Does the “You are what You Eat” meme, hold any true merit?
Physically, or psychologically?
Does the “You are what You Eat” meme, hold any true merit?
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Both. When you sweat you will smell like what you eat, making it physical. Depending on what you eat you will either be alert or aloof making it psychological.
>you are what you eat
i dont remember eating myself
>Depending on what you eat you will either be alert or aloof making it psychological.
that's not becoming what you eat though. Like, I become alert by drinking coffee, but coffee itself is not alert.
Yes. If you eat shit food your body will be shit. If you eat good food your body will be good. If you don't know what is good food and what is shit food then your body is most likely shit.
That’s not a “meme”, tardmonger.
That’s just an adage or a cliche.
If you look at the diet of two set of people you can tell generally what income group they are in and probably what ethnicity they are among other things
Well, if you count the people who eat ass... Yes. They constantly make an ass of themselves.
Its mostly true. Same as putting a shitty, cheap motor oil in your car. You can easily tell the difference between an expensive, quality one vs a poor one. If you eat total garbage then your body suffers for it.
This. You can pretty much predict someone's age, social class and education level as well as what region they live in by looking at their diet. Food choices and preferences are totally tied to that. Also your politics. It's been shown that proximity to a Whole Foods predisposes you to a totally different political slant than proximity to a Cracker Barrel.
Unless you eat ass it doesn't matter.
How could this be NOT literally true?
Yeah I eat lots of pork and I'm a disgusting pig
>Veeky Forums is a board full of shitty people who only eat shitty food
Your body is primarily composed of the matter that you consume. You are what you eat.
Sounds like you're arguing that the food establishment dictates the politics but it's really that they open where the demographic happens to have political leanings oriented a certain way. For example, cracker barrel won't do well in a region with a preponderance of educated people. It requires a region populated by mostly mouthbreathing cletus and billy bob whitetrash. The reverse could be argued for WF, but in neither case do they influence the demographic to be what they are politically. They just capitalize on it.
Every single cell in your body gets replaced after a certain amount of days. How the hell do you think your cells replace themselves over a period of time? Spontaneously? Of course it's from what you eat, you are indeed what you eat in the most literal and figurative way.
>Sounds like you're arguing that the food establishment dictates the politics
I'm just saying there's a correlation between where you live, your food preferences and your politics. To some degree your politics and food preferences are going to be shaped by where you were raised. This will also have an effect on your education and opportunities as well.
Whole foods is patronized overeducated feminists but you won't see niggers there despite both groups being made up of retards whereas cracker barrel appeals to everyone. Think of a better example my communist friend
>cracker barrel appeals to everyone.
It holds zero appeal to me. Not a fan of boring, heavy food served in big portions. And the Cracker Barrel Whole Foods thing is an established indicator of regional political attitudes and how people vote. See the Cook Political Report.
Different diets affect bloodsugar, and other similar variables. And how long energy last, hence endurance for daily life.
So you do become what you eat, just not literally. And yet it is literal: You mirror the nutrition, not the source of food
Plain simple foods allow for plain simple health which also allows for plain simple good living
I was into eating my own cum for a while and for sure had a big taste difference when I ate fruit and healthy stuff versus shitty microwavable food or coffee
>no niggers at WF
lol, stop by WF in Memphis sometime, whitetrash, if you think your 'beetus heart can stand the shock of being in proximity to someone different.
>cracker barrel appeals to whitetrash and nigs
Sounds about right since they're the same.
Sorry America but anyone who shops at a supermarket is a mouthbreathing pleb
Proximity plus diversity equals war. No thanks my brainwashed friend.
If i like eating pussy does that make me a pussy?
No but if you eat a little girl you will be one.
Wow, deep dude.
*hits blunt*
Just look at all the Fats at Walmart, then look at the crap tier food in their shopping cart. Perfect example.
YES. I am both mostly lean and only appealing when you don't have anything else. Guess what I eat.
Is this how genderfluid are born?
No that's liberalism
>your character and health are reflected in the decisions you make 1-3 times a day every day of your life
gee willikers, op. I dunno.
It can't be, because I've never eaten pussy.
yea no fucking shit. where do you think your matter comes from?