does anyone else like their steak Pittsburgh rare?
Does anyone else like their steak Pittsburgh rare?
I'd have zero issues eating that but would prefer a min or two extra on either side.
Hell yeah I love cooking a nice thick steak rare as fuck
steelworkers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who would bring the steak to work with them uncooked, and at lunchtime, slap their steak onto the incredible surfaces of smelting furnaces.
Sure, but I'd leave off that glaze and extra seasoning. Salt and fresh ground black pepper only.
Did they wrap it in foil or anything first?
grow some balls junior
Do you wrap your steak before putting it on a pan or grill?
Why would they?
I'm guessing he means as they take it with them to work. Like bloody steak in your hand on the way to punch in.
you pulled that out of your ass. not true
The term started in the various steel mills in and around Pittsburgh. The mill workers needed high calorie food for the heavy work and had only 30 minutes for lunch. The blast furnaces were heated to over 2,000F degrees. They would throw a steak on the side of the blast furnace which was sterile due to the high heat, leave it for a few moments, and then turn it. The steak was seared but raw inside.
>Pittsburgh rare
we just making up terms now?
I heard that too but I don't think it makes any sense. It's a myth
>at a restaurant last night
>overhear conversation of table behind us
>one girl is bragging(?) to the others about how her dad orders his steak
>"He tells the waiter to 'cut a hunk of meat off the cow, put it on a plate, and bring it to me' EVERY TIME!"
I almost approached her to brandish my concealed carry firearm but in the end I just had them move us to another table
low test :(
Things that never happened.
Ugh, weird. You heard somebody else's half-hearted second-hand joke and their friends' polite laughter and took it so seriously that it made you angry.
Also Black&Blue.
they kept them in butcher paper
t.grandson of pittsburgh ironworker
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