished for it.
two things are clear here;
-you are a projecting sociopath who commits bad acts against others
-you are experiencing hardships and suffering which you infer as being "karma" or "pay back" for what you have done to others
Its okay pal let it out
>makes a thread about eating with the homeless so they feel as if the community cares
>turns into a debate about karma
Never change Veeky Forums
Oh my fucking god, rarely do I see posts this delusional.
>"I know you are but what am I?!"
>"I'm rubber you're glue!!"
I'd love to actually have a real conversation about this, but you're so fucked up, you'd never understand anything that's not part of your own echo chamber. Which is sad, it puts you on the bad path, but it's your choice. No one can help you if you don't want it.
Lmao nice troll post
>Everyone gets payback
No, they don't, you naive child.
That user demonstrated how your childish notion of "payback" is complete bullshit with those two examples, and yet you get butthurt and invoke the /pol/ bogeyman?
>At the same time plenty of people do commit horrible acts
And good people get fucked over all the time.
semi low effort troll or complete retard
this a troll thread
I have to work all day
Nah, we dont have legit homeless people here. Of course, we dont celebrate thanksgiving either so
The problem is that the homeless shelter in austin is right next to the entertainment district
You are dangerously retarded.
I'm a socialworker so maybe
I actually worked in a shelter and am currently working in what americans would call a halfway house. Literally nobody smells like shit/piss. These people are dirty though
>Are there no workhouses?
>But user, many would rather die than go there
Unironically a good idea.
Weed out the homeless that just had very bad luck and ended up on the streets from the fucking junkie pieces of shit. The mentally handicapped ones belong in an institution anyway and the voluntarily homeless people (aka "punks") or "homeless" "people" (aka gypsies) should be forced to work anyway.